Results 41 to 56 of 56 for stemmed:portray

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

[...] Movement can be best portrayed also with transparents, and even for rocks. [...]

TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama

It was hardly a coincidence that this particular situation arrived in the social climate first of all portrayed in a movie.

TPS6 Deleted Session February 11, 1981 public arena spontaneous withdrawing white

[...] The inner psychological distance must become surfacely portrayed, instantly translated to the audience, so that for him there is the same kind of reaction that he might have in talking to others overly much about a book of his own in progress—as if he might talk out the book, and therefore not need to write it, while at the same time losing much of the inner development that might otherwise give the book its own deeper meanings. [...]

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

[...] The word itself hardly approximates the true reality it tries to portray however.

TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

[...] Imagine portraying the idea in various ways. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session April 29, 1975 Castaneda advertising reputable publishing healer

[...] Few doctors, chiropractors, or healers of any kind can effectively feel or portray such faith. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, February 3, 1970 Brad misconceptions solve Theodore interjected

[...] It is my present currency with you all; the picture that I now portray. [...]

TES3 Session 102 November 1, 1964 Gallery Bill Macdonnel doubter Cameron

[...] She sensed a conflict between what she wanted to portray, and her limited technical abilities in getting the actual images on canvas. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

You kept insisting on trying to portray new vision by using methods that could not contain it, and did not spontaneously allow your visions to flow into their own forms. [...]

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

[...] The play in which your friend performed represented the springboard for the inner portrayal, unfortunately, of sacrifice. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 16, 1979 taxes Joyce Bill Gallagher conventional

[...] The rest of you to varying extents objected, because he portrayed so clearly the darkest of your own fears and imaginings in exaggerated fashion. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

Underneath this, however, there are basic inner sounds upon which all language is based, in which certain images give forth their own sound, and the two together portray clear, precise meaning.2 A long time ago I said that language would be impossible were it not for its basis in telepathic communication3 — and that communication is built up of microscopic images and sounds. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

[...] Yet in those categories there is more sanity, for their ads often stress wholesome activities, portraying the happy skier, the tramper through the woods in winter. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

Now: Actors playing parts are obviously alive, as actors, but in a fictional play, for example, the characters portrayed by the actors are not alive, in your terms, in the same fashion that the actors are. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

“… I am a much more cheerful-looking fellow than here portrayed. [...]

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

—I am a much more cheerful-looking fellow than here portrayed. [...]

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