Results 221 to 240 of 853 for stemmed:return

TPS2 Session 603 January 10, 1972 Rembrandt varnish compromises pigment Italy

[...] While I discussed the Florence, Italy, data with Jane after the session, Seth returned very briefly re Rembrandt:That is why he went to Florence—to see the sculpture there. Perhaps after my return to Denmark from Italy I did some experimenting re painting sculptures, and then passed this information on to Rembrandt?

[...] When they returned he felt them again. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

[...] The spirit of the second island, then, brings forth elements in the first island that were not active earlier, but it becomes homesick, and so it finally returns to its own land.

The spirit of Island One says: “I quite enjoyed my venture, and I’ve learned that the great explosive thrusts of creativity are good — but, oh, I yearn for my own quiet, undisturbed shores; and so if you don’t care I think I’ll return there.” [...]

[...] But this new life confounds it also, and it yearns to return home to its old quietude. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 30, 1968 strap Janet engagement turnabout dainties

[...] There are influences working and she could cause you to return when you do not want to through influencing your parent. [...]

TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

Do not fear that many sessions will pass before we return to our own material. [...]

TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 frog seat burned electrical pond

The difficult point here that we must always return to, is that beneath all camouflage exists that which has no need of camouflage, but simply is.

(After leaving the hospital, Miss C returned home, to live with a housekeeper. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 27, 1981 sensations damper fireplace raccoon leg

[...] He returned at 5 PM to drop a heavy rope down the chimney in the hope the raccoon might climb out. [...]

(And Jane’s leg sensations had returned to a degree. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] There are also no returns.” The lack of returns lately, I told Jane, might be the best sign of all. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 1, 1982 Hal clots medical vasculitis Dr

[...] It wasn’t until we returned home Friday afternoon that I began to see how upset Jane had become by thoughts of arthritis, vasculitis, angiograms, clots, drugs, operations, etc. [...]

[...] They didn’t stay too long after being filled in on our situation, but the next morning Hal returned to offer his help. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 691 March 25, 1974 Tertiary birds fauna microsecond cells

[...] And since we decided that we were up to it, Seth returned in a quarter of an hour with better than two pages of material for Jane and me. [...]

[...] Was it possible that during the complicated rhythms of history, man could have been man (at least approximately as we know him) even before the Tertiary Period, then moved into a long cycle of animal-man forms before returning to being man again? [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 20, 1984 couldn Jeff vitamin Shannon worrisome

[...] I may or may not return, but know that I am present and approachable.

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 565, February 1, 1971 Lumanians nonviolence bleed coexist absurd

Now: We will return to our book tonight and Wednesday, and the following Monday and Wednesday, until it is finished.

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] These periods mark not the onset of dreams but the return of the personality from deeper layers of dream awareness to more surface ones. The self is actually returning to more surface levels to check upon physical environment. [...]

[...] They return more frequently, however, to periods of near wakefulness in order to check their physical environment, since they are not as sure of it as adults are. [...]

No man can find
The post or sign
That led the self
Through such strange land.
The way is gone,
The self returns
To slip its bony
Image on.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

[...] In that universe the individual has little hope for he will return to the nonexistence that his random physical creation came from. Following that line of thought, then accidentally, if you follow this through, a group of atoms and molecules were sparked into consciousness and song and then will return to the chaos from which they came. [...]

[...] I will let you take a break and return for I have a few personal remarks for you, and not accidental remarks. [...]

TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

Now for a moment we will return to our material on action, and you may perhaps see why this fits in so well here. [...]

[...] When we return to the inner senses again, we will be able to discuss them in further depth because of the material that we have covered in the meantime.

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 901, February 18, 1980 optometrist lenses snake glasses waken

(Long pause, then very intently:) We will return to the subject of war later on. [...]

[...] In his life [each] man is embarked upon a cooperative venture with his own species, and with the other species, and dying he also in that regard acts in a cooperative manner, returning his physical substance to the earth. [...]

TPS6 Session 933 (Deleted Portion) August 7, 1981 claims Massari medium attorney Bernier

[...] Jane plans to call Tam tomorrow to tell him what she’s learned, and to ask him to return the first material concerning the Massaris. [...]

Thus far, however, the old habits have returned, and for all of your joint good intents the idea of bringing things to a crisis point is still far less beneficial than it might appear This does not mean such a method cannot work at times. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 537, June 24, 1970 John center Barclay death corpse

[...] In these centers there are certain classes in which instruction is given for the benefit of those who chose to return to the physical environment.

Now I suggest your break, and we will return.

TES9 Session 425 July 31, 1968 Boston stabbed Van warmth neurobiological

Now to return to our discussion. [...]

[...] I felt him return. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

[...] When you are violent for any cause, the violence returns. [...]

TES1 Session 2 December 4, 1963 Watts Denmark Sweden Triev Frank

(“Do you know when you will return to earth the next time?”)

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