Results 421 to 440 of 655 for stemmed:process

TES2 Session 54 May 18, 1964 entities forest extral chicken durability

And in each of these planes of existence there is a reflection of the basic laws of the spacious present itself, which I am in the process of giving you. [...]

You see the growth process in a very distorted manner, because of your antiquated cause and effect theory. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 10: Session 934, August 10, 1981 herbs tribal global dreams leaders

[...] When you become overly concerned or worried in any area, remember that you are thinking those thoughts while the process of thinking is utterly effortless. [...]

TES7 Session 289 September 28, 1966 caffeine projection Bernard intensities emotional

[...] If the body can achieve a deep state of relaxation, unbothered by the caffeine, then the caffeine does activate the reasoning processes; and sufficiently enough to help them operate for a while, while the body is in slumber. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 698 May 20, 1974 dream lackadaisical semiconstruction world useless

(Seth’s last statement had to do with his contention that “hormones are also automatically released into the system, encouraging either periods of activity or tranquilizing periods, according to the specific portions of the overall process [of healing]. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 3: Session 518, March 18, 1970 pupil conference writers play childhood

[...] While within the systems in which I work there are certain basic similarities, in some dimensions I would not be equipped to be a teacher simply because the basic concepts of experience would be alien to my nature, and the learning processes themselves outside of my own experience.

TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979 Yale Moorcroft ld relaxation Professor

[...] The relaxed body sends forth hormones and chemicals of a balanced nature that influence the processes of thought, modulate moods, and also allow for moments of deep contentment, and moments of elation. [...]

TES3 Session 112 December 2, 1964 tree field reflections stationary mental

Such processes are extremely complicated. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 3, 1981 uncertainty certainty Jim uncertain tension

[...] In the meantime you have no guarantee that the answers will be found, for the questions themselves constantly evolve, and yet you are of course always in the process of examining the material that you have, and seeing how it applies or does not apply to the world as you know it. [...]

TES8 Forward by Rob Butts Rick Laurel Volume Elmira Early

For some years Jane and I devoted much work to learning the processes detailed in all of those early unpublished sessions, which were followed by her series of published books like The Seth Material, Seth Speaks, The Nature of Personal Reality, and so on. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 13, 1972 Timothy Foote Seagull Bach Claus

Your positions are in the process of changing drastically, as mentioned. [...]

TPS1 Session 378 (Deleted) November 8, 1967 Otto outflow success cramps grouping

Again, the particular methods given in the book are excellent, as applied processes to release your abilities. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

[...] His system now has more than stabilized, and is now in the process of complete recovery. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 Maria Edgar scanned shove hypnotized

[...] Your own thoughts and feelings should be those of health and vitality so that these alone help in the healing process. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

I think that this experience and the manuscript were extensions of the creative subconscious processes that are behind each creative act: normal creativity suddenly “turned on” or stepped up to an almost incredible degree. [...]

[...] The process is fascinating to watch. [...]

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

[...] It is extremely important that you understand this fact, and realize that the individual cells, for example, lose no individuality in this process, and gain immeasurably, the whole physical structure of the body being the result of this cooperation of cells which are themselves the result of the cooperation of atoms and molecules.

[...] This is a process of education. [...]

TES3 Session 137 March 3, 1965 action identity electrical perceived vitality

[...] This process is explained thoroughly also in the mentioned previous sessions.

TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous

[...] (Pause.) Those defenses also served, however, to some degree (underlined) as a part of a larger learning process, and as a way of containing knowledge that he wanted and felt he required.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 30, 1984 hypnosis fatherhood express excommunication afternoon

I do indeed activate for you both those coordinates that quicken insight, wisdom, peace of mind, and the healing processes. [...]

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

I would like to discuss some material that we have left unfinished, making certain that you understand that there are chemical and electrical reactions resulting from mental enzymes, that are also present in the process of constructing psychic energy into physical construction.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 28, 1981 custody hostages negotiations intellect Iranian

[...] We are trying to reassure him that relaxation is indeed a part of a creative process, and that it also makes all other motion possible. [...]

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