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TES1 February 17, 1964 Callahan Miss attack cramps studio

(Also after supper it developed that Miss Callahan, the retired school teacher who lives in the front apartment on our floor, had evidently had an attack of some kind and was in urgent need of help. Our neighbor across the hall first informed us. [...]

(There followed a very confusing [and to me upsetting] several hours during which Jane and our neighbor, Leonard Yaudes, tried contacting Miss Callahan’s doctor, her relatives, her friends, our landlady, and a hospital. [...]

(My back was beginning to bother me this morning, at around 11:00, so I sat in my chair, in the studio, and closing my eyes began to use the induction technique that Jane had used on me in our previous sessions. [...]

(Our 26th session, due Monday, February 17, 1964, was not held for two reasons.

TES4 Session 194 September 29, 1965 rem test Beach photo sleep

Now in regard to our own test this evening: Ruburt, at this stage, should not work on our own test results as he has been doing. He has been concentrating too much on grading our tests.

[...] This is not his job, and it will work against our results. [...] His work in attempting to tabulize the test results thus far, will only hamper our results. [...]

I suggest that you hold this question until our next session, as Ruburt is tired this evening because of his concentration upon the work which I have mentioned. [...] I will answer specifically at our next session.

(The session was held in our back room, and was a quiet one. [...]

TES4 Session 154 May 12, 1965 automobile perceived sound system sniffed

I will indeed now close our session, the reason mainly being that Ruburt has been oriented in a quickened fashion toward our work since he began his book again, and he has used additional energy in doing so. [...] Our sessions have been highly compact as of late also, and intensified in energy content.

The sight of our imaginary automobile, therefore, is perceived by you as a visual stimulus, because you are conditioned to perceiving it in such a fashion. But it is also possible to perceive our automobile in entirely different fashions within different realities, and from various perspectives.

[...] The nature of our object, our automobile for example, is indeed largely determined by those who perceive it, for it is different things in reality, and not one thing. [...]

[...] For the same thing on my part, see sessions 24 and 35 in Volume 1. There are many other accounts of it scattered through our psy-time notes preceding various sessions.

TES5 Session 227 January 26, 1966 event poems January perceive Willy

I was quite pleased with the amount of quite specific material that I managed to deliver concerning our friend Philip, at our last session.

This event X becomes real then, in your terms, only when it is experienced or perceived by our conscious self. [...] The only difference between them and event X is that event X was perceived and experienced by our conscious individual. [...]

(The session was held in our front room. [...]

[...] They have to do with our discussion of time in general.

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

I suggest then, that we end, and let our friend quiet down. [...] He will be quite as acquainted with me as he wishes, before we are done, and there may be indications before our next session. [...]

[...] Our friend Ruburt was bound to come to this point. [...]

Now, to all our benefits, he is willing to allow me to go further. [...]

We have been away from our theoretical material for some time. [...]

TES4 Session 181 August 25, 1965 ego absent environment anchorage map

In our dream experiments therefore, this is one of the purposes that we hope to achieve. [...]

Our ego must have its feet upon the solid earth, it is out of its element, naked and in an unfamiliar environment, outside of the normal characteristics of physical existence. [...]

In our dream experiments then, we will allow you to bring such messages to the ego. [...]

I want to give you some more material to further fill out our outline for future sessions dealing with dream reality. [...]

TES4 Friday, October 15, 1965 Two Dreams by Jane Butts radio apartment staircase pack awoke

(I am in our living room. [...] [Actually this must have to do with our hopes of having our kitchen enlarged.]

[...] Investigating I see that new people are moving into a back apartment in our apartment house. [...] I am doubly angry at myself when I discover a lovely kitchen and bath between this apartment and our own, since we could have used these rooms ourselves, paying extra rent for them.

[...] Opening them, I find a lovely table-and-chair set of simulated wood, and I tell Rob that we can use them in our new kitchen.

[...] I’m curious about some other apartments, also in this building, and owned by our landlord also. [...]

TES3 Session 91 September 23, 1964 club landlord gallery unscheduled autumn

(This afternoon I had delivered to our landlord’s supper club, here in Elmira, four large oil paintings which we mounted on the club walls. Our landlord had just finished redecorating his establishment, and wanted some original art for it. [...]

[...] However you must admit the important inner guts, concerning space travel, did indeed come from our sessions. [...]

I wanted to deal further during our last session with material originating in the unscheduled session, otherwise I would have cut the last session. [...]

[...] However upon this instance I shall indeed do so, but our sessions this autumn shall be meaty ones, and I hope that you digest them.

TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 Trainor voice features badger indeed

I want here, Joseph, to make one note for our own benefit, that should be included with our material on the nature of action, if indeed our two visitors will for a moment forgive me. [...]

(After this our conversation turned to what Seth might say about the origins of Bill Gallagher’s ulcer. [...] Jane announced that she felt the rapport in our group was favorable, that Seth could hold a session now if we requested it. [...]

[...] The emotional rapport built up between us will reinforce our sessions in general, and you know how important this can be. I must still work within the realm of his energies, and I do not even now believe that you realize how much more effectively he is using those energies, nor what strains our sessions have put upon his ego, which he has managed to triumph over.

Therefore, though I sincerely regret, and with deep sympathy for your desires, I will here close our session—but only because I so sympathize with the lamentable weakness of your fingers. I have not been able to come through personally so well in quite a while; and if our situations were reversed I would not shut you off.

TES4 Session 179 August 18, 1965 test noise envelope Traffic Instream

(Because it was another very hot and humid night we held the session in our large front room, where air circulation is better. Traffic noise was a problem once more; our windows of course had to be open, although the blinds were drawn. [...]

Our main problem is simply Ruburt’s own confidence, or lack of it. [...] I spoke plainly in our recorded session, nor do I regret so doing. [...]

[...] [This was to be our first “envelope test”.]

[...] When I spoke of terms, saying that my terms should be met, I was not, again, speaking of any impossible conditions; merely that spontaneity, trust and integrity be necessary factors in our endeavor.

TES3 Session 135 February 24, 1965 electrical distance intensities Callahan Mark

I will here welcome Philip to our session. Since he is acquainted with our later material, I will continue along the same lines.

It is most pleasant this evening, with our small group. I am still working with Ruburt in an attempt to make the sessions more congenial, although necessarily it takes a while for him to become accustomed to our new method of delivery.

I will now close our session. [...] And here you see this: Because Mark has seen what Mark has seen, our Ruburt is dubious. [...]

[...] We will now return to our other discussions.

TMA Session Twelve September 22, 1980 disclaimer Parker textbooks Prentice intellect

[...] Now we have an idea for our own type of “disclaimer” for the frontmatter of Mass Events, based upon a very apt quote from Seth’s material that we found late in the book. [...]

[...] I told Jane that I felt the disclaimer planned for one of our books by the publisher could hardly be the end of such thinking. [...]

I would like to give you some insight as to why Prentice-Hall is our publisher to begin with. [...]

Our books do not appear under the Parker heading. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 truth intellectually intellect win cracks

[...] I did not mean, earlier, to give the impression that I was poking fun at our friend’s intellect, only that you can at times prevent him from reaching out to others as he should. I need and needed an intellect through which I could work so that our basic principles could be understood by those who were intellectually inclined. And so that the scientist and mathematicians, the religious men, the philosophers, could find no fault with our reasoning. [...] Our friend Ruburt himself has not understood the meaning of our classes sufficiently. [...] Our friend over here (Theodore) has Ruburt’s back. [...]

[...] And note to our friend, Ruburt—there is no reason why truth must necessarily be given in high intellectual tones. Now, I have given material in our own session that is highly legitimate and valid, and it will be used and used well by people who can understand it intellectually. [...]

It seems that our Lady from Florence is not looking inward. [...]

TES9 Session 429 August 14, 1968 entity sepia analogy intensities nontime

(Jane and I had a discussion concerning the questions I have compiled to ask Seth, via our new system, before sessions, hence our getting started late. [...]

Now the image analogy is in some respects distortive, but good enough for our present purposes. For as you think of the matter of your cells as only matter, then it is hard to follow our analogy. [...]

[...] In our analogy, the projected image would seem to float, including ever-different stars and planets within its boundaries. [...]

[...] Jane now said that she hadn’t been sure we could have a session tonight, as a result of our discussion beforehand. [...]

TES8 Session 355 July 26, 1967 Ferd Australia Madonna Halfway Pete

My heartiest welcome to our young friend, and to our late-coming Jesuit (Bill Gallagher, who arrived just as the session began), and of course, our cat lover (Peg).

[...] The questions, incidentally, were the result of subconscious aggression on our friend’s part, our Jesuit; quite natural, over the condition of his father. [...]

[...] Our young gentleman friend has come a long way to visit me, but then I also came a long way, you see, to visit you.

[...] He has recently left our area of existence for another, and he has not yet sufficiently learned to operate within the new set of conditions. [...]

TES8 Session 335 April 17, 1967 ionization lightning climate automobile circumstances

Our own physical climate is a poor one for a session, however. The electrical currents are not working to our advantage; this being a peculiar circumstance, incidentally, having to do with a changed ionization of the surface of the ground, that sometimes occurs about this season. [...]

Instead of a steady flow of electromagnetic current, generally speaking, there is a rather erratic bombardment that affects such psychic affairs as ours. Under different conditions, an electric storm can be beneficial to our purposes. [...]

(We were having trouble with our car, and at suppertime I had been voicing fears that it might be finished.)

[...] We will hold our normal session Wednesday. [...]

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

There were several other themes floating about our lives … Sue Watkins’ new book Conversations with Seth about my E.S.P. classes was to appear in the fall. [...] In the meantime the pesty fleas continued their household tyranny and all of this was somehow wrapped around a ribbon of excitement as we watched the Democrats and Republicans battle on the news just before we left for our respective work rooms.

[...] Numerous but subtle instances of “magical” orientation kept appearing in our lives. [...] In the beginning these suggestive events just stretched our imaginations and thoughts, but later they became numerous and persistent so that we had to take them into consideration as we made normal decisions.

Our next scheduled Seth session was for the following Monday — another day high in the 90s, and I found myself anticipatory and hopeful: Would Seth discuss some of those issues? I felt again that an entire new “package” of session material was coming our way — and I wanted to be able to put it to practical use. [...]

[...] Somewhere in the conversation, with a smiling sense of wonder, he told us what had happened as he drove through Elmira on the way to our house.

TPS2 Deleted Session September 6, 1972 leadership Macmillan Terry abundance fame

(Loud rock music was playing in the apartments above and below us as we sat for the session in our living room. [...]

[...] And there will be other developments out of our sessions, and other books of my own also.

[...] Other aspects of your work and our work will also be showing themselves. [...]

[...] Our session, the August 2 one, helped lead him to that understanding.

TSM Chapter Six Dr Instream Osis psychologist Rob

[...] When he discovered that we weren’t connected with the medical profession in any way, he asked what our interest was in the symposium. [...] A discussion about Seth followed, and Rob showed him some of our notes, later, in our room.

Then, on our return home, Rob had another idea. Suppose we tried something along the same lines on our own? So at the same time we initiated our envelope tests, in which Seth was asked to give his impressions of the contents of double sealed envelopes.

[...] We cleared our minds of objective thoughts and wrote down whatever came into our heads, trying to predict the day’s events. [...]

[...] …” Seth went on to speak about the ESP tests that Dr. Instream had suggested in our earlier conversation. “I have some difficulties with Ruburt’s own stubborn attitude at times; but we must also take this into consideration, and so we shall … I will seriously endeavor to do what I can do, within our circumstances. [...]

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

Through our dreams we change physical reality, and our physical daily experience alters our dream experience. [...] Our consciousness is simply directed in a different kind of reality when we dream, a reality as vivid as waking life. We may forget our dreams, but they are always a part of us, even though we may not be aware of their entire reality.

Early in our sessions, Seth said that he once had a Turkish existence, but we have no information on one for us. We have all kinds of gaps to be filled in on our own past lives, however, because as long as I refused to accept reincarnation, I asked Rob not to ask for reincarnational material. [...] When Seth is involved with a block of sessions on one subject, we hate to upset the continuity of the material by asking him to go into something else, and besides, we’ve learned that Seth eventually answers as many of our questions as possible.

[...] Following this, he told us how to awaken our critical faculties while we were dreaming, and how to project our consciousness out of our bodies, using a dream as a sort of launching pad. [...]

[...] According to the Seth Material, our psychic development and growth, learning processes and experience, are all involved with our dream life. [...] There are definite electromagnetic and chemical connections that unite our stages of consciousness at such times, and he goes into detail about them.

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