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[...] As the years passed after 1963 we acquired two sets of Seth material, then, one public, one private. It wasn’t until after Jane’s death in 1984 that I took the “time” to understand that Jane’s Seth material—her great passionate body of work—really didn’t need to be categorized as public or private—that all of it was simply one multifaceted creative entity.
[...] It’s with much feeling indeed that I try to write briefly about the 16 private or “deleted” Seth sessions, ranging from numbers 367 to 387, that aren’t included in this Volume 8 of The Early Sessions. [...]
“Now,” I mentally said to my departed loved one in all sincerity, “if we had the chance to do it all over again, I’d suggest that we dispense with all divisions—that we regard the Seth material as a great whole, any part of which, public or private or in between, has the creative power to help not only us but many others. [...]
[...] Instead a look at the private unknown reality as it becomes somewhat visible.
None of this ever had to do with Ruburt privately, but with Ruburt and his contact with the world. [...]
[...] Your house should have a foyer for the same reasons, and some definite stated area between private and public land. [...]
[...] The land that you own is important, but the visible land that you do not own is also, and you should be in sight of a mountain or some open area, while still having a private “secret” area also.
(Long pause at 4:28.) A strain develops in the personality as it tries to be faithful to its own private picture of reality, even while it tries to obediently conform to the publicly accepted picture. Dissatisfactions and illnesses then often result as the personality tries to go in two directions at once, and to please both the private and the public parts of its experience. [...]
[...] During that time Jane held four book sessions, with small portions of three of them being deleted, or private; 10 regular nonbook sessions, with brief sections of four of those being private; and 68 completely private sessions. [...]
(Seth discussed generalized sinful-self material in only one of the five private sessions Jane has held since she came through with the 931st session for Dreams three weeks ago.1 In some respects lately she’s felt a bit more at ease.2
[...] It took me some time after she’d started delivering the Seth material to realize that in spite of her outgoing, friendly nature, Jane is as much a private person as I am.)
[...] The private image of the person was largely unknown. [...] The line between the public and the private was much more clearly drawn. [...]
Now: a private session.
[...] You age of communications has significantly altered public and private life, so that for example by mail Ruburt might receive as many petitions as the king of a country in times past. [...]
This is the same person who on the other hand used to put up barriers of bookcases at one end of the living room to protect himself from any neighbors or miscellaneous callers; who objected when Mr. Gottlieb dared to cross into his private working area and glance at a paper. [...]
[...] The most private life imaginable is a very social affair. [...] The body, then, no matter how private, is also a public, social, biological statement. [...]
Private disease, then, happens also in a social context. This context is the result of personal and mass beliefs that are intertwined at all cultural levels, and so to that extent serve private and public purposes.
[...] It is obviously private, yet it cannot be concealed, in that “it is where you are,” in usual terms.
While each individual springs privately into the world at birth, then, each birth also represents quite literally an effort — a triumphant one — on the part of each member of each species, for the delicate balance of life requires for each birth quite precise conditions that no one species can guarantee alone, even to its own kind. [...]
Now: in basic terms you form your reality, privately and en masse—through your beliefs, of course, and those beliefs cause you to organize your psychic world in certain fashions.
Privately, then, you will to some extent or another have to take up defenses against that reality. [...]
[...] It is impossible, I know, and not really beneficial, to try to separate yourselves entirely from the cultural world, but you should understand the makeup of that world, and be able now and then at least to separate your private experiences from it, even though they must occur in its context.
[...] Yet in spite of all, the private man or the private woman, unknown, anonymous to the world at large, stubbornly feels within a rousing, determined affirmation that says: “I am important. [...]
[...] Yet most of you, my readers, yearn for some private and intimate assurances, and seek for some inner certainty that your own individuality is not curtly dismissed at death.
[...] Each person senses now and then a private purpose, and yet many are filled with frustration because that inner goal is not consciously known or clearly apprehended.
In private life and on the world stage, action is occurring all the time. [...]
(Pause, one of many, at 9:49.) There are levels within dreams, highly pertinent but mainly personal, in that they reflect your own private intents and purposes. [...] Private desires here are magnified as they are felt by others, or minimized accordingly, so that in the overall, large general plans are made having to do with the species at any given “time.” [...]
[...] Generally speaking, then, you agree to objectify certain inner data privately and en masse at any given “time.” [...]
When you travel into such realms you usually do so from the dream state, still carrying your private symbols with you. [...]
[...] You are most certainly traveling through the private and mass psyche when you so much as walk down the street. [...]
[...] Once again, these were private or nonbook sessions, and once again they covered a wide range of subjects other than personal ones.
(Then, in a private session held on the evening of September 17, 1977, Seth came through with a very exciting concept called “Framework 1 and Framework 2.” [...]
The physician is also a private person, so I speak of him only in his professional capacity, for he usually does the best he can in the belief system that he shares with his fellows. [...]
[...] You cannot divorce your private value systems from your health, and the hospitals often profit from the guilt that religions have instilled in their people.
(A copy of this session is also being placed in the deleted notebook, since I’d like it to be placed under both categories.) I think it contains some excellent general material that, I told Jane, I was afreaid wouldn’t be seen by anyone if it were filed exclusively under private material.
Both of you, highly creative, find your creativity in conflict with your ideas of sexuality, privately and in your stance with the world. [...]
[...] “Here you won’t go to the marketplace, but you think of saving all of these private sessions for posterity, to give them to the world. [...]
(Yet she easily agreed that this evening’s session, whether private or not, cast much light on the regular, or published material, adding depths of understanding and background information.)
[...] You did not want to settle for work of which others might approve, and get stuck at a certain level, even for money’s sake; but you wanted to pursue your art in private, and you wanted it colored by its own vaster canvas of psychic endeavor.
Your whole civilization is immersed with the idea that the way to solve a problem–any problem, private or worldwide–is to exaggerate it, see its worst projection; and this, then, is supposed to make you take proper action. [...]
[...] The problem is, therefore, compounded to whatever degree—and when I give you both such reasons, then sometimes you use them, the two of you, to add to your private and joint self-disapproval.
[...] The way to solve a health problem, whether private or national, is to emphasize its existence, exaggerate its characteristics, and project into the future, and this is supposed to bring health.
[...] There is little difference, however, between private suggestion in your personal lives, and the power of mass suggestion in your society. [...]
(10:36.) I want to show you where culture and cultural beliefs meet with your private experience. [...]
(11:10–11:43.) Now: even before you met each other many of your private abilities, and the thrust of your intellects and intuitions, made no sense in Darwinian or Freudian terms. [...]
In Darwinian and Freudian terms, certainly later your joint and private pursuits literally made no sense, nor did they conform to any organized religious framework. [...]
[...] He sees the psyche experimenting privately with probable actions in the dream state, and envisions humanity’s mass dreams as providing an inner vehicle by which man chooses global events. The psyche is private, yet all in all, each psyche contains access to the public psyche.
In Psyche, Seth addresses himself to the matter of human sexuality for the first time in his published works, discussing it as it relates to the private and mass psyche, and connecting sexuality with its spiritual and biological sources.
[...] The questions of lesbianism and homosexuality are also considered, along with their private and social effects.
At this writing, Seth is nearly halfway through The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, which will show where and how private beliefs become public events. [...]