Results 21 to 40 of 853 for stemmed:return

TPS7 Deleted Session October 14, 1983 Rembrandt healing sponge soak rotated

Take a break, and I may or may not return—but in any case, again, the session continues at other levels. [...]

[...] I may or may not return, according to the rhythms I told you about. [...]

[...] Seth didn’t return. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 21, 1984 urine feverish vitamins temperature wouldn

His temperature has returned to normal. His feet are returning to normal coloration, and his urine is cleansed.

Now I may or may not return, according to those rhythms of which I speak — but know that I am present and approachable.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday Through Saturday softening Carroll Friday ambitious moveable

[...] Did do suggestions and try to return to the natural moment—though did forget that a few times. [...]

[...] On awakening could feel my eyes were bugging out and vision blurred some; Pat and Carroll came; I’m embarrassed to be seen walking as I do—worse Carroll comments on my eyes—throat—I’m mad at me and at her; instant poor mood, worry about eyes again—think worse things—make an effort to trust the physician within; tell myself to ignore negative suggestions—then return to natural data. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 15, 1983 Andrew insurance Fife news bureaucratic

[...] She didn’t return. [...] After she left, and while we were waiting for her to return, I rubbed several spots on Jane’s neck and forehead and the top of her head, and got excellent responses to most of them. [...]

[...] My news upon returning to 330 didn’t help Jane any, but I thought she was taking it very well, everything considered. [...]

I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak—but know that I am present and approachable. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 21, 1971 pyramid Martin Whatever autumn myths

(Very softly.) And now quietly return away from where you have been. Turn and return again through to the pyramid and the channel, back through to the rooms and the scenes and past people. Return again to the seasons, to the autumn, to the earth and the physical universe that you know. Return again thankfully and with joy to the self that you know, to the body that you know, and feel the energy flood through your physical being and open your eyes to the room and to the people that you know. [...]

TPS6 Session 939 (Deleted Portion) January 25, 1982 Dorothy Cathy massage onward boces

[...] I would like you to attend to your lives as they otherwise appear before you, for a period of time to return to sessions because of your natural living curiosity and involvement with them, and to attend most of all to creative thought as it naturally makes itself known. [...] But we will let it go for the moment, refresh ourselves and allow the energy of creativity to work upon the paragraph till we return to it.” [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 4, 1983 Phyllis cream knuckles healing rinse

[...] I sold it for $30.00 to an older man who returned to my outside wall, where I had my work hung several times before he decided to buy it. [...]

(After lunch I reminded Jane that a very important point to remember is the return, the beginning, of a number of her automatic gestures and impulses that she’d let go years ago. [...]

[...] I may or may not return—yet know that I am present and approachable. [...]

TES4 Session 172 July 26, 1965 Lorraine wings voice deep louder

We will make an effort to return to our own material.

[...] Ruburt will find that he is able to return to himself almost automatically. [...]

This session is somewhat in the nature of a transitory session, for we will almost immediately in following sessions return to our main interests.

[...] We will however in our next session return to our usual format.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

[...] When she returned Judy told us that Dr. G had written an order for a different ointment than Silvadene to be used on the knee ulcer; the new ointment would help debride the wound and promote faster healing. [...]

Now take a break, and I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I have spoken. [...]

As always, the session continues at other levels of your beings, and I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I have spoken. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 30, 1984 Oh dentist die lunch worsening

Of course, many of the difficulties are caused by the environment, and the sooner he can return home the better, regardless of how presumptive this may seem.

He must regain that determination to return, and so should you make every effort to do the same; your feelings that the affair is hopeless do not mean that the affair is hopeless — and this must be as clearly understood as possible.

[...] I will hopefully then return.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 11, 1977 fanatic threats stimulated wholesale realistic

Concentration upon natural data, as mentioned often of late, offers a healthy return to the body’s biological reality, and to its stance in space and time.

[...] The reflexology is of great benefit, both because of intent and the return to bodily integrity.

[...] You can help each other by reminding the other at various times to return to the moment’s prime data.

[...] The refreshment of prime data, the return to natural stimulation, allows you to react appropriately to any realistic “threat,” without exaggeration.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 20, 1984 impatience repair typewriter cartridges darning

[...] I’d also called our optometrist and asked his secretary to have him return my call so I could ask him a couple of technical questions about a note I’m writing for Session 901 for Dreams. [...]

I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak, but know I am present and approachable.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 7, 1984 body negative priceless Dana knower

[...] The actions involved in normal walking will begin to return. They are, now, beginning to return (as I was just going to ask Seth). On some days his eyes do not read as easily as on others, and on those days they simply reflect an unevenness as they prepare themselves for still other improvements. [...]

Now I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak — but I am present and approachable.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 19, 1983 leg tension dehypnotizing aspirin rotating

I may or may not return, according to those rhythms of which I have spoken, and again, in any case, the session continues at other levels of your being. [...]

I may or may not return, according to those rhythms of which I have spoken. [...]

[...] Seth didn’t return. [...]

TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

I will let you return to your social discourse.

[...] If you still do not realize that you create the reality that you know, then you return and again you learn to manipulate and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. [...]

[...] If you have too many ties with this reality and if you are too impatient, and if you have not learned sufficiently, then you may return too quickly.

[...] I will let you return to what I hope is pleasant social discourse.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 12, 1982 hospital arthritis countersigned mail medical

(A note: Jane has mentioned several times since returning home that Seth may dictate a biography of her—presumably including her hospital experiences, etc. [...]

[...] Her Seth voice was stronger than I’d expected it to be, yet with an underlying tremor that I’d noticed on a number of other occasions since Jane had returned from the hospital.)

[...] He is returning to activity at his creative, naturally therapeutic pace, no longer afraid that he is going too fast—or will —but shown only too clearly that activity and motion represent the only safe, sane, and creative response. [...]

[...] Since returning to the house, though, I’ve had absolutely no time at all for the mail, and have stopped answering it except for business and an occasional exceptional letter, or a request for a visit, etc. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

I will let you return to your social discourse. [...]

[...] If you still do not realize that you create the reality that you know, then you return and again you learn to manipulate and again and again you see the results of your own inner reality as you meet it objectified. [...]

[...] If you have too many ties with this reality and if you are too impatient, and if you have not learned sufficiently, then you may return too quickly. [...]

[...] I will let you return to what I hope is pleasant social discourse. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

Now I ask you to return fondly to your image and the knowledge of it. [...] To the intimate knowledge of the earth from which now, at least, you spring and to which the seed seems to return, for you have chosen a good teacher, the earth that you have created. Therefore, trust it and open your eyes and return your attention to the room. [...]

And now I am going to ask you to return slowly back through these dimensions, pausing but briefly. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 9, 1983 gas tray leg aspirin mattress

I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak, and it is indeed a good idea, as you know, to review our sessions. [...]

[...] I suggested Seth comment if he returned. [...]

[...] I was getting ready to leave when I asked Jane if she wanted Seth to return and talk about her discomfort with gas, which was persisting. [...]

ECS1 Session 363, ESP Class, September 12, 1967 island Grangers Monchuco Jesuit slurred

Strongly I have the number 5. Some event at 5 today, however, that will stick in their minds when they return. [...]

A former governor of another country once stayed at this island also and he was removed from office ahead of schedule or otherwise politically ruined, returning to his homeland in disgrace. [...]

Now we are returning here and we shall close this evening’s session. [...]

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