Results 81 to 100 of 1194 for stemmed:portion
[...] Those portions of the brain, seemingly unused, deal with these other dimensions, and physically (underlined), you begin to use these portions, though minutely, for the first time, under psychedelic situations.
[...] The physical brains alone, the unused portions, have it within their ability, for example, to hear color, to smell sound; in other words, these portions contain among other things functions, unused mainly, that would allow you to perceive physical reality in various other fashions. [...]
[...] (Long pause.) Insanity, as it is labeled, is sometimes merely the result of a strange situation, in which certain individuals use the ordinarily dormant portions of the brain as well as, or sometimes largely in place of, the recognized portions. [...]
In other words, portions of the inner self have joined the strictly egotistical functions. [...] It joins with portions of the inner self previously unconscious, and illuminates the whole personality. [...]
A portion is always connected to the whole of which it is part. From the torn section, then, to me the whole was present, the entire page; and from portions of the whole, the whole can be read or understood. [...]
As that newspaper portion was a whole of the entire paper, and there to be read, so is the whole self present in the portions of your personality that you know. [...]
The page was whole to me, regardless of the portion of it used as an item. [...]
[...] The whole self sends a portion of itself into various realities. These portions of the whole self are to learn to materialize as best they can the strength and energy as they know it in whatever camouflage they find themselves. [...]
[...] And as I have said often, the portion of me that you know in this room is a certain portion of my personality from those personality banks that are mine. [...]
[...] What I am trying to do is to awaken within each of you knowledge, intuition, abilities that are a portion of your entire personality. [...]
[...] And as I have said time and time again—such demonstrations should show you, since they are coming through Ruburt, that this energy is a portion of the energy that is your own—you have as much energy as I have—you have as much energy available to you as Ruburt has available to him. [...]
Various portions of the self therefore face physical reality at any given time as the ego. [...] The self throws up those portions of itself that it considers most able to handle the changing physical environment at any given time.
The stability of the whole self is dependent upon the mobility of each portion of the self. When the physical system is in good operating order, then the various portions of the self are operating properly. [...]
It attempted to stop other portions of the personality from entering into the ego framework. [...]
There had been in the past overweight, and in this instance there was in some portions of the body an overextension of tissue about the joints. [...]
[...] The thoughts do not appear as pseudoimages for example, or assume any pseudomaterialization, yet they are felt vividly, perceived and picked up by portions of the brain — those seemingly unused portions for which science has found no answer.
(Compared to her intense approach in recent sessions, long portions of Jane’s delivery tonight were quiet and easy.)
[...] Those involved have an excellent knowledge of their own backgrounds and histories, of course, but in this state possess also a much larger perspective, in which private and historical backgrounds are seen as a portion of a greater perceivable whole.
[...] Only the most exterior portions of their personalities bowed to the dictates of historical period.
[...] I told Jane it would be a joke if those portions of the self we’re blaming for her condition, really are the truest, most simple and honest portions after all, and that their roles in bringing about her natural death were being subverted by our conscious-mind meddling and interference. [...]
[...] When Jeff called I was reading the last portion of the first session in Jane’s book, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events — for April 18, 1977, in connection with a note I’m doing for Dreams. [...]
[...] The great question, then, is why those portions of the self would — and do — continue their terribly destructive ways, even to the point of bringing about their own death — for if allowed to, I think, death would be the end result, the final step along their chosen path.
(During our talk I’d cited a long list of things that in my view Jane has given up over the years, at the never-satisfied behest of portions of the personality that were now in complete control. [...]
(12:21.) These characters become portions of the inner literature of the mind. [...] “It” is independent at its own level, yet it is also a part of the portion of the private and mass psyche that is so represented.
There are many myths connected with my name.6 They all represent portions of the psyche as they were understood at various times in man’s history. Those portions were originally projected out of the psyche as it began to understand itself, and personified its abilities and characteristics, forming superheroic characters of one kind or another, to which the psyche could then correspond and relate.
[...] The physical environment is real in different terms to an animal, a fish, a man, or a rock, for example, and different portions of that environment are correspondingly unreal [to each of those forms]. [...]
[...] While you focus your attention primarily in your own world, certain portions of your consciousness are always straying. [...]
[...] That portion of the self is the portion you recognize as your usual conscious self, alive within the scheme of seasons, aware within the designs of time, caught transfixed in moments of brilliant awareness, with civilizations that seem to come and go. [...]
[...] It is aware of the position of each grain of sand on the shores of each ocean, and in those terms it forms a portion of the earth’s consciousness.
[...] The inner self still related to dream reality, while the body’s orientation and the body consciousness attained, as was intended, a great sense of physical adventure, curiosity, speculation, wonder—and so once again the inner self put a portion of its consciousness in a different parcel, so to speak. [...]
These portions, however, are intimately connected. [...]
[...] You can indeed depend upon seemingly unconscious portions of yourself. As you will see later, you can become more and more consciously aware, therefore bringing into your consciousness larger and larger portions of yourself.
All of this happens because the inner portions of your being operate spontaneously, joyfully, freely; all of this occurs because your inner self believes in you, often even while you do not believe in it. These unconscious portions of your being operate amazingly well, frequently despite the greatest misunderstanding on your part of their nature and function, and in the face of strong interference from you because of your beliefs.
[...] In this country several generations grew up believing that the subconscious portions of the personality were unreliable, filled with negative energy, and contained only locked-up unpleasant episodes best forgotten.
[...] The normal individual felt that he had best leave such areas alone, so in cutting off these portions of the self, barriers were also set up against the joy of the inner spontaneous self. [...]
[...] It does mean that he cannot sacrifice himself to one portion of himself, or he will lose even that portion.
[...] Instead, “the writer” was seen in his mind as the dominant part of the self, definitely apart from other portions, and with different goals and purposes.
[...] All other portions of the self were pared down so that the writer, he thought, could function better.
[...] And in a gathering of three people watching the same TV drama, say, each of them might be interpreting different portions of the program so that those portions correlate with their individual dreams of the night before, and serve to bring them their dream messages in ways they can accept….
“Great discrimination is used to do that; for example, one newspaper item is noticed over others because a certain portion of that item represents some of the dream’s message. Another portion might come from a neighbor — but from the dreamer’s interpretation of the neighbor’s remarks, that further brings home the dream message. [...]
[...] Some of the more generalized material is presented below, some of the more individualized portions [which, in fact, came at the start of the session] are given in Note 2.
Other portions of the self, on the one hand, are not so limited. It must be clearly understood however that these other portions of the self are incapable of the ego’s intense focus within physical reality. [...]
[...] For now this moment point which appears within your physical universe is but a small materialization of larger portions of the spacious present. In the dreaming state, when the ego is released from its idea of time as a series of moments, then other portions of the self can travel through these moment points, and you have here a journey through depths that have nothing to do with your (underline your) concept of time or space.
Other portions of self one are to some extent aware of these other dimensions. [...] He is composed of physical matter, he is composed of psychological matter, a portion of this latter being ego. [...]
The ego can perceive only certain portions of any given moment point or present instant, and it sees the moment point indeed as if it were one of a series of lights that approaches the ego from one side, and passes him by on the other side. [...]
[...] They conceived a dimension of reality in which these things would, indeed, exist and from themselves they sent out portions of their own entity and consciousness. And when I say that they did this, they did it joyfully and with a great exuberance and yet, also, they felt this portion of their own consciousness leave them and escape from them and so, to some extent, they cried to see a portion of themselves forever leave and yet they did this that you might have existence and song. [...]
[...] This brief life taught you strongly, however, that music, as a portion of creativity, could be violently used by the state and by authority. [...]
You are all portions of your own higher identity, your own multidimensional selves. [...]
[...] You expect your image to continue day by day, although the physical matter of your image today has not one atom or molecule within it that was a portion of your image ten years ago. [...]
[...] I suggest that the regular portion of the session be read in conjunction with what follows, for the two parts complement each other well. However, I didn’t want all of the session filed under deleted material, since that other portion has good general application.
(10:06.) Ruburt is doing well with the walking, and he is more and more aware of relaxation of various portions of the body. [...]