20 results for stemmed:proofread

TPS3 Wednesday, August 10, 1977 Notes bifocals glasses proofread right ligaments

AM & afternoon: Finish chapter 2 James—“proofread” it.

TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

[...] She helped me proofread Seth, Dreams, and Projection of Consciousness for Stillpoint Publishing. Later, she helped me proofread the new editions of Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality that Amber-Allen/New World Library has published. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

You will also recall your dreams easier, and again those benefits mentioned in my book, you proofreader, you.

(Meaning that my turn at proofreading Seth Speaks hasn’t come yet. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes December 27, 1980 Xmas anniversary blankets wormy planter

(Yesterday while proofreading the Mass Events galleys I got the feeling that that book really bothered me, served as a focal point. [...]

WTH Epilogue by Robert F. Butts epilogue unfinished Yale eulogy gravesite

[...] Now that my emotions have calmed down somewhat after proofreading The Way Toward Health, I can deal with that question at least a little bit.

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

[...] It can be said that such an undertaking wasn’t expected by us at this time, seeing as how we have just finished proofreading the galleys for Seth’s first book last month.

TMA Session Ten September 10, 1980 education Bowman official unlearning culture

[...] When your proofreading is over, and Ruburt’s recovery even more fully demonstrable, we will return to a book session a week, and continue this series the other [weekly] session. [...]

TPS1 Session 593 (Deleted) August 30, 1971 helper black realms habits lag

[...] The book was mailed to Prentice-Hall on November 15, after extensive rewriting of the notes, additional proofreading, etc. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 15, 1978 Wallace substances food cured dietary

[...] The companionship of proofreading will help you both if you do it together. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] Now you do not properly listen to what I say and if the proofreaders were reading that sentence they would change it to “you do not listen properly to what I say,” but I mean you do not properly listen and there is indeed a difference. [...]

NoPR Preface by Seth: Session 609, April 10, 1972 title mercy expectations thoughts outline

[...] We hadn’t taken it very seriously, since we’d finished proofreading Seth’s first book, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul,1 only last month; certainly we weren’t prepared for the fact that he was quite capable of launching another such project so quickly. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 596, September 27, 1971 truth knowledge expansion yawns cosmic

(Jane and I worked on proofreading Seth’s book for an hour or so after supper, and then went for a walk. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 2, 1976 Andrija resiliency teeth indispositions lapses

[...] I’d finally managed to finish proofreading her manuscript for Psychic Politics, and had it wrapped and ready to mail tomorrow [Monday] morning.)

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

(My five-minute sketch of Nebene as I behan proofreading the session of July 17, 1972 for publication 31 years later.)

SS Appendix: Session 594, September 13, 1971 acceleration Sue speed symbols Judas

(Seth burst out with loud and emphatic humor this time because of the work Jane and I have done in recent weeks as we proofread this book, checking all my notes that are included, and so forth.)

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

Proofreading involved work on Rob’s notes mainly, as he made them more presentable. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] During that time she finished Seth Speaks and helped me proofread it, wrote her novel, Oversoul Seven, and worked on another Seven book [still unfinished], as well as Personal Reality and Adventures. [...]

SDPC Introduction Valerie metaphor grief hospital death

[...] I’ve already referred to Laurel Lee Davies, the young lady who now works with me (and is helping especially with proofreading and answering mail). [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

I wrote quite a bit in Mass Events about our publishing activities, just to show for the record how complicated certain aspects of the creative life can be as we juggled sessions, manuscripts, proofreading, and deadlines [to list a few of our endeavors]; we “worked” at any time of the day or night—which didn’t bother us at all. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

But even trying to take into account all that Jane accomplished, I know that while I proofread the galleys of The Personal Sessions as Rick Stack of New Awareness Network sends them to me volume by volume, I’ll still come across material that is new to me. [...]

[...] I have evenings free to answer mail and write and proofread books like this one. [...]