Results 581 to 600 of 615 for stemmed:paint

TES7 Session 283 September 5, 1966 Barbara Goose postcard va card

[...] As stated the stamp on the object is gray blue, and bears a figure 5. It seems however that this data probably refers to the figure of Mother Goose, shown on the object, and to the statue standing upon a base that is painted blue. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

[...] I have obtained the paint to do her workroom. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 723 December 2, 1974 language rock sounds Neanderthal prehuman

[...] Painting is a language. [...]

TES3 Session 110 November 25, 1964 a.j inquiring November Dee objectify


TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

[...] Your best energies were going into your work, he felt, at the job, not into painting, and the very focus divided you. [...]

TES9 Session 501 September 17, 1969 Adam bridge Tam rfb Eve

You can also find many connections between psychic activity and color and painting in which you are interested. [...]

TES1 Session 37 March 23, 1964 practical Philip hallucinary camouflage John

(In a further effort to relax, Jane worked on a painting of her own until 8:30 PM. [...]

TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 flame candle height test inches

[...] You will pick up intuitional data concerning various personalities in action, and this will aid you in your painting.

TES7 Session 298 October 31, 1966 teaching Piccadilly teacher object school

[...] Bert first got Jane interested in teaching; he is also an artist, and paints abstracts.

TES1 Session 34 March 11, 1964 fluent outer camouflage plane error

[...] The very optimistic remarks as to books being published and involving painting sales occurred in this manner.

TES6 Session 258 May 11, 1966 playground Ryan impressions todon mas

(Reduced copy of the tracing of the paint pattern used as the object in the 54th envelope experiment, in the 259th session for May 16,1966.)

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] I have mentioned the advantages of a painting over a piece of sculpture, and an idea not fully captured will find further expression.

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

[...] Your wife’s name I believe when you grew was Nell B-r-o-w-n-e-l-l. You will find an affinity to horses or with horses if you try to paint them.

UR2 Appendix 22: (For Session 724) Roman soldier tower Jerusalem Peter

[...] For as you view a painting and it has a frame, so do you view the centuries and put separate frames around them….

DEaVF1 Essay 9 Monday, May 31, 1982 essay Mandali aspirin thyroid April

[...] I haven’t been able to get back to painting since Jane left the hospital, and I’ve had to hire help to mow the grass. [...]

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

(Also, glimpse of teen-age boy in light clothing and sneakers trying to crack some walnuts on a painted wood floor by stamping down on them energetically with his left foot. [...]

TES7 Session 296 October 24, 1966 Marjorie Ward Bill blue Buck

(On October 15, 10 days ago, I dreamed Jane and I moved closer to New York City so I could sell my paintings—or so I wrote, rather than comics for instance. [...]

TES2 Session 67 July 1, 1964 Roberts Marshall Louisiana Tom gallery

In the past he stayed at the gallery despite some natural disadvantages, because of the independence which he enjoyed there, because of the commitment mentioned earlier, and because of innate interest in paintings which surrounded him. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975 infinities infinite Millers Corio finite

[...] Seth first announced his presence by name in the 4th session for December 8, 1963; I painted him in 1966.

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

[...] Sometimes they see him as he appears in the portrait Rob painted of him. [...]

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