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UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974 particles waves Physicists pool wavelike

Give us a moment … Physicists know that waves can appear as particles upon certain conditions, and that particles can behave like waves.3 So moments as you understand them are like waves experienced as “particles” — as small bubbles, for example, each one breaking and another forming. Subatomic particles also behave like waves sometimes; in fact, it is usually only when they act like particles that they are perceived at all.

(9:42.) Physicists think of atoms as particles. Their wavelike characteristics are not observed. At other levels of reality, atoms behave in a wavelike manner … Give us a moment … Subjectively, you will think of your own thoughts as waves rather than as particles. Yet in the dream level of reality those waves “break” into particles, so to speak. They form pseudo-objects from your viewpoint. While dreaming you accept that reality as real. Only upon awakening do the dream objects seem not-real, or imaginary. The nervous system itself is biologically equipped to perceive various gradations of physical matter, and there are “in-between” impulse passageways that are utilized while dreaming. From your point of view these are alternate passageways, but in the dream state they allow you to perceive as physical matter objects that in the waking state would not be observable.

In greater terms, the past is definitely created from the present. In your system of reality this does not seem to be the case at all, since your senses project a forward kind of motion outward upon events. “Subatomic particles,” however, appear in your present, rippling into your system’s dimensions, creating their own “tracks,” which scientists then try to observe. In some cases, unknowingly, your scientists are close to observing the birth of time effects within your system. (Pause.) Since your brains are composed of cells with their atoms and molecules, and since these are themselves made of certain invisible particles,2 then your memories are already structured by the biological mechanisms that make them possible in your terms. (In parentheses: After death, for example, you still possess a memory, though it does not operate through the physical organism as you understand it.)

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

Through their work with particle accelerators, or “atom smashers,” physicists have discovered that protons and neutrons themselves are composed of forces and particles that in turn are almost certainly composed of forces and particles, and so on, in an ever-descending scale of smaller and smaller entities and concepts. Over 100 subatomic particles have been identified so far, and no one doubts now that many more will be found. The existence of a number of still-undiscovered specific particles has been predicted. [...]

Some of the “particles” the theoretical physicists have discovered—and/or created—in their gigantic particle accelerators have unbelievably short life-spans in our terms, vanishing, it seems, almost before they’re born. I like to think of such research from the particle’s point of view, though, a consideration I haven’t seen mentioned in the few scientific journals I read. Keep in mind that according to the Seth material the merest particle is basically conscious in its own way. Mesons are classes of particles produced from the collisions of protons. [...]

[...] It may look upon our world as one frozen or motionless, upon other subatomic particles as very slow-moving indeed, or even faster than it is. (As far as “time” goes, some particles live for far less than a trillionth of a second.) I’m quite sure, however, that the meson, or any short-lived particle, searches out its own kind of value fulfillment while here with us. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 3, 1978 particles quark Hoyle neutron faster

They “unite” to form, of course, the larger particles in the physical world. These particles are invisible to the human eye, and do not appear in the mundane affairs of daily life—that is, you do not meet a quark on the corner (with amusement) and say “Hello, how are you, state your name and business.” You are familiar then with the idea that matter is composed of a conglomeration of particles that reach seemingly infinitely “beneath” the physical stuff of the world. (Rob: re particles & elements, created without end, distortive instruments, etc.—see session 19, January 27, 1964. [...]

Now: your scientists, endlessly it seems, pursue particles, theorizing about them, so that you have particles with certain kinds of characteristics, propensities, and leanings. [...]

If physical form is made up of such multitudinous, invisible particles, how much more highly organized must be the inner components of consciousness, without whose perceptions matter itself would be meaningless. The alliances of consciousness, then, are far more vast than those of particles in any form.

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

(According to the theory of relativity, no particle can be accelerated to the speed of light because its mass would become infinitely large as it approached light’s velocity; but this barrier is bypassed by stating that the particles in question have an imaginary proper mass — not rest mass — that is never less than the speed of light. M.H. asked, then: “Are these faster-than-light particles the same as, or like, the electromagnetic energy or EE units Seth discusses in the Appendix of The Seth Material?”)

There are indeed universes composed of such faster-than-light particles. [...] You simply would not perceive such particles as mass. When these particles are slowed down sufficiently, you do experience them as matter.

(By M.H. Her query was based on a theory that, as it happened, I’d heard of also: A group of scientists has postulated the existence of a class of subatomic particles called “tachyons,” or “meta-particles,” that always travel faster than the speed of light.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 915, May 12, 1980 particles intervals invisible sequences neurologically

Beyond certain levels it is almost meaningless to speak in terms of particles, but I will for now use the term “invisible particles” because you are familiar with it. Invisible particles, then, form the foundation of your world. The invisible particles that I am referring to, however, have the ability to transform themselves into mass,1 or to divest themselves of it. And the invisible particles of which I speak not only possess consciousness—but each one is, if you will, a seed that contains within itself a potential for an infinite number of gestalts. Each such invisible particle contains within itself the potential (pause) to embark upon an infinite number of probable variations of consciousness. To that degree such psychological particles are at that stage unspecialized, while they contain within themselves the innate ability to specialize in whatever direction becomes suitable.

That note makes a handy reference for related concepts, for in it I also briefly discussed subatomic “particles”; the components of atoms; molecules; supposed faster-than-light particles (tachyons); Seth’s CU’s, or units of consciousness; his assertion that consciousness can travel faster than light in out-of-body states; Jane’s scientific vocabulary; and Einstein’s special theory of relativity. [...]

[...] Now you are composed of such invisible particles, and so is everything else that you can physically perceive. [...]

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

If we may speak in an analogy, then these particles have two faces. If you consider them as soldiers guarding the barriers or the boundaries, then you would have to imagine a strange creature, our particle, as a soldier on a boundary facing toward and away from the country in question.

[...] The inner alignment and electromagnetic structure of such particles is the main issue that allows them to be, or to operate within, two different units or systems. And while these particles act as resistant boundary forces, they are also uniting forces, forming so to speak the connective tissue that both separates and unites.

These identifying particles, as we will call them, that both close about a system yet still unite it to other systems, these particles are also inherent properties of any unit or system. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

(Pause at 9:04, one of many.) Each “particleized” unit, however, rides the continual thrust set up by fields of consciousness, in which wave and particle both belong. Each particleized unit of consciousness contains within it inherently the knowledge of all other such particles—for at other levels, again, the units are operating as waves. [...]

CU’s can also operate as “particles” or as “waves.” [...] When CU’s operate as particles, in your terms, they build up a continuity in time. [...]

2. According to Albert Einstein, no material particle in our universe can be accelerated from rest to quite the speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum. However, as I wrote in Note 1 for Session 709, in Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality, “supposed faster-than-light particles are thought to be possible within the context of Einstein’s special theory of relativity.”

TPS5 Deleted Session April 30, 1979 Yale Moorcroft ld relaxation Professor

[...] Every visible or invisible particle has consciousness according to its own scale of reality. Each particle, visible or invisible, is awareized energy. This is most difficult to explain, but like, say, the units of some multidimensional computer, each visible or invisible particle carries within it the knowledge of all other particles, including their positions, and their probable positions.

[...] There is then an almost instantaneous flow of information throughout such particles. [...]

That same information is available on a cellular basis (pause), and to the smaller particles that make up the bodies of the experimenters, and the structure of the instruments.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 668, June 6, 1973 impinges continuum ferment dimensional seventeenth

[...] In energy terms, think of your selves as particles, and of your experiences as the waves that flow through the particles and gives each of them its sensations. When you are physical you are a particle. The form of the particle defines your experience as the waves permeate it, but your greater reality cannot be expressed in such limited terms.

[...] In terms of energy, again, the vitality of your entity impinging into three-dimensional reality forms a particle that is your present being. But this particle is also deflected away from the earth in a rhythmic pattern. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 890, December 19, 1979 units ee sperm particles unmanifested

Each unit of consciousness inherently possesses within itself all of the information available to the whole, and its specific nature when it operates as a particle rests upon that great “body” of inner knowledge. Any one such particle can be where it “is,” be what it is, and be when it is only because the positions, relative positions, and situations of all other such particles are known.

These EE units also operate as fields, as waves, or as particles, as the units of consciousness do—but in your terms they are closer to physical orientation. [...] There are literally numberless steps taken before EE units combine in their own fashion to form the most microscopic physical particles, and even here the greatest, gentlest sorting-out process takes place as these units disentangle themselves at certain operational levels (underlined) from their own greater fields of “information,” to specialize in the various elements that will allow for the production of atoms and molecules impeccably suited to your kind of world.

[...] All of these units of consciousness, again, operate as entities (or particles, or as waves or forces). [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] (Jane shook her head, her eyes closed.) As they fall backward through themselves — I’m getting this — I don’t know how to say it — the faster-than-light particles collapse in on top. The dead hole seems to swallow itself, with the real fast particles like a lid that gradually diminishes … From our point of view the hole is closed, say, once the faster-than-light particles follow the slower core backward into beginnings.”

[...] Each atom consists of a nucleus of protons, neutrons, and other subatomic particles, around all of which move a complicated system of much lighter electrons. [...] Note 24 for Appendix 18 contains a short discussion of the particle-wave duality involving the components of the atom. In Note 35 for the same appendix, I quoted Seth from the 702nd session in Volume 1; he advanced his own idea of interrelated fields versus particle-wave theory.

[...] The masses of colliding subatomic “particles,” for instance, can be transferred into both energy and new particles. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles

[...] Events are not built up initially from physical particles. [...]

[...] The form was there, but it was not manifest (intently). I do not particularly like the analogy, but it is useful: Instead of small particles (long pause), you had small units of consciousness gradually building themselves into large ones—but a smaller unit of consciousness, you see, is not “less than” a larger unit, for each unit of consciousness contains within itself the innate (underlined) heritage of All That Is.

2. Seth should have said that light can be defined as being made up of waves or particles, but he didn’t put it quite that way, and I let stand what he did say. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 823, February 27, 1978 principle complementarity uncertainty quantum Heisenberg

The uncertainty principle, or the principle of indeterminacy (advanced by Heisenberg in 1927, and part of the theory of quantum mechanics), sets definite limits to the accuracy possible in measuring both the motion and position of atoms and elementary particles simultaneously; more importantly to my mind, for the purposes of this note, the uncertainty principle maintains that there is an interaction between the observer (with his instruments) and the object or quality being measured.

The complementarity principle (stated by Bohr in 1928) resolves the seeming paradox posed by contradictory experiments that show how light, for example, can be regarded as consisting of either waves or particles. [...]

I doubt if physicists in the 1920s were concerned about the psychological activity of atoms, molecules, or particles, although it seems that Heisenberg came close to Seth’s idea when he considered the free behavior of an electron emitted by a light ray. [...]

TES3 Session 98 October 19, 1964 nodule arthritic wrist irritation injury

[...] The organizing principle of small particles into larger particles lies within the particles themselves, and is directed from within in all cases.

The organizing ability grows and potentials become more actual as such particles combine. [...] All combinations of particles are voluntary, and based upon principles of value fulfillment, which operates within and causes those acts or motions which are conducive to the formation of more complicated gestalts.

[...] The smallest imaginable particle gives evidence of that basic unity of energy adopting form, materializing the camouflage pattern necessary for efficient manipulation within your universe, that is composed of diverse but interwoven fields of apparent, semi-apparent, or unapparent activities and correlations. [...]

TES9 Session 463 February 5, 1969 atoms perception molecules electromagnetic paranormal

(Pause.) Each of the molecules or particles within the atom are perceptively aware of all the other particles within the given atom. [...]

(“Do you mean changes in the atom such as the number of electrons and/or other particles, literally; or are you referring to the nonphysical content of energy within, or carried by, each atom? [...]

[...] (Pause.) Returning to the material on perception, there are changes in the positive and negative atomic charges, alterations of movement inside the atoms in the smaller particles (long pause), a change in pulsation rate. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 866, July 18, 1979 cancer norm Autistic host children

[...] It is fashionable to say that some scientific laws can be proven at microscopic levels, where, for example, small particles can be accelerated far beyond [their usual states]. But you quite studiously ignore that feeling exists on microscopic levels, that there can be psychological particles, much less come to the conclusion that all particles are psychological particles, with their own impetuses for development and value fulfillment. [...]

(9:23.) If the simplest particle is so endowed with impetus, with hidden ideals that seek fulfillment, then what about the human being? [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

Give us a moment … (Then slowly:) It is difficult to explain on spiritual and psychic levels without speaking in terms of gradations of identity, for example, but in your terms even the smallest “particle” of identity is inviolate. [...] Your consciousness and its consciousness are merged; yet it is composed of the multitudinous individual consciousnesses that form the tiniest physical particles within it. Those particles come and go, yet your body remains itself. [...]

[...] I said that there are invisible particles that can appear in more than one place simultaneously.5 So can identity. [...] The table between Joseph and myself (Jane, in trance, sat with her feet upon our long narrow coffee table) does not feel invaded by the invisible particles that compose it. [...]

[...] The cells, again, are not simply minute, handy, unseen particles that happen to compose your organs. [...]

TPS5 Session 898 (Deleted Portion) January 30, 1980 sons daughters embody bare father

[...] All particles will try to combine with each other in as many different probable ways as possible. [...]

The same applies to all “psychological” particles, to units of consciousness, and to their affiliations within personality. [...]

TPS5 Session 889 (Deleted Portion) December 17, 1979 trial cease chores flash session

[...] It is as if (underlined) you forget particleized boundaries for a while, and allow the greater capacities of your being to take over. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 702 June 10, 1974 spin electrons technology biofeedback science

(I thought it very interesting that Seth had talked about subatomic waves and particles in the last paragraph of his delivery tonight. [...] For instance: Is light made up of waves or particles? [...]

[...] As long as you think in terms of [subatomic] particles, you are basically off the track — or even when you think in terms of waves. [...]

[...] Since electrons are the particles or processes moving about the nucleus of the atom, I now make the same association for them. [...]

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