Results 281 to 300 of 978 for stemmed:rememb
[...] At the same time I remembered having a dream the night before, which I had forgotten, in which this same sort of experience had occurred. [...]
[...] (It wasn’t until much later that I remembered that another of Rob’s suggestions had launched me into fiction in the first place.)
[...] I remember a terrific impatience, and then I was finishing the message aloud: “They have to be translated into physical reality. [...]
I don’t know what Rob would have thought then if he’d realized what Seth meant by “internal visual data,” though; and writing this now I just remembered that he was pretty surprised when his first few internal visions appeared with extraordinary vividness. [...]
All Ruburt could remember of his dream was the knowledge that many of mankind’s most cherished conceptions about reality are completely false. [...]
[...] Jane remembered writing the object early in April, and thought it quite possible these two numbers referred to April 7 as the specific day she did so. [...]
[...] Jane said it is interesting to remember that from the classroom in which she had many long talks with Father Ryan, she could look across the street at the very section of the playground which served as the setting for her recurring dream.
Since they are often frightened and unsure of the future, they are more apt to cast their thoughts backwards into their early childhoods, reaching for their earliest memories, and mentally try to gain comfort from the remembered sounds of beloved voices, only to mentally glimpse other images than they expected, or to hear other voices than those for which they yearned.
[...] In any of these discussions, however, remember I am specifying certain important points, for there are, again, many realities. [...]
Often you are reacting to implied threats—either those you imagine in the future or remember from the past, so that you do not take the necessary comfort in the sense data of any given moment. [...]
Within the patterns of human experience, then, lies evidence of man’s greater ability: He rubs shoulders with his own deeper understanding whenever he remembers, say, a precognitive dream, an out-of-body—whenever he feels the intrusion or infusion of knowledge into his mind from other than physical sources. [...]
If man paid more attention to his own subjective behavior, to those feelings of identification with nature that persistently arise, then half of the dictates of both the evolutionists and the creationists would automatically fall away, for they would appear nonsensical.4 It is not a matter of outlining a whole new series of methods that will allow you to increase your psychic abilities, or to remember your dreams, or to perform out-of-body gymnastics. [...]
The thoughts of children give excellent clues as to mankind’s nature, but many adults do not remember any childhood thoughts except those that fit, or seem to fit, in with their beliefs about childhood.
Your joint determination is already building up bonuses in many areas, and by all means remember to keep up the personal contact you have begun together again. [...]
[...] Remember the use of the playful creative abilities, because again they can lead you to further ideas that would trigger unanticipated positive results in Ruburt’s condition, as per your chair idea, the table in the kitchen, and so forth.