Results 201 to 220 of 865 for stemmed:period

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

This endeavor, the book, should be carried on now unceasingly, with periods of complete relaxation or change weekends. [...]

[...] For short periods, sunbathing will be restful for him.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 18, 1981 Sinful Prentice Hall document dissertation

Then there are quite necessary resting periods in between, in which theoretically (underlined) the matters would be best dropped from conscious concentration. Such a period is then followed again by perhaps more pointed activity. [...]

TES7 Session 323 March 1, 1967 symptoms should rids housecleaning flexibility

[...] In all hypnotic sessions and in all periods of self-suggestion, emphasis should indeed be upon health, exuberance, flexibility, strength and vitality. [...]

It would perhaps help if at least one window is open during Ruburt’s exercise period.

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978 myth fruit Introductory Framework chance

[...] The same applies to the “psychological activity” of atoms and molecules, and any “particle.”2 Period.

[...] Jane added that “you get a deeper subjective flow” of material when the delivery lasted without a break for an hour, or thereabouts, instead of for the old half-hour periods.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 31, 1978 edifice steal security walking protect

[...] The disorientation leading to lesser walking for a while was simply the body’s way of protecting itself during periods of initial imbalances. [...]

[...] Try to arrange it so that the walking periods still give each of you, say, a certain amount of time between for your creative pursuits. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 21, 1978 effort promote desires impulses letting

[...] When you are awake for periods of time during those hours, very refreshing conditions exist mentally and physically. [...]

It was natural enough for a while that Ruburt be quite aware of bodily sensation when he tried to “give up all effort,” but he is beginning now to sense the body’s pattern of activity, its relaxation, its stretching periods, and so forth. [...]

TPS6 Session 939 (Deleted Portion) January 25, 1982 Dorothy Cathy massage onward boces

[...] I would like you to attend to your lives as they otherwise appear before you, for a period of time to return to sessions because of your natural living curiosity and involvement with them, and to attend most of all to creative thought as it naturally makes itself known. [...]

TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 camouflage creation killing plane entities

That includes constructing the earth itself, and when I spoke of the first particle I referred to the very first materialization of physical matter, period. [...]

Her condition will not improve, although she may have very temporary short periods of lucidity.

It is most beneficial for Ruburt to be fairly well self-disciplined this period of the year, for reasons that I will go into later. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

[...] The species is now entering such a phase, a period in which it will come more into its own. [...]

[...] Others see periods of peace and advance — and each probability will happen “somewhere.” [...]

Human capabilities will be seen as what they are, and a great new period of development will occur, in which all concepts of selfhood and reality will be literally seen as “primitive superstition.” [...]

TPS5 Session 856 (Deleted Portion) May 24, 1979 impulses steady relaxed taxes doubly

[...] During her periods of relaxation she gained a number of insights about herself, her challenges and physical condition. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 16, 1984 berserk invader immunity vie temp

[...] Period.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 26, 1967 alligators Harvey listen Archie fears

[...] The fears have to do largely with experience that may come to pass within a three year period. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 8, 1980 Bufferin hips controversy editors issues

[...] She continues to have much trouble sleeping and getting up, alternated with blue periods, etc. [...]

[...] You go through periods, of course, where you utilize Framework 2 more proficiently than you do at other times, but reminding yourselves in conversation of Framework 2’s existence and importance can be an invaluable assistance. [...]

TES9 Session 493 July 14, 1969 accident Gardner hurt Jesuit kids

Such an accident would occur in a period of exuberance, rather than for example when he was driving in connection with his duties at work. [...]

He should generally watch himself in activities not connected with work, using tools or so forth, for a period of approximately 10 days. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

The information in Mass Events and in our sessions helped him use impulses to a far better degree than he had before, and helped him keep some balance, let him advance in understanding despite the period of difficulty. Still at various times and throughout the period, he used what he thought of as that additional protection: the symptoms kept him inside, where it seemed he could indeed express himself with the least duress. [...]

[...] The period, however, can and should be shortened. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 540, July 6, 1970 reincarnation choose reenter cycle intermediary

Before the time of choosing, however, there is a period of self-examination, and your full “history” becomes available to you. [...]

TES6 Session 257 May 9, 1966 five playground anemia Elmo draft

[...] I mean in this general period of time, not this instant. He is in a period in which he is trying to make decisions of a major nature, concerning the future and his own circumstances.

[...] I used a period after the word postmark however in the notes, so consider the red and blue separately. [...]

[...] This dream, over a period of a couple of years during her childhood, had a powerful effect upon Jane; she has talked about it ever since I have known her. [...]

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

[...] Jane then received the information, she believes from Seth, to the effect that she might soon be allowed to resume psy-time, but only for fifteen-minute periods, and during the evening when I would be home with her.

[...] His experiments for now should be limited to a fifteen-minute daily period, and they should be held in the evening or afternoon.

TES6 Session 277 August 3, 1966 projections blunders control environment future

Your waking consciousness only participates in projections as a rule when you are in a period of high vitality, and exceptional health.

On occasion the waking consciousness does participate during other usually very depressed periods. [...]

TMA Session Seven August 28, 1980 intellect charcoal cultural beliefs weather

[...] Period. It is amazingly resilient, in that according to the belief structures of any given historical period, it can orient itself along the lines of those beliefs, using all of its reasoning abilities to bring such a world picture into focus, collecting data that agree, and rejecting what does not.

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