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TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

There will be several books that simply result from our sessions, beside those that will be specifically dictated. [...] There will be developments in your own painting that will follow naturally, and sometimes directly (underlined) from our sessions.

Now I give our friend my most fond wishes, and I enjoyed, in quotes, our “mechanical” communication. [...]

(We left the spray of mistletoe in place over our hall door lintel after we took down the rest of our Christmas decorations.)

[...] The basic principles of it will rest in our own sessions where those who are curious enough and gifted enough intellectually may find the arguments and reasons upon which it is built.

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

[...] And another word about our material; Ruburt’s mind is an excellent one and well given to serve our ends at this time. [...]

Then, toward the end of the session, Seth made a suggestion about our living quarters. Our living room is very large — opens from the apartment house hallway and runs down to three large bay windows at the other end. [...]

Also, Ruburt has experienced and used dissociation in his work, though to a lesser degree, before our communications and knows how to handle itOur relationship will enable you both to deal more adequately with the outside world. [...]

[...] However, Joseph, while I admit I came uninvited and while I understand the reason for last night’s absence, I took it for granted that we would have our missed session this evening. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 20, 1971 Florence ii secret Ron observe

[...] If our reality seems strange to you then yours seems strange to us. [...] Your own consciousness also travels faster than the speed of light, and big portions of you does understand, to some degree, the nature of our reality. [...] And so do we observe and does yourself serve as a translator in our behalf. [...] You are not in communication with that portion of yourselves that is not physical, that was never physical and that will not know physical existence at all, and since you identify with the physical self then, indeed, we come to you in the guise of ghosts that you do not understand our forms that you cannot see. [...]

Now my relationship with you, brought up quite cleverly by our friend over here, is indeed a strange one since you do not relate to me as you do to each other. But you may tell our friend over here the effort I make precisely so that you do not set me up as a demigod and that you use your own abilities. [...]

(To Mark.) And, our friend over here, I thank you for the work involved. [...]

I not only support you but congratulate you, and I want you all to know that the effort involved on Our Lady of Florence’s part this evening was only somewhat short of fantastic, and that her achievement more than equals the achievement of those who had had the projections. [...]

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

[...] We settled on the Ouija board first, because it seemed the least complicated of our various experiments. Our landlady found a board in the attic and we borrowed it. [...] No wonder our first attempts were failures.

[...] Our old pet dog, Mischa, had died. Perhaps these circumstances made me more aware than usual of our human vulnerability, but certainly many people have had difficult years with no resulting emergence of psychic phenomena. [...]

During that experience I knew that we formed physical matter, not the other way around; that our senses showed us only one three-dimensional reality out of an infinite number that we couldn’t ordinarily perceive; that we could trust our senses only so far and only so long as we did not ask questions that were beyond their limited scope of knowledge.

[...] While this was already our fourth session at the board, it was really our first Seth session.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

Now, our friends (Rachel’s neighbors) are not used to me. [...] And if they hear my voice they will simply think that our friend is simply talking in his sleep. [...]

Our friend here, our Lady from Florence, shines simply because she uses 20% more of her intellect. [...]

[...] Our friend Ruburt feels triumph in this life to have lived as many years as he has, and to find himself strong and hearty—for he feared that adulthood would destroy him. [...]

Welcome (to Florence, just arrived from her class) to our class on abnormal psychology. [...]

TMA Appendix A Ed Lib predictions skiing Alaska

I completely forgot our discussion until last night, Friday, when the Gallaghers [our dear friends, Peg and Bill] visited. [...]

If our discussion actually happened Tuesday, before Peg’s visit (which was planned ahead of time), then we run into other possibilities than if our discussion was on Wednesday … (as we thought).

[...] The man who delivered our new stove from Sears turns out (today) to know us from 20 years ago. He says he lived downstairs from our old friends, Atalie and Lydia Maple who moved away in the mid-1960’s.

If she hadn’t mentioned her visit to Lib’s, and the paintings, Rob and I never would have realized that anything beyond usual perception was operating in our little discussion. [...]

TMA Foreword by Robert F. Butts Laurel publishing Amber Allen Library

[...] As the many hours of our calls quickly accumulated, Laurel and I came to understand through dreams that we had shared reincarnational relationships. [...] Even with our differences, our supportive and complicated relationship continues. [...]

My wife, Jane Roberts, dictated The Magical Approach for Seth, the “energy personality essence” she spoke for in a trance state, in 1980—but the pressures of Jane’s illness, and of our producing other books, kept us from publishing it quickly. [...]

Our beloved books began to go out of print, one by one, as sales slowly declined. [...]

[...] Maybe Jane and I had already offered the best we could, for whatever our efforts were worth. [...]

TES5 Session 212 November 29, 1965 temperature correlations test Martin wall

His confidence will then be maintained through the averages of our successes, which all in all will be quite good. Isolated tests do not work well, for they upset what he considers the normal circumstances of our sessions. When given they should follow our Dr. Instream material.

[...] The session was held in our back room, and was a quiet one. [...]

I have been most interested in the topic under discussion immediately before our session. [...]

I am going to let you find your own answers, but any such tests and examinations will be welcomed by me, as long as they are conducted in such a way so that our sessions are not disturbed. [...]

TES3 Session 148 April 21, 1965 smoking tension naturel hairs smoker

[...] We seem to have had good results recently, in applying the material to our daily lives. [...]

There is, indeed, nothing seriously wrong with our cigarette smoker, Ruburt. [...]

[...] We have much time available to us, and need not worry over an occasional missed or short session, as long as our overall pattern is maintained.

[...] Let us not try to change our image overnight in too many ways at once. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 840, March 12, 1979 Billy viruses smallpox cat disease

(The events of our lives kept on unfolding. On the next day, March 1, the page proofs for Seth’s Psyche arrived from the publisher, but we could see that going over that much shorter book would be easy compared to our protracted labors for Volume 2 of “Unknown” Reality. [...] The two cats had lived only in a gloomy barn so far, and were so shy they hid under our living-room couch for several days.

[...] He’s come through with four more sessions since then, too — the last three of them growing out of the unexpected death of our young cat, Billy, on February 28. Let me try to put that unhappy event in perspective now, in the continuing chronology of our lives as they’re enmeshed in the Seth material in general and in Mass Events in particular.

[...] Checking those 499 pages, word for word against our carbon copy of the original manuscript, called for the most demanding concentration on our parts for the next 13 days.

[...] It wasn’t that the loss of “just a cat” was the only thing involved in our deep upsets (although Billy’s death came first in our reactions); we also felt a host of emotional and intellectual ramifications arising from that event. [...]

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

(Note that Seth’s idea of our time is quite different from our own at times. [...] At various times Seth has told us his idea of time may not coincide with ours. [...]

[...] We are managing now in such a way that our material survives without undue coloration from the subconscious. [...] For the vibrations and frequencies which are received in order to make our communications possible, are also most beneficial in themselves to the human and psychic system.

(The session was held in our front room. [...]

(This would be last Sunday’s unscheduled 230th session, during which Jane gave data on our life spans and those of Bill and Peggy Gallagher. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

[...] Jane and I had heard of this association in a remote way, but it had no meaning for us until we committed ourselves to the hill house; the agency concerned is but one of many we’d contacted; yet also involved is our friend Debbie, who works for another real estate firm, and who had first called our attention to the hill house. [...]

[...] Yet the full picture of our moving should include not only the myriad probabilities growing out of our own actions, but all of the probable developments involving that house next door: Whatever happenings take place there — which we’ll help create — are bound to have their effects upon us.

In the 737th session, after 11:55, Seth mentioned the “other dentist” who lived and worked around the corner from the apartment house Jane and I moved into in 1960, upon our arrival in Elmira. [...] Several years ago our medical friend moved to a more residential area in Elmira — just where we didn’t know — but kept his offices in his original home. [...]

[...] We made up our minds quite effortlessly while being taken through it by a real estate agent. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 14, 1978 impulses interview welm Village library

[...] I’d say that to some extent at least its content flows from the proposed interview with a reporter from The Village Voice, a contact made with the business manager at WELM in town, and so forth—hardly accidental, we think, that these events connected with publicity, her work, etc., come into our awareness at this time. They seem to be like small test cases, meaning that our reactions to them, how we handle them, will show rather clearly where we’re at these days, as they say.

[...] I thought it all a very good sign that some of our new thinking was beginning to take hold. Certainly the events were healthy and positive, compared to our earlier ways of thinking and reacting. [...]

[...] Ruburt does not need to apologize to anyone for his less-than-perfect physical condition, nor feel that his physical lack of mobility—relatively speaking—casts aspersions on the sessions or on our work. Nor need he feel that in contrast to our material his physical performance is woefully inadequate. [...]

(First, from the library, after we’d done our thing following breakfast today:

TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 mirror palm wrist fingers hand

(We began by sitting at a small table in our living room. [...] Our kitchen opens off the living room, so we closed the blinds in both rooms, and pulled the curtains over them. [...] Our rooms have white walls also, so we could still see fairly well once our eyes became adjusted.

[...] Our interest was of course intense the whole time. [...] Often Seth remarked upon our rather childish desire for demonstrations; yet when I asked him if he would rather we refrained from such requests in the future, he said he understood the desire, that it was natural, and that if he felt like it he would comply.

[...] Now Seth rather imperiously commanded us to move our little table over a few feet so that it faced the doorway to our bathroom. [...]

[...] Thus the regular schedule was broken, and required some effort on our parts to restore. [...]

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

(“It is with this always we began and we begin our classes. It is with this chant always that we begin our endeavors in our space; it is not your own, and only a translation, for we do not use verbal communication. It is always with the facsimile of what we have heard that we begin our work, and in many guises and in many ways you are acquainted with our activities. I have always been here in your terms as you have always been in other places and other times, and there is a great familiarity and wonder on our part that you are still involved in these endeavors which were begun in your terms so many centuries ago, and in ways that you cannot now presently comprehend. [...]

[...] They clumped on up past our floor to the one above, sounding very loud and clumsy. As I feared, they had come to call on the tenant who lived in the small apartment above our living room, where we were holding the session. [...]

(This is our first private session since September 27, 1971. [...]

[...] And tell our friend that I said welcome back to him also. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 931, July 15, 1981 sinful overlays journal church bonding

[...] We corrected those over the time our new president was sworn into office on the 20th, and the 52 American hostages were simultaneously released after 444 days of captivity. We found the workings of our national consciousness to be both mightily creative and terribly frustrating in numerous ways. I thought the simple services in which our President and Vice-President were sworn into office were extremely moving: Unable to speak because of my emotion, I sat beside Jane on the couch while we watched the ceremonies on television, and had soup and crackers for lunch. [...] When our national anthem was sung I sat as though mesmerized, my eyes wet, hoping and praying [trite words!] for our country, for our defeated President, for his successor, and for the hostages. [...]

[...] The edition was printed in Mexico and is on sale in that country and on our West Coast. Our friend has a Mexican friend who showed him a copy of the book. [...] The almost wordless quality of our surprise reminded me of our feelings of a year and a half ago, when we’d learned that the Dutch firm, Ankh-Hermes, had published an abridged edition of Seth Speaks in that language, without our permission.7

On Monday, March 30, 1981, Jane happily finished typing her manuscript for If We Live Again—and in our nation’s capital that same afternoon our President was wounded in an assassination attempt. We watched television replays of the shooting over and over again during the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, as for the second time within a generation the overall consciousness of the United States struggled, through our leaders, to meet one of the great challenges to our democratic way of life.

[...] I haven’t had any such feelings, since from the very beginning of our relationship I’ve always felt certain that in Jane I’d found the ideal mate—an achievement I’ve considered most fortunate, one I’d hardly dared dream I’d ever manage to do. Looking back, our meeting and getting together seemed the most natural and inevitable things in the world; how could I improve upon those? [...] No wonder I say to her that we’ve paid too high a price for our accomplishments. [...] That things haven’t worked out that way so far can’t but help have a profound effect upon my feelings, hers, and our relationship, which I’ve always taken absolutely as being as solid and enduring as the elements. [...]

TES6 Session 268 June 15, 1966 vertical page cat monogram object

[...] In order to do this she had to fully dress before walking down the long hall outside our apartment. Jane fed the cat and locked our apartment door as usual before returning to bed. [...] I also heard this cat and our first cat, Willy, playing in the living room.

[...] We saw one reason why Seth could have chosen to insert it here in the envelope data, and Seth confirms our speculation later. Our idea was that Seth sought to use the idea of a relative connection with the object. [...]

[...] In the past on various occasions Seth has said he usually sees witnesses, and myself, as a composite electromagnetic image that embodies our past, present and future, as well as these attributes in whatever other lives we might have had. He has explained that this is easier, usually, than focusing so sharply on the one physical and psychic personality in our temporal now.

(Once again Jane began speaking in a heavier voice, since our windows were open because of the warm evening. [...]

TES6 Session 273 July 18, 1966 wheel sweater ribbon parallelogram nurse

[...] I found the ribbon in the bed of our cat on about June 20. [...]

(On July 10,1966, I wrote Dr. Instream canceling our series of experiments with him, because we hadn’t heard from him since January 1966.

(This was our first session since June 29,1966. [...]

We will return to our material dealing with projection shortly. [...]

TES2 Session 80 August 24, 1964 Aug cold vacation Driftwood Beach

[...] I did not base my decision concerning working hours on the Seth material, although the information Jane and I have received on expectations played a part; it has done much to increase our confidence in various fields of endeavor other than our arts.

[...] 12-15 for Miss Callahan, our neighbor in the front apartment. [...] Seth did not specify the meaning of this latest date for her, and Jane and I saw Miss Callahan the day after our return from vacation, looking quite well. [...]

(This was our first session since returning from vacation in York Beach, Maine. [...]

[...] 18, while we were dancing at the Driftwood Lounge at York Beach, which is the hotel bar where we saw our projected fragments, described by Seth in the 9th session [in Volume 1], page 43.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] When the others look at our friends here on the fancy blue couch, they see a picture of true organization. [...] However, the space between our two friends is not vacant. [...]

[...] Now as you know, you do not perceive the atoms and molecules that swim about the room nor the atoms and molecules that fill this space between our friends, nor the forces—the field forces—that exist. [...] And consciousness that has different perceptive mechanisms than your own is unaware of our now famous blue couch. [...]

[...] Now, it is true that within your physical system—for I know this will come next from our friend Florence—you can measure your couch. [...]

[...] Our note-takers (Sally and Florence) are doing very well considering that the paper is not solid and neither is the pen. [...]

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