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TES5 Session 224 January 17, 1966 Birch owner trailer past card

(It will be remembered that these sessions began two years ago through our contacting a personality called Frank Watts, who was superseded by Seth in the fourth session. [...]

(The session was held in our large front room. [...]

[...] I should like to continue our discussion concerning time.

[...] We return to our ABC’s. Therefore every action in the present affects those actions which you call the past. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

[...] I’d dropped it because I became unsure of the reactions on both of our parts. The idea involved our concentration for just five minutes a day—say when we lay down for our naps—on sending out suggestions to the effect that we’d hear from people we wanted to hear from, either/or by letter or in person. [...] But I’d been thinking that it might be a way to break our habits of retreat. I became concerned, though, about whether our beliefs had changed enough to make such contacts possible, or welcome to us if they did materialize.

[...] Many trees were down in certain areas of the city, especially in our old neighborhood, around Water, Walnut, and Hoffman streets.

[...] It was because I knew this that I was relatively severe in our last session—wanting to make sure that both of you made the best use of that important advantage.

I will shortly begin to divide our sessions between personal material and other kinds. [...]

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

[...] May I congratulate you, as well as myself, for our fiftieth session. It takes some doing on all of our parts. [...]

[...] Since this material was so interesting we decided to wait and see if Seth would take up our own personal experiences with psychological time later in this session. [...]

[...] I had some indecision, myself, as to whether or not to discuss with you matters dealing with any witnesses that might want to sit in on our sessions, and still may do so. [...]

(Last Saturday Jane received several brief flashes from Seth; we have been concerned lately with the best way to handle the problem of witnesses—that is, to familiarize potential witnesses with the material, and at the same time keep our sense of privacy, and also maintain control of the sessions. [...]

TES5 Session 211 November 24, 1965 clock Bill gilt features facial

Of course I welcome our Jesuit and our cat lover, as always. There are however some points that I would like to clear, and I would also like to add to your instructions concerning our dream experiments—since I know, Joseph, that you can’t wait to begin them.

(Our session was being held in our front room. [...]

Now that our Instream material has been taken care of, we can do whatever you like, within reason of course. We can end our session, I can continue with the material that I have been giving you, or I will be glad to answer questions.

Now I will give you a short break, and again my welcome to our friends, and I do not mean to ignore them. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

Now, we have had 560 sessions with our friend, Ruburt, and our friend, Joseph, and many other sessions that they call bootleg Seth material, that are not in the records, and they are far from perfect so do not judge yourselves too harshly. [...]

Now, once again, while our Lady of Florence voices her doubts and fears, these are also doubts and fears that have lurked in the back of your own minds so bring them out into the open. [...]

(To Ned.) Now, I have a word over here to our friend and it is this. [...]

([Janice:] “Set up for our children or ourselves?”)

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 23, 1984 temple Steve rub numerous warmth

(Carla interrupted our conversation to check Jane’s vitals — temperature 98.4. During our talk I noticed that it didn’t take my wife long to begin reacting emotionally to my questions, which I thought were innocent enough — but it was apparent that the subject matter of our conversation had an emotional charge for her. [...]

(Our dear friend, Frank Longwell, who has been a great help to us for many years, visited while I had lunch today; he’s made his first sale of a hearing aid. [...]

(After our talk about religious questions, I wrote a short note quoting Jane — one that I may use in the note for Dreams — and got her okay on it.)

[...] I didn’t note it in my dream account earlier here, but I’d described to Jane how I’d asked whoever owned 458 W. Water Street these days how much our rent would be. [...]

TES1 Session 3 December 6, 1963 Gratis Watts Frank China incarnation

(“Do you travel in our space; among our planets, for instance?”)

(“What was our brother’s name?”)

(“What was our family’s last name?”)

(“Why haven’t our serious creative writers dealt more fully with this fact of communication between the two planes, if you can so easily communicate with us now?”)

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 889, December 17, 1979 units waves cu particles operate

[...] I remarked that most of our world’s problems seem to result from Framework-1 thinking, that our species is so steeped in such conscious-mind behavior—locally, nationally, and worldwide—that there seems little chance of our ever breaking out of that iron pattern. I further told Jane that our history reflects our stubborn refusal to modify to any significant degree our great reliance upon Framework-1 manipulations, even though I grant that there are many complicated reasons for such long-term mass behavior.

Last night was our coldest of the winter, I believe—about 9°and this evening wasn’t much warmer as we sat for the session. However, the season has been exceptionally mild in our area. [...]

[...] That description fits our units of consciousness.

2. According to Albert Einstein, no material particle in our universe can be accelerated from rest to quite the speed of light, which is about 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

(The atmosphere in our second-story living room was very pleasant and prosaic this evening. [...] From the busy intersection just west of our apartment house the sounds of traffic rose up through the open windows. Jane smoked a cigarette and sipped a beer as she waited for the session to start, she was in the process of turning her consciousness inward, actually, on her way to meet Seth in a nonphysical journey that had nothing to do with our ordinary concepts of space or distance.

[...] Usually a certain kind of serene existence makes the best kind of day-by-day framework for these sessions and our other creative work, even while those days may contain within them points of unusual interest or excitement [such as Jane’s weekly ESP class]. But given that right kind of equanimity, time — our ordinary time — slides by; then, looking back periodically, we discover that we’ve accomplished at least something of what we wanted to do.

[...] Seth has explained such a connective as “a psychological extension, a projection of characteristics on both of our parts, and this I use for our communications … it is like a road that must be kept clear of debris.2

[...] That rather formal division in her trance activities suits us well; we enjoy doing most of our work by ourselves, no matter what kind it may be.

UR2 Section 6: Session 734 January 29, 1975 Sumari Barbara family wind Irish

[...] I can write that many of the characteristics Seth mentioned this evening apply to us, as we’ve learned over the years — especially those concerning our love of art, our being initiators, and our desires to be free of social structures. [...] Yet if our work is to ever result in social changes of any kind, those changes will have to be carried through by others, for primarily Jane and I work alone.

4. Strange, how things can develop or not in our camouflage reality. [...] At the end of the 732nd session I expressed the hope that “… we’d soon begin to get the material we wanted …” from him on whether the counterpart and family-of-consciousness mechanisms applied to other species and forms than our own; hence my second question this evening. With Seth’s evident help, Jane herself began at least a partial answer — one that was cut off by our visitor, Barbara, pounding upon our door. [...]

(Neither Jane nor I had expected our unexpected out-of-state visitor, of course. I can note later that Jane dealt more extensively with the whole episode in Chapter 18 of Politics — [and also that it’s interesting to compare our individual accounts of the same event, even though mine is much shorter]. [...]

[...] The wind burst against our apartment house in great forceful thrusts that were most unusual for this section of the country. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 15, 1983 Andrew insurance Fife news bureaucratic

[...] It is vitally important, I said, and her continuing improvement has the power to solve our other challenges, as I noted once some time ago in a session. [...]

[...] This morning I’d reread his brief passages in the session for December 3, in which he’d noted that the affair would be settled to our satisfaction. [...]

[...] At 2:30 I cleaned our glasses and called billing. [...]

[...] He suggested I see Pete Harpending, our lawyer, right away, saying that we have a good case. [...]

TES4 Session 190 September 21, 1965 John Taylors Donna loud reconstruction

[...] I worried about the neighbors during our frequent breaks. It was a hot and humid night and our living room windows were of course open. [...]

Our friend John Bradley visited us this evening. [...]

[...] As Seth was speaking a knock came at our door. [...]

Our friends were mystified. [...]

TES1 Session 35 March 16, 1964 outer tree inner ego senses

[...] Looking out our living room window just then, I saw the service truck from the TV cable company parked there. Jane had called them earlier because our reception had been poor ever since the falling tree limb of March 6 had ripped down the line. [...]

(At 9:34 the service truck moved to the back of our house; we could see a man with a flashlight checking wires, etc., but no one knocked on our door. [...]

[...] We progress along these lines according to our capabilities and our own strengths. [...]

[...] You will recall our imaginary experience at the window. [...]

TES4 Session 184 September 3, 1965 test Gallagher border Leonard trends

(Our friends in question do not know about the sessions. [...] We like our new neighbors a good deal and did not resent their calling, but we did dislike missing the session. [...]

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher, who have witnessed several sessions, visited us this evening, Friday, September 3. Our conversation touched upon many subjects. [...] No session had been planned for this evening but as the four of us sat around our coffee table Seth came through at about 10:30 PM.

[...] We suppose the “familiar location” can refer to our own apartment wherein I made the drawing; or perhaps to the apartment house itself, in which our visitors also live. [...]

(Our regularly scheduled session for last Wednesday, September 1, was not held because Jane and I had unexpected visitors. [...]

TSM Chapter Sixteen action professor identity students dilemma

[...] Early in our sessions Seth described what he calls the Inner Senses—inner methods of perception that expand normal consciousness and allow us to become aware of our own multidimensional existence. [...]

[...] As he spoke about latent potentials, we found ourselves discovering our own. To a large extent, then, our personal experiences corroborated Seth’s theories. [...]

[...] Last year one of my students was taking a psychology course in the local college night sessions, and with the professor’s encouragement, she frequently discussed Seth and our ESP classes. [...]

[...] In a way, it is not the kind of in-depth discussion Seth would give in one of our private sessions, but it contains an excellent thumbnail description of his theories on personality, for those who have no previous knowledge of the Seth Material. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1982 sc abandonment November iii dozing

[...] She’s far from being accepted by the ruling elite of our country, at least at this time. [...] All of this is very simplified from our discussion, which must have lasted a couple of hours. [...]

[...] For example, I’ll see Rob’s head, with our floor-stand world globe growing out of it into a new kind of object.... [...]

(The call was over our speakerphone, so Jane could hear SC when he said that her Seven III “was charming,” and that he liked it very much. [...]

[...] SC’s praise for Seven III must be another one of those predicted good things that are going to come our way out of Framework 2....” [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, June 3, 1969 Theodore health Brad secure vocational

(“By projecting our thoughts to this finished product, we can influence our health, our future, our position, etc. [...]

If I could sing that beautifully, I would sing for you through our classes. [...] I will have a message for you (Florence) through our friend Ruburt shortly in any case. I simply wanted you to know that I was here and I did have a specific message that I wanted to deliver to our friend (Brad) on this side. [...]

Now, I will bid you a fond good evening—particularly to our Merchant from Venice (to Daniel) who is going to travel afar. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

Through all of our challenges, we were aware of at least some of the incredible variety of positive and negative world events in the news—the bombings and the peace talks, the sports contests and the religious controversies, the national strikes and the latest developments in the arts. Amid the economic difficulties in our own country, and after a number of often very expensive delays, the second flight of our shuttle spacecraft, Columbia, came due on November 4. Of primary importance was to be the testing in space of the 50-foot-long remote-control robot arm, which had been designed to place satellites in orbit and retrieve them for service and repair. [...]

[...] Those gatherings were disrupted almost seven years ago, when we moved from our downtown apartments into the hill house, and for a number of reasons we did not resume them. Strange it may be, but Jane and I have never conducted a search for class artifacts, as our friends had just been doing, and as other former students had done before. We grew up without modern conveniences like portable tape recorders, of course, but even so our natural creative desires had always been to express ourselves graphically, in written and printed words and in drawn and painted images. [...]

I hope to finish our book (Dreams) regardless of your publishing plans and so forth, and at this general point that will be beneficial to our friend as he sees some daily accomplishment made in that area. [...] Our material on such points is not fiction. [...]

8. Our four visitors had become our dear friends long ago. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 18, 1972 Lawrence Natalie lurch portals suitor

[...] In the other sequence you were a woman and our friend over here (Natalie) was a very unfaithful suitor and you believed him implicitly and he left you, as the saying goes, in the lurch. [...] And you are also getting back at our friend over here by coming as a couple to class while she now comes alone. [...]

Now let our guardian of the portals over there close the door and this time, once again, listen to the chanting and I will not give you any instructions. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 26, 1979 static Framework tract urinary communication

(9:19.) The artistic acts always directly involve strong direct interactions with Framework 2. In the production of our book we want, say, people we may not even know to come together in certain fashions to make certain decisions that will be in direct agreement with our own creative intent. [...]

[...] We’d celebrated Thanksgiving last Thursday with our first turkey in two years.

(For the moment I’d forgotten the notes I wrote concluding the last session, deleted for November 12, having to do with Seth suggesting we throw our hassles with Prentice and foreign publishers into Framework 2; I’d written that I didn’t know whether or not I was capable of doing that at this time. [...]

(Pause.) All of our analogies taken together, you see, only hint at the true picture, but if I cannot describe clearly to you in your terms the interaction between Framework 1 and 2, then we will have difficulty with other later material. [...]

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