Results 281 to 300 of 1449 for stemmed:person
[...] This personal material did help give us a much larger perspective on our various challenges, and we’ve made some inroads in overcoming them. [...] Perhaps Seth was trying to compensate for that in those private sessions, by taking time out from dictation to help us put the material to greater personal use.”
(Pause.) Now in medieval times organized religion, or organized Christianity, presented each individual with a screen of beliefs through which the personal self was perceived. Portions of the self that were not perceivable through that screen were almost invisible to the private person. [...]
A person could neither be proud of personal achievement nor blamed for failure, since in large measure his characteristics, potentials, and lacks were seen as the result of chance, heredity, and of unconscious mechanisms over which he seemingly had little control. [...]
[...] Church was the authority, and the individual lived out his or her life almost automatically structuring personal experience so that it fit within the accepted norm.
[...] The “personality” who originated the paragraphs you have just read is such a one.
As mentioned, there is the same kind of connection between that personality and myself as the one that exists between Ruburt and myself. [...]
(9:18.) My own reincarnational personalities, probable selves, and even Seth Two exist within me now, as I exist within them. [...]
[...] In the same way, Ruburt’s personality is expanded through relationship with me, and I also gain through the experience, as even the best of teachers learns from each dimension of activity.
You and your reincarnated selves, or personalities, are not imprisoned in time. [...] Each personality is free. [...] Therefore, actions that you make now can help a so-called past personality; and a so-called future personality may step in and help you along your weary way.
Also, your actions now can affect the future personality as well as the past one. [...]
(During break a student, Janice S., wanted to know if Seth was a part of Jane’s personality.)
[...] Yet the fact that I exist and can communicate should show you, in simple terms, that other “higher aspects” of your personality can help you out on occasion.
[...] However, this belief frees them from childish concepts in which older persons were always not only right but infallible, and it gives them the challenge to tackle personal and world problems.
[...] This may be quite beneficial for the person involved at a given time, to provide the needed impetus for development and the necessary independence in which the ability can grow. The same person, years older, may find that the identical belief has been held too long, so that it denies very important emotional give-and-take with contemporaries, or becomes restrictive in other ways.
[...] Then use the positive suggestion in your own worth, backed up by your own personal self-examination. [...]
[...] Imagine the emotional reality of each person present, in the time that the photograph was taken. [...] When you are finished, try to get a glimpse of those intimate relationships that each person had with other persons not present in the picture, but contemporary. [...]
In Personal Reality, too, Seth tells us: “Information does not exist by itself. [...] See the notes following the 618th session, in Chapter 3 of Personal Reality.
[...] The idealization of motion, however, in that person’s mind, or of change, may be denied expression at any given time — but it will nevertheless seek expression through experience. [...]
2. See Chapter 2 (among many that are applicable here) of Personal Reality.
[...] Each person born desires to be born. [...] No epidemic or illness or natural disaster — or stray bullet from a murderer’s gun — will kill a person who does not want to die.
(Long pause, one of many.) I will have more to say about suicide, but I do not mean here to imply guilt on the part of a person who takes his or her own life. [...] Often, for example, a person wanting to die originally intended to experience only a portion of earth life, say childhood. [...]
[...] A person ready to die will, despite any medication. A person who wants to live will seize upon the tiniest hope, and respond. [...]
[...] Seth is a highly creative “energy personality essence,” as he calls himself, who speaks through Jane while she’s in a trance or dissociated state. [...]
[...] In your terms, by the time an individual is in his last physical life (pause), all portions of the personality are then familiar with it at the time of death. The personality is not swept willy-nilly back to another earthly existence, as might be the case otherwise.
[...] Also, do we need to know more about the other two personalities belonging to the Christ entity: Christ Himself, and John the Baptist?”)
[...] The Christ entity had many reincarnations before the emergence of the Christ “personality” as known; as did the Buddha.
[...] As certain physical data are carried along in the gene structure, so this inner information is codified within whatever psychological structures the Speakers may inhabit; but far more readily available than it is to other personalities. [...]
[...] There is no transmigration of souls, in which the entire personality of a person “comes back” as an animal. [...]
[...] In it Seth gave the heading for Section 4, just before finishing his evening’s work with a few minutes of personal information for Jane and me. [...]
[...] In fact, that consciousness of self in any person is dependent upon the constant, miraculous cooperations that exist between the mineral, vegetable, and animal worlds.3 The inner intent always forms any exterior alteration. [...]
True identity is as much divorced from ego reality as the photograph is from the person. There are connections between an individual and his photograph, and there are connections between the physical individual and the inner self, but the person must recognize the image in the photograph, for it will not recognize him.
[...] Now, the very definite Seth voice and personality are missed.
The physical body is but one small aspect of the various inner forms of which you are personally composed. [...]
It is very possible that physics rather than psychology will give the first hint that human personality is multidimensional and that the inner reality of the mind far surpasses the physical universe that it attempts to probe. [...]
[...] You are treating her primarily as a woman rather than an individual person, but you are not treating her as a desirable woman rather than an individual person.
[...] At the same time her personality is far different than her mother’s, and less focused.
You are concerned, and have made efforts, but you are better equipped simply because of your personality structure, to make these efforts. [...]
(Now I did mention to Jane perhaps the overriding question I have, and have often puzzled about: the intensity of her personality’s response to the idea of the Sinful Self. Though, as I said, I didn’t think of her Sinful Self as something entirely separate from other portions of her personality, but as a part of them. Why didn’t the “Sinful Self” get the message that it’s gone too far, and back off at least somewhat so that the whole personality had room to breathe—to begin physical recovery, in other words? [...]
The medium perceives so clearly the reality of the surviving personality that the medium to some extent directly perceives that reality. [...] To experience the reality of another does not necessarily mean that the medium negates her own personality—only that momentarily she allows it to perceive as directly as possible the experience of what it is to be the other. This involves a high degree of cooperation from the other person who does not exist in your physical terms, an opening of his reality to the medium rather than an invasion of the medium.
[...] There is a strong correlation in what happens when the medium feels that a surviving personality has taken over the personality itself.
You remember this from our material on action and the personality. [...]
(9:23.) The natural person is to be found, now, not in the past or in the present, but beneath layers and layers of official beliefs, so you are dealing with an archeology of beliefs to find the person who creates beliefs to begin with. [...]
[...] You are approaching a state of mind, individually and jointly, that represents far more closely one that is natural, with which the natural person is innately equipped.
[...] Education then often goes against the grain of the natural person.
Nor is such an inner decision forced upon the conscious personality, for in all such instances, the conscious personality has at various times come close to accepting the idea of death at the particular time in life.
[...] However, in most cases dreams prevent such chronic illnesses, providing through small therapeutics a constant series of minor but important personal revelations.
While the large proportion remain relatively hidden, however, the average person often meets with dream fragments just below the normal threshold of consciousness — not recognizing them as what they are — experiencing instead the impulse to do this or that on a given day; to eat this or that, or to refrain from something else. [...]
[...] This information was unconsciously processed, the probability considered and rejected: Psychologically or physically, the person was not ready to die. [...]
No doubt here of jumbled relationships as far as the personality is concerned. We find here a personality once a warrior in the very early period of the Ottoman empire, and no coincidence that the personality is now involved with that country.
As within your universe, as a personality reincarnates into different form, you have the retention of the original personality, intact, with its memories in the subconscious; and you have the additional formation of a completely new personality time after time.
I also miss the painting that hung there upon the wall; and while I will not take up much of this session with this material, I will nevertheless make here a few comments concerning the person to whom the painting was sold.
[...] The painting always struck the personality deeply, reminding him, because of the face portrait and the background, of the bare and ancient land from which he had once come, and to which he returned.
[...] Such people are so frightened of the nature of personal power and energy that they short-circuit their nervous systems, blocking the ability for any purposeful action, at least momentarily.
[...] On the one hand some epileptic patients feel a cut above the usual run of humanity, while on the other they perform far more awkwardly than normal persons. [...]
[...] The beliefs lead to the most dire legends, in which the gifted person always pays in one way or another for the valued gifts of self-expression — through disaster, misfortune, or death.
[...] The natural person is of course the natural dreamer, and it is for that reason all the more unfortunate that psychology managed to divorce the world of dreaming from natural healthy psychology. In the natural person, dreams always serve a balancing function, leading toward self-illumination, self-instruction, self-help. [...]
[...] Ruburt would meet them fairly directly, since after all he was not some hypothetical person reading our books, but the person responsible for delivering them. [...]
Your own interest in (flower)seeds right now presents you with an excellent example of the natural person’s inclination to seek out fresh stimulation, and to ally itself, however innocently, with those forces of natural creativity. [...]
Natural therapeutics always operate, of course, but in your society at least there is considerable pressure put on the other side, for it is the natural person you are taught not to trust. [...]
(Through March 26 to 28, Jane had a notice running under Personals in the Elmira Star Gazette, stating her intention to form a class in creative writing. [...]
Inner portions of your personality also have memory of all of your dreams. [...]
[...] When a personality realizes that such other realities exist and that other experiences with consciousness are possible, then he activates certain potentials within himself. [...]
[...] The personality then begins to use its own potential.
[...] He refrained from heavy sexual encounters—certainly not the behavior of a sexually impulsive person. [...]
More than this, the Freudian concepts said more or less that each person, regardless of their individuality, was driven by sexual energies of great force. [...]
[...] They fit in with nature’s plans, and with the psychological plans of the personalities involved. [...]