Results 41 to 60 of 516 for stemmed:percept
[...] Since you perceive physically through the body, which is atomically structured, then of course your sense perceptions lead you to block out recognition of other probable stimuli or reactions. In his book Adventures in Consciousness, Ruburt mentions what he calls “prejudiced perception.’’1 It is an excellent term in this regard.
[...] While the body’s integrity must lie in a constant reiteration in one probability, and maintain within that probable system a certain “constant,” and while physically perception is largely directed there, the basic integrity of the body system and consciousness comes from outside the system into it. [...]
[...] Other quite-as-valid events do not seem significant — they do not rise into perception, or reality. [...]
1. In the Glossary for Adventures, Jane defines prejudiced perception as “The propensity for organizing undifferentiated data into specific differentiated sense terms.” [...]
[...] This organizational structure of perception can be broken up, as recent LSD experiments certainly show. [...] The fact that this does occur shows that the systems of perception are not a part of over-all structure biologically, but learned secondary responses. It is disturbing to the whole organism, however, to break up the strong pattern of usual perception. [...]
[...] You will soon learn to trust your perceptions, whether or not the experiences seem to make logical sense.
[...] The experience gained does become a part of the physical structure, but there is no massive disorganization of perception, since the ego agrees to step aside momentarily.
[...] Nevertheless yours is a slow-motion world in many ways as far as your perceptions are concerned, while you are within it. [...]
Now this material has important psychological implications that I will follow up, and it is also connected with our material on perception. [...]
[...] They distorted his reality and his perceptions without his being aware of them.
[...] Basically perception of the spacious present is naturally available. [...] By limiting many otherwise available perceptions it forces you to focus upon what you can perceive with greater intensity.
Seven: The spacious present is here more available to the perceptions.
[...] You will soon learn for example to trust your perceptions, whether or not the experience seems to make logical sense.
It is cast for you so that it bridges the perception of the psyche and the perception of the dreaming self. [...]
[...] It demands a peculiar and distinctive mixture of various kinds of consciousness, and the transformation of “nonphysical perception” into symbols and codes that will be sensually understood, though not directly experienced as in waking experience.
[...] It presupposes a far greater freedom in which perception is not dependent upon space or time, a reality in which objects appear or are dismissed with equal ease, a subjective framework in which the individual freely expresses what he or she will in the most direct of fashions, yet without physical contact in usual terms.
Time inversion would merely permit the recreation of a particular perception. [...] The past exists to the same extent that the present or future exists, and it is only the perception that is limited.
[...] These varying perceptive abilities organize so that their perceptive powers are pooled in a gestalt that eventually forms a new identity, a more complicated psychological structure that is capable of perceiving larger areas of reality.
[...] The inner senses represent your true powers of perception. They represent, say, your native nonphysical perceptive “equipment.” [...]
[...] February 9, and of my waking experience the next evening.1 Both events had involved intense perceptions of color and/or light, and I’d told Jane that anything Seth cared to say about them would be most welcome. [...]
The physical senses have to screen out such perceptions. [...]
[...] They are a part of your inner senses’ larger spectrum of perception, and in the dream state you were not relying upon your physical senses at all.
(Long pause at 9:42.) In certain terms alterations of consciousness involved you in experiences of an angular nature, where perception uses physical reality as a basis, but forms angles from it. In certain terms the physical world can (underlined) be said to be opaquely perceived then, while other perceptions become clearer, but the normally conscious attention (underlined) is no longer so dominant, and even normal beliefs go into a momentary withdrawal.
[...] At the same time such perceptions give insights into the book itself.
[...] The inspiration was now directing my perception so that as I looked around, the world was altered. [...]
(“At the same time, in contrast, my perception of my room underwent a transformation. [...]
(“I felt claustrophobic for a bit … my visual perception was again altered in a strange smoother way, so that everything I saw was an inside that was inside itself, ad infinitum. [...]
[...] These represent the temporal end of the spectrum of perception.
Because you are flesh and blood creatures, the interior aspects of perception must have their physical counterparts. [...]
(10:28.) Beneath temporal perception, then, each object and event exists in these terms, in patterns that interact with each other. [...]
New paragraph: Consciousness then is not dependent upon physical perception, though this attribute does require an awareness immersed within a material form. [...]
[...] In corporeal existence it is intertwined with the brain, and during physical life your earthly perceptions — your precise and steady focus within your particular space and time system — are dependent upon that fine alliance.
[...] Now all of this inner self cannot become expressed even with its connection with the brain, since the brain must sift perception through the physical apparatus.
The brain with its bodily connections must deal with the time lapses that sensual perception always imply. [...]
Its general field of awareness however is much larger than any with which you are familiar, and he has a greater control and focus within this larger generalized field than you possess in your comparable generalized field of perception. His dissociated states, for example, make up a much larger portion of his perception, and they are more vivid than mankind’s generalized dissociated conditions.
[...] This was not to emphasize any lower or base characteristics, but was your way of translating the individual’s exceptionally clear, pure and single-minded perception. For the intensity behind the perception reminded you of the unswerving attention often displayed in animals: a complete lack of trickery as it is understood by you.
[...] I believe my perception then sharpened to some degree, and it was at this moment that I saw so clearly the minutest detail of the eyes, the shadow below the lids, the individual lashes, etc. [...]
In your particular state of consciousness on that particular evening, your attention strayed beyond your ordinary fields of perception. [...]
[...] Now, it is possible but difficult to catch your own consciousness in the act of its own natural perception, before impressions become crystallized in physical terms. Even the survival personality must translate perception into terms it can understand.
[...] In this case there is a definite interaction — an interchange that is, again, beneath physical perception.
(9:44.) The extent of perception will vary here to a great degree. [...]
Man’s focus is equally limited in perception theory, which is a deadly psychological game played by the United States and Russia. [...] Perception theory rests upon the assumptions of large groups of people in the two countries, including many of their leaders, and by the political rulers of many other nations, that it is vital for the United States and Russia to possess numerically balanced arsenals of nuclear weapons. [...] What does matter in perception theory is that whenever one side is seen as pulling ahead in the arms race, the other must match that progress, then do better, even though militarily it’s quite unnecessary. Indeed, military leaders in the United States, and evidently in Russia, concur in playing out the illusion of perception theory for their own psychological and political purposes.
[...] the military one of perception theory—for again, I think the two are closely related, not only to each other but to the points I’ve made in this note. In mundane terms, both represent longstanding distortions in perception of the great basic creativity of All That Is. [...]
[...] I have been trying to lead you into a new threshold of perception, where the old myths of evolution can be seen as outmoded, ancient or forsaken castles amid a forest of beliefs—a forest that is indeed itself a magically formed one. [...]
[...] And we know that as the creation of Dreams begins to recede from our immediate perception other challenges will inevitably move forward. [...]
[...] Your languages program your perceptions, and limit your communications in certain terms (underlined) as much as they facilitate it.
[...] An object is presented to your visual perception so that you can safely perceive it from the outside. [...]
In a manner of speaking he approached other thresholds of perception, and with my help translated those data into the material given. [...]
[...] There is at least a possibility that you and Ruburt, using your own individual inner senses, may at times perceive different aspects of a given situation, and that the individual perceptions will enable you to achieve a greater knowledge of a specific, or any specific, happening than either of you separately could achieve. [...]
[...] It is of great benefit that perceptions from the inner senses do not remain in the subconscious but become available to the intellect, and I will go into this at a future date.
[...] It is the beginning of a logically unstructured vehicle that will carry you hopefully further into the inner heart of perception. I hope that eventually it will allow you to experience more fully the inner cognizance that is beneath physical perception and physical translation.
Therefore clear perception of inner data can freely use the whole structure of your own language for its flow if need be, but the stereotyped patterns will be broken.
Now our sessions have always involved methods of perception, and the translation of inner experience. [...]