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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

It also helped rid the body of excess fluids — the phlegm, and so forth. (Long pause.) The fever itself broke in the middle of the night. Ruburt did well with his attitude — especially since the hospital help are so prone themselves to negative suggestion. The high temperature was also the result of stoking the body’s furnace, so to speak — and, again, getting rid of any leftover “poisons.” Period.

(“But Seth was right,” she told me. “The body was trying to get rid of things — the mucous — that it didn’t want.” She sounded weaker than usual. Also during the night, her feet began to turn a mottled red color, reminiscent of the way they used to be when she’d had much swelling in them. Only now there was no swelling. The reddish clots looked like circulatory changes. I noticed them as soon as I entered 330. Jane said they didn’t hurt, except that her right heel in back, and the inside of her right ankle, bothered her a little.

The changes in the feet show the varieties of the circulatory system — an unevenness of circulatory flow as the system clears itself out. The improvements in the eyes today were partially the result of those processes, as the sinuses and so forth were flushed out, relieving the eye muscles, and also ridding the areas of some excess fluid.

TES7 Session 323 March 1, 1967 symptoms should rids housecleaning flexibility

When Ruburt’s mother went to the hospital in his high-school years, he had a symbolic way of ridding the house of her psychic presence, and to add to his own sense of inner freedom. [...] This also has a therapeutic symbolism for him in connection with his grandfather, that is the feeling that cleansing nature rids the air of impurities. [...]

[...] Through motor activities he rids himself of identification in a vigorous and aggressive matter, the symbolism worked out in physical terms. [...]

[...] Concentration on his writing in the morning helps rid him of symptoms, and so does concentration at nursery school, for his attention is otherwise centered. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize

Ruburt’s (very relaxed) condition today was the result of Friday’s news (about the very good sales of all of Jane’s books), and the body was ridding itself of a tension. [...]

Today the body began to rid itself of tension. [...]

[...] There are periods where there is some disorientation, as the body rids itself of tensions, at its own pace, and they will be followed by periods of physical ambition.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

[...] That, as Seth has remarked, the conscious mind must learn to rid itself of fear. [...]

Ruburt did make an attempt to rid himself of those feelings, however, by speaking of them to you, thus expressing them, and by reminding himself of our sessions and of his own physical improvements. [...]

TPS5 Session 831 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1979 teeth January overmuch Neill extracted

[...] His body is vastly releasing in the head and neck areas, and he is using the symbolism of the teeth to rid himself of several important problems.

TPS3 Session 764 (Deleted Portion) January 26, 1976 techniques consistently inhibiting supersede worrying

[...] He has become more determined than ever to change his mode of thought and to rid himself of the physical symptoms.

TPS2 Session 647 (Deleted Portion) March 12, 1973 freedom chores varieties impediments lack

What you told Ruburt earlier of course does apply, but there are freedoms now of which you are unaware, so do not concentrate on the limitations, while at the same time do try to rid yourself of them by concentrating upon immediate possible freedoms.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

This is simply the body’s way of ridding itself of mineral deposits that were once needed by the body, but are no longer needed. [...]

[...] “It must mean that the body is absorbing nourishment much better, if it’s got minerals to get rid of, instead of being short of them.” [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 12, 1984 cancer patients garbage disease unconscious

[...] Tell yourself mentally that you are an excellent person, and that you want to reprogram yourself, getting rid of any ideas that contradict that particular statement.

[...] If it seems to be that of a person, or angel, or animal, then ask it to speak to you, and to tell you how best to rid yourself of your disease or problem.

TPS2 Session 657 (Deleted Portion) April 18, 1973 satisfactory ashes Cybernetics Psycho diverts

[...] No day should be spent concentrating on ways to get rid of the symptoms, as today.

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

[...] “I will give myself this, and get rid of it, and then apply what I have learned to this other situation that has been bothering me.”

[...] He needed to know that people saw and recognized the symptoms of a cold so that when he was rid of it he could see for himself that they no longer perceived those symptoms in him.

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Psychological Time dials trivia peeping Psy flip

[...] First you must get rid of them.

TPS2 Deleted Session June 30, 1973 distractions youthful curtailment backslidings noise

The reason that he could not get rid of the symptoms was simply that he believed them necessary requirements to his work. [...]

[...] The more you concentrate on it as the problem in order to get rid of it, the more you blot out other aspects of experience that could help you solve it.

(Jane’s handwritten notes: “Now the distractions are the symptoms—I have to get rid of them.

(“Why I Want To Get Rid Of Symptoms

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 29, 1970 fish violence cannibals tribe kill

[...] It was not this giant that you feared, and it was easy to rid yourself of this. [...]

[...] He could use it as a symbol to see how small it was in comparison to the whole inner self and how easy, therefore, it was to rid himself of it. [...]

[...] The ignorance will cause them sorrow until they learn to rid themselves of it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 4, 1984 coldhearted heart brokenhearted healing feeders

(Pause at 4:25.) The sooner you can rid yourself of rigid beliefs about the survival of the fittest, the better you will be. [...]

TPS3 Session 798 (Deleted Portion) March 21, 1977 Prentice hip fleeting vascular company

Now, I bid you a fond good evening—and if you will really remember what I say, and take it to heart, then your chest would not bother you when you exert yourself or worry; and if you would remind yourself during your naptime that the vitality of the universe is indeed surging through your body as you sleep, then you would rid yourself of that annoying difficulty.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 26, 1970 god joyful browbeat takers commandments

[...] If you follow physical reality as a commandment then you will place your guilts in physical reality instead of getting rid of them as you should. [...]

TES9 Session 487 June 16, 1969 injections brain infections Pietra drugs

[...] As he rids himself of these he rids himself of infections. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 906, March 6, 1980 viruses indispositions biological immune dog

[...] The viruses, however, also represent tensions that the person involved is getting rid of. [...]

[...] [Because of that, and for other personal reasons], he could find no release for the intense energy he felt, so he got rid of it, protected himself, and threw out his threatening biological posture: the viruses.

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 6, 1984 blue SuperDuper periods Framework reflected

(Long pause.) These can often serve as springboards, however, leading to greater understanding, and the feelings themselves do indeed help rid you of fears and doubts that are expressed through such a medium. [...]

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