Results 341 to 360 of 1609 for stemmed:our
[...] Ruburt does not have to displace himself to the same degree that he does in our sessions, so he is more aware of (three dots) . [...] In our case he almost “becomes” the material he receives. If certain other beneficial alterations occur, and further understanding on Ruburt’s part, we may be able to meet at other levels of consciousness, in the dream state, when he is not cooperating in the production of our material. [...]
I will end our session. However we shall hold our regular Wednesday session to these same matters. [...]
A major one completed since our last session. [...]
The feelings were responsible for the blocking mentioned in our last session, and represent the plucking of the sorest thorn from his flesh, symbolically. [...]
[...] A case of tumultuous activity that automatically clogged our communication, on quite key matters.
The regularity of our sessions is important. [...]
[...] It does mean that variety would be allowed for within our framework.
Now to some (underlined) degree, this also applies to the information that I give you in our sessions. [...]
[...] Because of its importance at your particular stage it is an excellent method for our purposes. [...]
[...] I think that many of his suggestions are automatically falling into place in our lives, too, and that our “crash course in medicine” has served as an invaluable trigger and impetus in that regard. How ironic it may turn out to be—that a course we avoided for many years—the medical one—may turn out to be the final push we needed in order to put our beliefs in order.)
[...] Our idea is to soon cut down the visits to two a week, then one....
(One thing that led to our decision to cut down the visits was that I felt that often Jane seemed worse after the nurses left than she was before they arrived, although her being stirred up for a couple of hours may have contributed to my feeling. [...]
[...] She then said that more and more it was going to be up to us to pull ourselves out of our difficulties, since it seemed we’d get little help from others. [...]
Now, I am glad that now I understand what you expect, and in our next class you will beat your chest. [...]
([Arnold:] “It is pretty important then that we challenge all of our whole existence.”)
Now, our educated friend over here knows full well and better than any of you that the table is made of atoms and molecules, but it does not forbid him from using the table very nicely as a prop, and so you can still use the prop with which you are familiar, but you must realize that is all they are. [...]
Now, here we are again with our long, fierce faces. [...]
[...] Last week he began and finished an excellent short story, and finished an outline, as well as holding our sessions, and beginning once more his psychological time experiments.
Concerning our friend Ruburt, another note. [...]
[...] They will prevent too much inner involvement, open new doors, bring psychic refreshment, and also provide our hungry friend with his diet of new ideas. [...]
Our friend back here (Paul W.) could well appear, you see, as a UFO in another aspect of reality, and frighten the inhabitants. [...]
Telepathically, our fine young fellow knew exactly what you were feeling. [...]
[...] Our poor man is again subconsciously aware of the intent, but only to some degree.
[...] Actually, we’ve been quite aware of the potential of such an idea ever since Seth began that material a year ago.3 After supper this evening we went over the loose-leaf notebook of information Jane has accumulated for The Magical Approach to Reality: A Seth Book, and discussed how she could follow her outline in putting all of that material—on our dreams, psychic events and insights, her poetry and our essays—together with Seth’s private sessions on the magical approach. [...] Such a book would involve the publication of much Seth material that could either lie in our files for a long time, or never be published. [...]
Then just before session time, I mentioned my question about her sinful self’s reactions to our efforts to help her in recent weeks. [...] I explained that I think Seth’s and our own endeavors on her behalf had been negated each time because we’d alerted her sinful self’s fears—making it try harder to protect her according to its own very restrictive orientation.
[...] Any such dosage would be in addition to the earth’s natural background radiation, which varies across our country and around the world because of altitude and other factors.
Jane finished correcting the page proofs for If We Live Again five days after receiving them from Prentice-Hall, and yesterday I sent them back to our publisher. [...]
(Jane liked the blue divan; I thought it crowded our own quarters too much. After much discussion we decided to offer the divan to our neighbor across the hall, Leonard Yaudes, who needed one in good condition. [...]
(On February 17, 1964 our neighbor Miss Florence Callahan who lived in the front apartment on the same floor as Jane and I, was taken to the hospital suffering from arteriosclerosis. [...]
(On Wednesday, May 13, Miss Callahan’s relatives asked Jane if we could move Miss Callahan’s blue divan into our apartment, and in its place let them take a hide-away bed we had in storage; this bed to be used for a nurse who was to live with Miss Callahan when she was brought home from the Town House. [...]
[...] After Monday’s session, the 54th, I did then realize that I had not been keen about keeping it in our apartment.)
[...] The assassination of JFK took place just after our sessions began. [...] And yet, inside our small, lighted living room, we both felt we were making important inroads, gaining invaluable insights and finding a point of sanity amid a chaotic world.
[...] Those of you who read my two other books in this field know that the experiments were astonishingly successful and led, through the Ouija board, to our first contact with Seth.
“This thing will never work,” I said.
“We must be out of our minds,”
But we weren’t, at least not yet.
The cat smiled but didn’t say anything.
Actually, the board first gave a few messages from a personality called Frank Withers, who insisted that he had known our neighbor, Miss Cunningham. [...]
[...] I admit that I am stretching our ant tale here, but imagine further that our little fellow becomes familiar with everyone in, say, an apartment house, learning to recognize all of the footsteps that go up and down the stairs. Our philosopher keeps in touch with the other ants, until with time and work and patience, a chart is made and calculations drawn. [...]
[...] Our session is being witnessed by a student, a most intelligent young man (humorously). He also helps Ruburt with correspondence. [...] In our last session I compared a year to a ledge on a mountain. [...]
(10:25.) Give us a moment … (Pause.) Back to our flowers. Any wildflower on our mountain ledge (see the 728th session) will view the valley below from its own perspective, and see stretched about it the environment with which it is familiar. [...]
(Ican add later that this is the only session in the two volumes of “Unknown” Reality to be witnessed by someone other than myself: Our visitor was a young man I’ll call William Petrosky. [...]
[...] Instead there is a psychological extension, a projection of characteristics on both of our parts, and this I use for our communications. [...]
[...] Most of our sessions however are fairly quiet.
Our friend Ruburt does indeed have stage fright, and to some extent this is understandable, so I bear with him.
[...] This is our first experience in writing a complete book in trance, and Ruburt was somewhat nervous before the session began. [...]
Dreams are such connectives, for you see that this preliminary material is very much to the point as far as our dream universe is concerned, and is itself a connective to that discussion. This will be the basis for our next session, for you will see how dreams also serve as the other face, so that man himself stands at a threshold that is also a barrier, or stands at a barrier that is also a threshold.
(This is our first session since last Monday, December 7. It will be remembered that Seth gave us a brief rest, eliminating last Wednesday’s session.
[...] If you consider them as soldiers guarding the barriers or the boundaries, then you would have to imagine a strange creature, our particle, as a soldier on a boundary facing toward and away from the country in question.
[...] In actuality, her delivery had been so slow that at times she paced from one end of our living room to the other before giving voice to the next word. [...]
(The unscheduled session Seth referred to above is the one held on Friday, November 5, for our four young friends. [...] Consciously I had not wanted to have the session, since I thought our guests hadn’t had enough time to study related material.
(The session was held in our back room. [...]
My remark in our last session, concerning the aid that Ruburt subconsciously gave me in connection with the voice effect, did not have to do with the inner voice heard by Philip. [...]
I have had several matters to discuss with you; our sessions in general, the matter of spontaneity and discipline, your own fears, rather natural enough, concerning any subconscious effect I might have on Ruburt.
This is the title for our book (Smile:)Seth Speaks: (colon) the Eternal Validity of the Soul. I am using the term soul, for it will have instant meaning to most readers. [...] Ask our friend Ruburt to kindly mail my outline, on my behalf, to our friend Aerofranz. [...]
(Here are some corroborative notes re pages 436-37 of the last session, dealing with our invitation to a party given by Tom Hartley on Saturday, November 29. [...]
Now I have several preliminary remarks to make, before the main part of our session. [...]
The next chapter will give the story of our meeting, you (to me), Ruburt and I, from my viewpoint of course, and the ways in which I contacted Ruburt’s inner awareness long before either of you knew anything about psychic phenomena, or my existence.
Beneath all of the frustrations and upsets we may feel at their surface manifestations, Jane and I are caught up in the deeper meanings of events like those at Jonestown and TMI, for they represent great challenges that our species has set for itself, through this century and beyond. [...] In our lifetimes Jane and I look forward to our species at least making a start at grappling with such large areas of its own activity as science and religion. [...]
[...] Scary stories abound about our nuclear dilemmas, ranging from tales of poorly designed plants, control rooms, and instruments, to the failure to promptly report potentially serious accidents, to the fact that in 1978 every one of the country’s more than 70 nuclear power plants had at least one unexpected shutdown because of procedural errors, mechanical failures, or both. The increasing dependence of the United States upon nuclear power is being deeply questioned, even though that energy is supposed to help alleviate our growing reliance upon foreign oil. [...]
To some extent or another, I watched the program with our friends. [...]
Let us look briefly at that entire affair, remembering some of our earlier questions: When does an idealist turn into a fanatic, and how? [...]
(Jane surprised me after I said most of what I had to say by adding that she thought our attitudes about children also had something to do with the symptoms —a connection that I could say had never occurred to me. [...] For some time now I’d thought, often, that it could be that she wanted to be sick —that that was the role she’d chosen for this life, that in many ways all of our efforts to get out from under the symptoms were really beside the point. [...]
(So it seems that we do use the symptoms to serve our own ends, according to our current beliefs. [...]
[...] She said she’d have a session, after I explained that I was interested in Seth giving some information on her hearing, swollen feet, and what seemed to be some reactions she was having to our use of the DMSO. [...]
Now you are concerned with our material and so is Ruburt. [...] Remember that the emotional element is behind all of our sessions. [...]
Now our sessions take little time. [...] There is a possibility that Ruburt could get help from his students here to relieve you, but I do not believe that you would want anyone at our regular sessions. [...]
Now, we will let our other people’s sessions go for now.
[...] He enjoyed last evening’s spontaneous session (for Jane’s Tuesday night ESP class), and such sessions, while they do not particularly add to our material, replenish his creative efforts and give him a sense of freedom. [...]