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(The 67th envelope object was a penciled note written on one side of a piece of white paper by our neighbor, Leonard Yaudes. [...] The folded note shown below the object is my own, made at the time I discovered Leonard’s note stuck in our door on Sunday morning. [...]
I look forward to our Wednesday session, and though I feel in high spirits myself, I will here take pity upon you both and terminate our visit.
[...] We will leave our friend as he is.
[...] Because of our past alliances, the three of us are closely bound together …
[...] Surely after our pleasant chat the other evening, you should know that nothing of this sort would offend me. [...]
(Still in trance, I turned off the brightest of our two lights, then opened the blinds. [...]
And as far as assimilating our old Frank Withers, don’t let me lead you too far astray. [...]
[...] I told her it raised many questions, but that I didn’t think anyone, at any time, had dealt better with the “origin” of our universe, our world, our history.
(Last Saturday night, Jane and I presided over a “class” reminiscent of the weekly ESP classes we used to hold in our downtown apartments before we moved to the hill house, just outside Elmira, in 1975. [...]
[...] For a change we decided to do our thing in her writing room, or den, at the back of the house. [...]
[...] She told Rob that our work with Seth was a lifetime project, that we would publish his manuscripts, and help spread his ideas. She also informed Rob that I could contact the deceased for their living relatives if I wanted to, emphasizing that a good deal of trial and error would be involved as both of us learned to use our psychic abilities.
[...] Ever since, we’ve been very aware of the effect our behavior and moods have on our cats and have observed the same reinforcement or lack of it in other people’s relationship with their animals.
[...] This led Rob to wonder what had caused our three animals to die shortly before the sessions began.
Once this is understood, all the rest of our material can be seen in the light of both logic and intuition. [...]
The basic idea of the material should be stressed, however, and strongly, since it is from this that our other concepts emerge. [...]
This is our main message to the world, and this is the next line in man’s conceptual development, which will make itself felt in all fields, and in psychiatry perhaps as much as any.
I speak not because I think that either of you will allow yourselves to follow my suggestions in this particular matter, but merely to tell you what could be done to, or for, all of our benefits.
As I told you many sessions ago, I tell you once again: Our sessions are but barely beginning. I did want to mention the fact that Ruburt is doing very well with the initial chapter that will introduce our material.
(Our first session took place on December 2,1963, after a few preliminary and quite brief gropings during November 1963.
This will be a fairly informal session, and I am indeed aware that it is our hundredth session.
(In The New York Times tonight I read an article, with pictures, of the Mars probe currently underway by our Mariner spacecraft. [...] Dr Sagan was also quoted in Otto’s article, regarding the ancient Sumerian-Akkadian legends and UFO’s, to our surprise. The question that has always bothered me is brought up—why does our history only go back five or six thousand years ago, when Homo Sapiens appeared some 50,000 years ago as an established species? [...]
(Jane and I hadn’t believed there was any connection between Jane’s Sumarian development, and Sumer, since the Sumari, as explained in recent sessions, had never been physical in our terms. Tonight’s session went into this, to our surprise.
[...] We had been working long hours on our own, and I had been putting in overtime at Artistic, so I was quite tired. [...]
[...] The geography of our kitchen in apartment four is such that noise can evidently seep through a closet wall in the bedroom and so is quite easily heard. [...]
Numerous forms of vocal communication — whether “true” speech or not, in current opinion — undoubtedly existed among the ancestors of our species for many millennia before the appearance of late Neanderthal man, however; according to conservative estimates such methods could have been in use for well over two million years, perhaps beginning even with our prehuman or animal stages. [...] To us, even the potential for audible communication has always been as much a part of our creature states as arms and legs. [...]
[...] As we made ready for it in our living room, Jane became aware of a faint buzzing — a sound I couldn’t hear. She repeatedly exclaimed over this noise until, investigating, we located its source high up in a far corner: a small insect moving among the leaves of our philodendron vines. [...]
5. As an artist I’m so used to observing our physical world in terms of forms, colors, shadows, shapes, and “negative shapes” — the patterns formed by areas between and around shadows or objects — that I sometimes have to remind myself of the obvious: that each individual in the world perceives it from his or her own viewpoint. How strange, I’ve found myself thinking, that Joe, say, doesn’t see our environment in artistic terms, since what I see is so plain to me. But then, I tell myself, Joe has a method of cognition that’s quite natural to him. If he loves flowers, for instance, he may enjoy more of a sheer emotional reaction through the appreciation of a rose than I can.
[...] A wet snow had started after supper and we’d shut our windows, thus cutting down on the rumble and clatter of automobile traffic.
[...] I told her that I got mad this morning because I felt that the Seth material wasn’t — and wouldn’t — get the hearing it deserved in our society. [...] Yet, why not use it, if it could help solve some of our species’ great challenges? [...]
[...] While in there, the sum of $20,000 popped into my head as I idly thought very briefly about our friend, Maude Cardwell. [...]
[...] I’d idly speculated with Jane about whether the reacquaintance with the Potters — Lois is Mrs. Potter’s adopted daughter — had any connection with my dream about our moving back to the apartment we’d had in the Potter house in Sayre.)
(While she ate I told Jane of another question I’d had in mind for some time, and asked that Seth comment: Our situation, for which we’re both responsible, is one of extremes. [...]
When you publish a paperback of ours, this is like publishing a new book for the first time. I am speaking of our books only—not, for example, of novels or other “occult” tracts.
[...] Even though such people are familiar with the general area of our work, still the book did not fit into a general mold. [...]
[...] As mentioned, you are not packaging our material either in such a way that it builds upon the cliches of the occult field believed in as the public sees it.
Take your break and open our beer.
[...] Our sessions themselves are always in a state of becoming. [...] I would prefer that he channels his new abilities mainly, though not exclusively, in our sessions.
[...] Our friend’s, our dear Ruburt’s, has not yet passed, which is why I am giving the suggestions now. [...]
We now have a good deal of spontaneity and freedom within our sessions. [...]
I am not saying that you should not talk about our sessions or allied subjects with friends, only that one night or sometimes two, of social discourse should certainly contain some more outward enjoyments. [...]
The books are different, however, while the poetry carries the more clearly recognizable stamp of his accepted identity, so he was afraid that I would lead people astray unwittingly perhaps, through the energy and power of our communications. [...] Ruburt discovered how basically easy it was to have our sessions. [...]
[...] I have the awful suspicion that if we had enough shuttle craft, and there was a habitable planet within range, that we’d move key members of the species there, start over and try to leave all of our troubles behind, instead of trying to solve them.” [...]
(Because of our changed schedule, Jane had gone to the john only twice by supper time, whereas I’d envisioned at least three visits to that abode for her by now. [...]
[...] As Seth says, we each do create our own reality.
[...] Jane came out of trance quickly, but before I could even tell her how good I thought the session was, she now told me that lately she’s been picking up from Seth that animal consciousness is turned inward to form the civilization of nature, and that ours is turned outward into our physical civilizations—but that ours have to be built upon that civilization of nature. [...]
(Heartily:) We will return to our book at our next session. [...]
[...] She brought with her a batch of papers Leonard Yaudes had saved for us; naturally our talk revolved around Leonard’s recent heart bypass operation—see the opening notes for sessions 894-97, for example, and my own reactions to Leonard’s situation.
[...] And I learned during the day that our talk had upset her considerably, even though I’d told her I felt that there was “a lot of hope” in the ideas expressed in our discussion. [...] But at this time in these sessions we’ve got to get all the new data we can to help in our own hassles.
[...] As for myself, I want to try to reconstruct our after-breakfast discussion of today.
[...] Although Jane enjoys the sessions, as Seth himself said in the session for February 1, 1981 She is still somewhat afraid of what he will produce in the future—new theories and ideas that either might or will place her in further confrontation with the major tenets of our ordinary world—meaning science, religion, medicine, history, whatever. [...]
—for our friend. [...]
We will end our session. If I have overlooked any major point, then I will bring it up in our next session, or earlier. [...]
[...] Those qualities of his of which he became suspicious are those that made our sessions and his development possible.
My best wishes to you both, and to our once again spontaneous Ruburt, a fond good evening.
(Here is a summary of our free-association material for Monday afternoon, May 7, 1984:
(This is important to note: after we’d had our talk, I suddenly realized that my gums had stopped bothering me. [...]
(This is a summary of our free-association material for Tuesday, May 8, 1984 — Jane’s 55th birthday:
(Jane tried using the pendulum I carry in my wallet; this followed from our discussions about my using the pendulum of late. [...]
Now our friend, Ruburt, will shortly call a break in his class, and this will give you time I know to figure out what you think you will say, but when the time comes, I expect feeling to predominate. [...]
Now I will let our friend call his own class break, but I will be listening to your answers, and I expect you to encounter the question in both of its parts quite honestly. [...]
Now I will let our friend continue with his class, and I welcome those of you who are here for the first time in all of your new revelance. [...]
(Since September 30 Seth has held two ESP class sessions; held a session for our friend John Barclay, who is moving to Nevada; held two sessions concerning the work Jane and I are embarking upon because of this material; and spoken through Jane upon television once more — this time during our return visit to a Washington, D.C. station.
Now: Our next chapter will be called: “Reincarnation, Dreams, and the Hidden Male and Female Within the Self.”
(10:44.) We will end the session, continuing our material next time, unless you have questions.
[...] Again, many events are gathering as the result of our sessions, and certain activities taking place at other levels of activity during what you might think of as our usual session times. [...] (Long pause.) In a way the material that Ruburt is receiving will also open new doorways even as far as our sessions are concerned. [...]