Results 21 to 40 of 403 for stemmed:protect

TPS3 Deleted Session December 17, 1973 symptoms Picasso price extraordinary isolation

Those purposes involve each of you and your work, and those methods that you think are necessary to direct your energies “properly,” husband your energy, and protect you from what you think of as a hostile world. [...] He is convinced that he must protect you and himself from any spontaneity not reflected in work, and from the world.

[...] The purpose, a good one, was to protect and develop them in the circumstances in which Ruburt found himself, and in line with his other ideas about the nature of reality.

[...] Protective mechanisms because of faulty beliefs are allowed to predominate, as when an overprotective parent manages, with the best of intentions, to smother a child. [...]

TMA Session Twelve September 22, 1980 disclaimer Parker textbooks Prentice intellect

(Intently in a fast delivery:) You are protected. Your work is protected. [...] Ruburt mentioned those concerns, but not with the same kind of feelings that he would have, say, [last] Saturday — and when you realize that you are protected, your own intellects can be reassured enough through experience so that they do not feel the need to solve problems with the rational approach in instances where that approach is not feasible.

[...] It tries to fly ahead with avant garde ideas, while at the same time protecting its flank of college textbooks. [...]

[...] And it’s obvious that in tonight’s little adventure I had once again cleverly protected myself from confronting the full creative blast of the light of the universe by allowing myself just a peek at it, and a careful one at that, at the top of a door. [...]

TES7 Session 318 February 8, 1967 Muriel Zeh poetic clairvoyant subconscious

[...] Quite adequate protection here can be given if he gives the daily suggestion that he will only react to constructive suggestions.

[...] The writer protected Ruburt against frightening experiences. [...]

[...] His mother taught him to be extremely fearful of his subconscious, and the rigid ego became a protection from it and her. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

[...] His unconscious had learned to tread a careful line, to let Ruburt use his abilities while seeing that he was protected at the same time. [...]

[...] He would do what he would do anyway, protecting himself as he thought fit. [...]

His new room gave him the view that he wanted, but no protection—and not only that, but then he was the one who met guests head-on.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 7, 1974 writer talent amaryllis womanliness duty

[...] Abilities must then be protected against “spontaneous” desires, which, it is taken for granted, will lead in another direction.

[...] It does not have to be forced or protected. [...]

[...] Ruburt was trying to do double duty—protecting his abilities and your own. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session January 3, 1983 tray Sonsire sling swaddled Ken

[...] For, being part of the whole, they are secure, beloved and protected. [...]

[...] For if Jane is finally learning the message involving freedom and protection in the world and All That Is, she may yet be saved, and recover....)

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

[...] I spoke to Seth, asking for both his help and reassurance, his protection, and that he help Jane reach Blanche.

[...] Jane said my speaking was a great help for her, and did act as a protective device. [...]

(It also appears that the method we used will be a good one to simply put Jane in a trance state; said state to be used for whatever purpose we have in mind at the moment, offering a protective framework, etc.)

TPS2 Deleted Session November 24, 1972 thrashing felt uncherished deprived he

Self-protection kept you from doing so. [...]

The symptoms were also a protection. [...]

[...] He kept trying to get your attention with the symptoms while using them to protect himself at the same time, unless he saw signs of the particular warmth and acceptance he needed. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 565, February 1, 1971 Lumanians nonviolence bleed coexist absurd

(9:13.) Various old religions picked up the idea of the Lumanians’ fierce god figure for example, in whom they managed to project their concepts of force, power, and violence, this god who had meant to protect them when nonviolence would not allow them to protect themselves.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 29, 1979 Enquirer Mitzi abilities sperm nosing

[...] Ruburt’s main problem was that he tried too hard to protect himself because he believed it was necessary. [...] Some get through easier or quicker than others, and a belief in the need for protection has been the most stubborn lingering belief from Ruburt’s past in this life. [...]

[...] He tried to form a protective self to keep himself in line. [...]

[...] Instead, they provide genetic protection against possible eventualities. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session November 18, 1974 ape instincts identification pygmy grandfather

[...] That negative quality emerged only when he felt the need for greater protection, when he threatened to become uncivilized—going against his society in unforeseen ways. When he became important at all in world terms, he could no longer be a pygmy, and therefore lost a part of that identification that he felt had protected him against his mother and the feared spontaneity or instincts. [...]

He also identified with his grandfather as a child, seeking protection from his mother in someone who seemed to love him more. [...]

Being shorter also would bring about physical alterations that would themselves protect against instinct or animal behavior. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 11, 1978 overemphasis pendulum lifework career triggers

[...] I mentioned that the question had probably touched upon hidden defenses, fears that the “protection” furnished by the eye condition would be taken away, and she agreed.

The poetry provided a direct expression of his ideas, and a protective coating as well. [...]

[...] In that kind of a climate, both inner and outer worlds to some extent must be protected against. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

(10:05.) He would not stop expressing himself, but immediately felt he needed greater protection. [...]

[...] Still at various times and throughout the period, he used what he thought of as that additional protection: the symptoms kept him inside, where it seemed he could indeed express himself with the least duress. [...]

(“I know we’ve gone over it many times, but I need some refreshing on why he’s equated the lack of mobility with protection. [...]

UR1 Appendix 2: (For Session 680) sportsman sports limber unpredictable chose

[...] You believed the painting self had to be protected … as you felt that your father had to protect his creative self in the household …

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 869, July 30, 1979 onchocerciasis evolutionary leathery disease Dutch

[...] In the greater sphere of spiritual and biological activity, the viruses are protecting life at their level, and in the capacity given them.

[...] There is a disease you read about recently, where the skin turns leathery after intense itching — a fascinating development in which the human body tries to form a leathery-like skin that would, if the experiment continued, be flexible enough for, say, sweat pores and normal locomotion, yet tough enough to protect itself in jungle environments from the bites of many “still more dangerous” insects and snakes.3 Many such experiments appear in certain stages as diseases, since the conditions are obviously not normal physical ones. [...]

[...] Jane reported that when Seth gave the material on onchocerciasis she “really felt that the people’s skins were trying to turn into some sort of leathery protection. [...]

TES6 Session 280 August 24, 1966 indispositions sprain hay Wollheim cheese

[...] You can be sure of adequate protection if you daily suggest that you will be open to constructive and healthful suggestions and influences. Also suggest that you will be automatically protected against negative suggestions and influences.

[...] There are ways of protecting yourself. [...]

[...] You can command yourself protection from such viruses through the suggestions given earlier. [...]

TPS1 Session 557 (Deleted Portion) October 28, 1970 threatened artistic fear overaggravated deduction

[...] They were meant, in some instances, to protect your artistic self, if you recall our last session. [...]

The unconscious was trying to protect your artistic self. [...]

TPS3 Session 712 (Deleted Portion) October 16, 1974 discontent encounter kit greater unbalance

They represented parts of his own psyche, still, at that level of consciousness, not having quite assimilated the greater knowledge or experience, so he felt he needed protection—the protection that would beautifully, cleverly and insidiously serve all of his purposes, allowing him to go ahead as he wanted to, but with control drawn back to the body’s discontent. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 4, 1981 public exposure latest disclaimer books

(Today I also reminded Jane about a question we’ve thought about at other times: Why does the portion of her that’s raising such a fuss about protection not understand the damage it’s doing to the whole personality—including itself? [...] All very well, if such explorations can be carried out with a reasonable feeling of safety or protection, evidently, but if that essential ingredient or feeling is missing, then more caution must be used by us—and as I see it, that’s where we stand now. [...]

[...] In them Seth briefly explained how Jane had created her symptoms as protection against the spontaneous self going too far: this fear was the real reason for the symptoms—not, as we usually thought, her fear that she would do other things besides work if she had normal mobility. [...]

[...] And of course the whole lengthy disclaimer bit for Mass Events beautifully sums up the situations: Even our own publisher seeks to protect itself from possible legal action because of the material within the Seth books. [...]

TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

[...] To some extent it is directed toward Ruburt, but Ruburt does have protection, the protection of his own love of all living things.

[...] Seth is correct in stating that my father’s older brother, my Uncle Jay, who is also dead, was connected with Ella in this life; he was very protective toward her, and after he died eight years ago his wife continued to watch over Ella.

[...] She was never a part of her century or her time, and she tried to protect her offspring according to her own limits, by seeing to it that his escape would be a more definite one than her own.

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