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TES9 Session 497 August 20, 1969 proficient astral obtained dreambook traveling

[...] If you recall what I told you, I am always here to some extent. [...]

Now you should begin the same week with new suggestions to recall your dreams, but do it this way, as follows:

[...] Following Seth’s instructions, I recorded several dreams over the next couple of nights after this session; the first I have been able to recall in many weeks. [...]

TPS2 Session 670 (Deleted Portion) June 13, 1973 brakes mobility recommendations acquiesced freely

He normally and naturally awakens often in the early hours, and does not get up because his body is too sore, in his terms, but he spontaneously feels an alliance with himself and those hours, and intuitively knows that his creative abilities are strong then, and his dream recall good.

I want him to come over here (to the living room), make his coffee or whatever, be alone with himself and follow his impulses—to write or whatever, and to recall his dream experiences. [...]

[...] Before he sleeps he should remind himself of his natural gift of inner mobility, and encourage dream experience and recall. [...]

TPS5 Rob’s Dream Wednesday Morning, January 30, 1980 indeterminate brown brownish station slim

(In color as usual: An odd dream that I want to note, even though I can’t recall much of it. [...]

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Tuesday July 5, 1977 gal Hodgkin sugg Twilight ears

[...] Felt much better today, mentally and physically—roused, enthusiastic—followed Seth’s suggestions as far as I recalled them from last night and with I admit, results. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes July 17-19, 1981 pleasure prowling fans Longwell phone

[...] I do recall being awakened by Rob later Friday than usual. [...]

I put the statement together with the little I recalled from Seth’s session and then spent a few minutes feeling my body sensations: right knee—sore; arms—sore. [...]

TES1 Session 9 December 18, 1963 fragments dancing Beach images board

[...] I recall that at the time Jane had seen them first, and pointed them out to me. [...] I recall also that Jane mentioned that she wanted to talk to them. [...]

(The couple in question sat at a table for two directly in front of the bandstand; a most peculiar spot, I recall thinking, for an older pair who did not smile, did not dance, who caught our eyes occasionally, who did not seem to care about the drinks before them. I also recall that at the end of our stay there, Jane pointed out to me the fact that they were smiling. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 27, 1984 insurance circulate enemies health exuberance

[...] I still recall that one vividly.

[...] I do not recall the date of the dream without checking.

TES6 Session 264 June 1, 1966 shack surgeon trails tropics false

[...] There are probably gaps in my recall of it.

[...] There was a woman here in the dream but her role is beyond my accurate recall.

(Now one of my close friends—I cannot recall his name, if I ever knew it—was due to ski down one of the trails. [...]

[...] I was alone when I had it; I was therefore a little surprised to see that she had bought the magazine the next day, Wednesday, but the surprise was not connected with my recalling my dream. [...]

NotP Chapter 9: Session 791, January 17, 1977 dispersed Hamlet actor waking trans

(11:59.) Because that state is also connected with waking life, you also take into it many of the elements of your daily existence, so that your recalled dreams are often cast in fairly conventionalized terms. [...] Yet any real education must take into consideration the learning processes within dreams, and no one can hope to glimpse the nature of the psyche without encouraging dream experience, recall, and the creative use of dream education in waking life.

[...] As mentioned earlier, your recalled dreams are already interpretations of other nonphysical events.

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

[...] The first dream was entirely forgotten until I had completed writing my notes on the second dream, then I recalled the first one.

[...] I don’t recall that the voices bothered me now or if I heard them, though I had not turned the back radio off. [...]

TES9 Session 442 October 14, 1968 circle triangle vortex spirals Freudenberger

[...] The contact is also with your other reincarnated selves that you do not presently recall. [...]

[...] For you also react to me unknowingly on the basis of other relationships with me that you do not consciously recall.

[...] So in your physical life you die and begin a new life, with little memory of the one that has gone before, as you find it so difficult to recall your dreams. [...]

TPS5 Session 901 (Deleted Portion) February 18, 1980 ja regeneration chest Leonard glasses

[...] When we got up this morning I told Jane that I’d had a dream that we’d been participating in group sex at a party, but that I couldn’t recall anything more than that. No one we know was in the dream, and actually I recalled only the preliminary stages of the affair, not any actual sexual activity.

TES8 From Session 334 April 12, 1967 Gallaghers Metropolitan spy bus federal

[...] Can’t recall a Federal building though.”)

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

[...] No generalizations can completely answer these questions however, for despite them individuals, regardless of their sex, will show great variations in the dream images that they recall or forget entirely.

Children recall animal dreams more frequently simply because they are closer to cellular consciousness to begin with. [...]

[...] This does not mean that some individuals do not recall them.

Even if they are recalled as dreams however, they may appear meaningless, for they are unfamiliar to the ego. [...]

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

(As instructed, I gave myself suggestions for dream-projection recall, though I was tired. In the morning I was vexed to realize I had a memory of an experience involving Seth, but it was such that I couldn’t recall enough consciously to make notes.)

[...] Next morning however she could only recall that such a dream had taken place; no details appeared.)

TES2 April 10, 1964 April 12, 1964 branch anvil notepaper diameter asleep

[...] I do not recall a storm, or high winds.

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush

[...] Jimmy states that with Seth’s reminder, he does recall cleaning out some rubbish from the house last spring; the description, according to Jimmy, matches that of Elmira’s city dump, which Jane and I have not visited. [...] I asked Jimmy if by any chance he could recall where in the dump he disposed of that load of rubbish, but he could not. [...]

If you recall, I told you that the psychological time experiments would prove more fruitful now, but Ruburt really came up with a peach.

[...] Closer attention should be paid to your dreams, the suggestion given by you that you will recall them.

[...] I guess I opened it and read inside, though now I don’t recall doing so. [...]

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

(After the session Jane and I together put down what we thought she said; as we talked Jane recalled more and more. [...]

(Jane later said she thought she said more, but actually we do not believe we missed recalling much. [...]

TES6 Impressions Attached to Session 268 Friday, June 17, 1966 watch ha stolen wheelchair misplaced

[...] This was correct according to the Wilburs on Friday night, June 17, but now I do not recall just how. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 671, June 21, 1973 dream space orientation waking solutions

Beyond this there are experiences but seldom recalled, in which the usual identification of your consciousness with physical-life orientation is gone. [...]

(Slowly:) It may seem that such comprehensions have little to do with your daily life, particularly since they are so seldom recalled, and then only in translation; yet they provide you with additional energy — and when you need it most.

[...] Still, the dreams that you have and recall, and the resulting solution of many problems, represent only the surface layer of dream activity. [...]

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