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It is therefore some force to be reckoned with. If it were a primary reality, you would not escape from it even in the sleeping state. Those realities which are primary and basic you can never escape from. This should give you an idea, for those realities which run through all systems, and which are primaries, are those which exist for you in all conditions of consciousness and under any circumstances.
If ever in a dream experience you defy gravity, then gravity is not a primary reality, but only a manifestation within your own physical system. If clock time is escaped within the dream state, then clock time is not a primary. What you cannot escape within any range of consciousness, can be called a Primary Condition, and you may capitalize the term.
Identity of the inner self operates very well within primary conditions. It is dependent upon primary conditions. Its manipulation of primary conditions gives it the knowledge of itself. Identity is retained within the dream state, is it not?
Again, none of these issues are clear-cut, and the distinctions, many of them, are for simplicity’s sake. Many primaries will show secondary characteristics. For example, within your clock time there are definite primary characteristics of time as it exists in a primary condition.
[...] That is, it will represent one facet of the primary gestalt, but a facet so infinitesimal in the overall reality of the primary gestalt that it distorts beyond all recognition. [...]
A personality in the primary gestalt is indeed focused upon your present plane of reality, but to suppose that the whole primary gestalt is so focused represents mankind’s ego playing with one of its most preposterous proposals.
[...] This unitary gestalt which we may call, and I prefer it to the word God, the primary energy gestalt.
This primary energy gestalt may be thought of as straddling all realities, or existing in the infinite realities of which we have spoken. [...]
A primary construction is a psychic gestalt, formed into matter by a consciousness of itself. Such a primary construction is an attempt to create, in the world of matter, a replica of the inner psychic construction of the whole self.
[...] When I speak, therefore, of primary constructions in the physical field, other fields of course have their own primary constructions also, though they would not be composed of matter in your terms.
[...] If you recall, we were entering into primary and secondary constructions.
[...] We will begin however with primary and secondary ones.
[...] I will speak of primary and secondary experience. Let us call primary experience that which exists immediately in sense terms in your moment of time — the contact of body with environment. [...]
At the levels with which we are concerned, the body must primarily react to present, immediate, primary existence in space and time. [...]
[...] If, under conditions naturally safe in the terms of primary experience, you become overwhelmed by unsafe signals from secondary experience — that is, from your reading or whatever — you show a lack of discrimination. [...]
[...] That primary sense data, while pinpointed in the present, providing you with the necessary stance in time, still can open up to you the timelessness from which all time emerges, can bring you intuitive intimations, hinting at the true nature of the ever-present coming-to-be of the universe.
[...] The investigation will always be concerned with the search for primaries and secondaries. On many occasions an apparent primary reality will later be seen to be secondary, as a result of experiments with the trance state.
This business of primaries and secondaries will concern us for some time, and in more ways than you suppose. [...]
Autohypnosis then will be utilized in an effort to discover what experiences are common in various levels or trance states, and these shall be examined in a search for primary and secondary conditions. [...]
You will learn to deal with primaries, while giving secondary realities their due. [...]
Talking represents a primary, the primary of communication. Walking represent a primary, the primary of motion. [...]
Now, speaking once more about our primary and secondary conditions, it should be said now that this will not be as simple as it might appear. [...] Ruburt brought up a point, I believe; he observed that the experience of talking occurred in both the waking and the dreaming states, but did not think that these represented primaries.
[...] As a rule, he speaks of “All That Is” or “Primary Energy Gestalts.”
[...] It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination.
[...] It knows that something else existed before Its own primary dilemma when It could not express Itself.
“It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has—again, in your terms—long since gone Its way. [...]
[...] Although instruments can indeed be most advantageous in many ways, they still present you with secondary rather than primary tools of investigation—and they distort the nature of reality far more than the subjective attributes of thoughts, feelings, and intuitions do.
You are taught not to trust your subjective experience, which means that you are told not to trust your initial and primary connection with reality.
[...] The other method is to realize that this primary motive force has a reality independent of its connection with the world of appearances.
As there are portions of reality that you do not consciously perceive, and other systems of probability of which you are not consciously aware, so also are there aspects of primary godhood that you cannot at this moment comprehend. [...]
[...] Schizophrenia is caused by a personality fragment that is broken off, so to speak, from the primary acting personality, operating often in direct opposition to the primary personality, but in any case operating as a secondary personality.
[...] They are usually not messages as most dreams are from past personalities to the present personality, though they may be messages from the primary personality to itself, as notice of fear or panic that may exist directly beneath the strata of the primary personality.
[...] In like manner the personality is divided, one part conscious of the primary self and another disconnected and waiting formation into something new. [...]
[...] Even your psychologists know that the schizoid is at least temporarily two personalities, a primary or dominant personality and an inferior one.
You will need to use your wits carefully, for secondary realities will often appear to be primaries. I mentioned earlier that it might seem that walking, for example, was a primary, since it appears that you walk in your dreams. [...] Nevertheless, walking is part of the primary of motion.
[...] Characteristically, I operated in certain manners that resulted in the primary use of my left hand, when I was focused within physical matter.
This was indeed in your terms a primary cosmic dilemma (pause), and one with which he wrestled, until All That He Was was completely involved and enveloped within that cosmic problem.
[...] But in these terms such tremendous power resides in such primary pyramid gestalts that even their dreams are endowed with vitality and reality. [...]
This then is the dilemma of any primary pyramid gestalt. [...]
[...] It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness-gestalt, desires further being, but, that every portion of it also carry this determination.
[...] It knows that something existed before its own primary dilemma, when it could not express itself.
It is then conceivable that it has itself evolved, in your terms, so long ago that it has forgotten its origin, that it has developed from still another primary which has, in your terms, long since gone its own way. [...]
[...] They come into some prominence and fulfillment through dreams, and through enticing the main personality at times into the adoption of conscious or unconscious thoughts which would ordinarily not be chosen by the primary self, and therefore at times altering the course of the primary self.
[...] Unable to find value fulfillment in terms of physical growth and construction as the primary personality can, they seek fulfillment along more accessible lines.
[...] Here various problems set for the entity are worked out, problems that either are too minor to be handled by a primary self on your plane, or problems that for one reason or another could simply not be solved by physical constructions.
[...] The idea of discipline as you think of it comes into effect most generally when you try to impose a secondary kind of order over the primary one. [...]
(“I guess you’ve gone into my main question, about the sperm: If practically all of them are never going to fulfill their primary purpose, what other roles do they have in life?”)
[...] Now this portion of the self is indeed self-conscious in the highest meaning of the term—aware of the subconscious portion of the personality, aware of the primary conscious framework that you call your ego, and constantly directs the overall activities. [...]
It is the director of all the subsidiary psychological subpersonalities that form the acting-present primary personality. [...]
[...] They may be gifted in any field, but their primary interest will be in passing on their knowledge or that of others. [...]
[...] This does not mean that these people may not be creative, or organizers, or teachers, but the primary slant of their consciousness will be directed to healing. [...]
[...] As a rule, however, they have one purpose in mind: to change the status quo in whatever the area of primary interest.
[...] It seldom occurs to you that the feelings themselves might be primary, and that the particular event was somehow a response to your emotions, rather than the other way around. [...]
[...] The relative’s feelings might well be mixed, containing portions of relief and sadness, which you might then perceive — but the primary events are subjective.