6 results for stemmed:puppi

TPS7 Deleted Session November 11, 1983 puppy Carol gas washing rotating

Later he finds a pyramid-shaped pile of dead puppies, representing the death of old beliefs that had lingered from his childhood. He then discovers a newly-born puppy, fully alive, and this represents his finding and claiming the new spontaneous, creative portions of his being. He is on the way to register the puppy and claim it at a local police station, which means he was introducing this portion of himself to all other parts, and legitimizing it with the authorities—meaning that he was accepting it wholeheartedly under the auspices of the new authority of the self. The police usually stand for discipline, the puppy stands for spontaneity, and that spontaneity and order are united.

(Jane described her own vivid dream of last night, which I can only approximate here. It involved Jane washing the internal organs of a woman who’d died and had been well-known to a group of people—someone like Jane herself. Involved also was a puppy and other elements. I thought the dream very positive, and showed that Jane was shedding old beliefs and starting anew with new ones.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 27, 1970 Florence puzzle leash degradation segment

(To Florence.) And I would like you, dear Lady of Florence, to be aware of the questions asked by your inner self and not follow the intellect around like a puppy following its tail from one circle without answer to another for you limit the extent of your imagination in such a way. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 802, April 25, 1977 epidemics disease plagues inoculation die

[...] In a “purely natural” setting you would not have as many living puppies or kittens. [...]

[...] Animals stricken by kitten and puppy diseases, for example, choose to die, pointing out the fact that the quality of their lives individually and en masse is vastly lacking. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 730 January 15, 1975 fetus dolphins soul selfhood astrology

[...] They would be a commonplace in the animal world, for instance; witness the quick deaths of certain newborn kittens in a litter (as Jane and I have); or consider the puppy in an animal shelter, or pound, certain to be put to death in a few days if no one gives it a home. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

These rigid ideas can indeed act as leashes, so that you are forced to circle like a tied puppy dog about a very small radius. [...]

TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 flame candle height test inches

[...] “The color yellow” we think is a strong connection to the drawing of the dog; Dick recently obtained a puppy for his children, and when Jane and I asked David to describe the dog he called it orange at first, then yellow.