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TES2 Session 75 July 29, 1964 structures psychological perspective construction hatred

I have hinted at the reasons for such errors. Habitual errors become part of the psychological perspective. Communication between individuals in the psychological perspective is almost exclusively telepathic, and is picked up early by the young from their parents. In the beginning, children actually begin their physical construction along lines telepathically received from their parents, at the same time that they learn their own manipulation in the psychological perspective.

Each consciousness, besides the material structure or material form, also possesses a psychological structure that exists in a depth and solidity in another perspective which the outer senses do no perceive. Here you will find the entity. Consciousness adopts many forms, in as many various perspectives as it is capable of manifesting itself.

Consciousness actually creates these perspectives, in which it can then manifest itself in form. Understand here that I speak in terms of psychological form and structure. In other words, individual consciousness operates in many different perspectives, in many various kinds of forms. In some stages it is unaware of the divisions or various manifestations of itself, due to the amount of focusing that is necessary for such form- [hyphen] projection.

TES3 Session 107 November 16, 1964 dimensions perspectives censure camouflage inhabitants

The whole self as you know has its existence in uncamouflaged energy, and is therefore capable of the assimilation of knowledge in so far as it can, if it chooses, be basically unaffiliated to any one camouflage dimension or perspective. In actual practice this takes a supreme development, but even for general purposes the inner self retains a freedom from camouflage perspectives, and is aware in varying degrees of other perspectives, and of its existence outside of them.

[...] The dream world is more closely connected with uncamouflaged experience in the spacious present, but it still is in a camouflage perspective, dealing with recognizable projections of material reality.

[...] The two perspectives or dimensions do exist simultaneously, even though you cannot inhabit them simultaneously.

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

In certain terms, then, this involves in a very small way the creation and colonization of a different kind of reality — consciously accepted, however, from your perspective. [...] From that second perspective, the pockets of the jacket in the first perspective became the windows of a building that existed in a still-further, third dimension beyond the hill. Standing on the hill, he knew that in Perspective One the windows of the building in Perspective Three were jacket pockets, but he could no longer perceive them as such. Looking out from the hill in Perspective Two, Perspective One was invisibly behind him, and Perspective Three was still “ahead” of him, separated from him by a gulf he did not understand.

(11:15.) He knew, however, that if the shades were pulled in the windows in Perspective Three, then the jacket-pocket flaps would appear to be closed in Perspective One. He also realized he had been directing the erection of the building in Perspective Three by making the jacket (in Perspective One).

When he approached the hill in Perspective Two, he spoke to the contractor who was there before him. [...] The contractor agreed, and shouted orders to people who were working in Perspective Three, where the building stood.

NotP Chapter 2: Session 759, October 27, 1975 psyche perspective dead brother ant

Now in the dream state, you suddenly become aware on occasion of greater perspective. This perspective cannot “work” at your usual level of consciousness, any more than the artist’s perspective will work for the ant’s — though there is much you could learn from an ant’s consciousness (intently). [...]

[...] So the psyche holds equally lives in progress, lived or not yet lived, and deals with a greater perspective from which your ordinary perspective emerges.

[...] In such circumstances you are literally becoming aware of other perspectives of existence. [...]

TES2 Session 63 June 17, 1964 antimatter perspective ball interval Philip

When his senses, his outer senses, do not perceive a physical object in his self-perspective (and hyphenate that please), in his self-perspective, the object simply does not exist. If the object is touched and not seen or otherwise perceived, then in his self-perspective it exists only in the realm of his sensual perception of it. [...] If his father, for example, sees the chair that the boy does not see, then the object exists as a thing to be seen in the father’s self-perspective. [...]

[...] From your own perspective, from your own space perspective, through the methods which I have given you, you create your own version of a particular object, and you do it by using energy in a personal manner.

[...] No one of you can see a book of matches from exactly the same perspective, for the simple reason that it does not exist for you except in the self-perspective in which you create it.

TES4 Session 149 April 26, 1965 action dots universe field apex

[...] Instead development is largely a matter of value fulfillment, which is achieved through the perspectives of action, through traveling within any given action, and following it and changing with it. To make this clearer, I have said that action exists within limitless perspectives, and that you are mainly familiar with it as it is materialized along a single line of continuity within the physical system. [...]

[...] Their mobility in terms of perspectives and within space is far greater than your own.

[...] You simply cannot bring them back into the limited perspectives of your own present field, and are left with but glimpses and flimsy glimmerings of images which are actually as actual, vivid, and more mobile than those in the physical field.

TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

[...] But it is also possible to perceive our automobile in entirely different fashions within different realities, and from various perspectives.

[...] To a very large degree, the portion of any reality that you can perceive is determined largely not by the given, so-called real object itself, but from the perspective, and because of, the senses with which you perceive it.

Ruburt, in feeling sound, merely experienced the sound from a different perspective. [...]

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

Quality-depth is therefore a sort of perspective having to do with value fulfillment. [...] Quality-depth is the sort of perspective, the only perspective, in which an idea can expand. [...]

It is the perspective in which psychic motion occurs. [...]

[...] Now this quality that could be said to be a substitute for your space and time, this quality-depth, represents the perspective in which this sort of psychic traveling or psychic motion, or any psychic action, occurs; and its depth can be understood not in terms of downward action, but perhaps you can comprehend it if you think of a deep trance, for example, as definitely having motion, though the body may be motionless.

TES2 Session 66 June 29, 1964 construction overlapping continuums glass Voghler

If ten people seemingly observe this glass, you have ten personal perspectives that actually exist, ten space continuums, and ten actual glasses. Each individual is completely unaware of the other perspectives. [...]

[...] The perspectives change. [...]

[...] Each person constructs that glass in terms of his own personal perspective.

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 908, April 16, 1980 cognition classified mathematical savants musician

If you are having a dream as yourself from your own perspective, another reincarnational self may be having the same dream from its perspective—in which, of course, you play a minor role. [...]

[...] Dreams also involve a kind of psychological perspective with which you have no physical equivalent—and therefore such issues are most difficult to discuss.

[...] You experience your dreams from your own perspective, as a rule. [...]

TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated

Again, it is your comparatively one-lined perspective that makes you think in terms of one particular beginning. This will undoubtedly be difficult to consider, nevertheless there are countless beginnings, even of your own universe, occurring at different reference points in various perspectives; and it is impossible to trace backward your own thin line, since it is interwoven and actually a part of so many others.

[...] It is only within your camouflage perspective that this remark appears illogical, but this does not mean that you still cannot grasp some of its meaning, using your own inner experience.

You, any man, participates in more varied perspectives than he knows consciously, and appears in one way or another in more dimensions than he knows. [...]

TES2 Session 73 July 22, 1964 Pipers constructions chair seed depth

[...] It did not spill out into the room and yet the trees can be imagined to grow taller, the background to add in distance and perspective, the water to flow; and yet there would be no impression made on the back of the painting.

[...] The elements of the painting would expand in the same way that I have told you the universe expands, in a way that has nothing to do with space but of value fulfillment, which has its own kind of depth and perspective, and which exists not only behind but within the construction of matter.

[...] There are perspectives of which you know relatively little, and they in turn are frameworks, forming physical constructions, actual physical constructions, which you do not perceive.

TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 Mark Bill doorway apparition bath

[...] You each create your own glass in your own personal perspective. Therefore, here you have three different glasses, but each one exists in a different perspective, in an entirely different space continuum.

However there is a point, an infinitesimal point, where Mark’s perspective, and yours, and Ruburt’s, overlap. [...]

Physical objects simply cannot exist unless they exist in a definite perspective and space continuum. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 13 dream electrical rem intensities world

[...] Their mobility, in terms of perspectives and within space, is far greater than your own.

[...] You cannot bring them back into the limited perspectives of your present physical field and are left with but glimpses and flimsy glimmerings of images that are as actual, vivid and more mobile than normal physical ones.

[...] Bursts of developments are possible that have matured in perspectives that are not bound up in time.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April [1?], 1969 Christ jolly murder tulips Easter

The physical bodies that you have are real only within your perspective. You have formed these bodies with senses that react only within this perspective. [...]

TES4 Session 153 May 10, 1965 tension landscape action creation ego

[...] The attempt is obviously doomed to failure, since the necessary actual perspectives in which the landscape exists are denied to him as working materials. [...]

[...] The best he can do is create a distortion of the original landscape—a creation of an approximation that can comfortably exist within the limited perspectives with which he can work, and using the materials that are at his own command.

[...] He could not create an identical landscape because he did not have at his command the perspectives or materials necessary.

NotP Chapter 1: Session 755, September 8, 1975 psyche canvas brushstroke artist greater

If the artist paints a doorway, all of the sensed perspectives within it open, and add further dimensions of reality. [...]

[...] My perspective cannot be contained in your own painting of reality. [...]

(10:20.) So Ruburt’s subjective perspective opens up because of his desire and interest, and discloses my own. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, August 20, 1968 classes sic choosy sailing withdraw

[...] And yet under many circumstances you would not be aware of it, for within the room if it sailed about evenly, the perspective would still be the same. [...] For the perspective where you look is the same, and you have nothing to judge experience against. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

The perspective from which you watch world events is vital, and it is true that communication now brings to the conscious mind a far greater barrage than before. But it is also a barrage that makes man see his own activities, and even with the growth of the new nationalism in the Third World, those nations begin from a new perspective, in which the eyes of the world are indeed upon them.

[...] It is only that your own perspective closes out much of its vast reality, for the dreaming intellect can put your computers to shame. [...]

TES9 ESP Class May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] You must step out of your present perspective in order to see your world clearly. [...]

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