6 results for stemmed:pur

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

(Although Jane had slept she was still tired. While she was talking to me our cat Willy lay purring on her lap. Abruptly at 8:57 the session began. Jane stood up, dumping Willy to the floor. She began to dictate in a fairly strong voice; her eyes darkened as usual. And Willy began to tag after her as she paced back and forth.)

(And Willy, strolling out of the bathroom, displayed no upset at all. He rubbed up against Jane’s leg, purring.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 576, March 29, 1971 fluctuations blank waking memory normal

[...] He purred as I carried him back to the studio. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

We parked here today
and the green world swirled
jungle-quick, downtown
across the river, and like
a city bushman I was in tune,
swinging through thought’s treetops
while the traffic stopped and started,
precise as a ceremony of animals,
almost formal, engines thundering
then purring, wheels pausing,
headlights hypnotized in sun.
You walked into the bank,
making an exchange as ancient
as any tribal dance.

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

[...] Awkwardly circling, he tried to settle down, purring, as I tried to complete these notes. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

[...] Purring and rubbing, Mitzi began to climb all over me as I tried to take notes. [...]

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Incidentally, your purring cat is very pleased with his home. [...]