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[...] Therefore, you may be punished in this life for errors you have committed in a past one, or you may actually be making up for a mistake made thousands of years ago. Again, all of a person’s reincarnational existences are, indeed, connected — but the events in one life do not cause the events in the next one.
[...] But I told her that I was ready for a session today if she wanted to have one.)
Many proponents of reincarnation believe most firmly that an illness in one life most frequently has its roots in a past existence, and that reincarnational regression is therefore necessary to uncover the reasons for many current illnesses or dilemmas.
(4:16.) Another life, for example, might deal with exquisite health and vitality, and as mentioned, still another life might be devoted to the arts of healing — but overall, few people take health problems per se as frequent reincarnational themes, though they may be implied strongly in situations where one is born into a large populace of poor, underprivileged people.
Seth himself said nothing about publishing “Unknown” Reality in one volume, two volumes, or even more, while he was producing it. He referred to it as one unit until the very last session, the 744th, when he said in answer to a question I asked “The Seth material is endless. [...] You will find several points where this can be done …” In our final view, however, the obvious point of division is also the best one: three sections in each volume. [...]
[...] And we object to the notion that “nature,” in those terms of linear time, has so arranged things that the individual has to pay a karmic debt in one life as the result of actions in a previous one. Why should nature punish anyone if it doesn’t punish anything? The realities of nirvana and karma are not ones that Jane and I want to create.
[...] The very casting of the idea into words (as best Jane can do it) helps one grasp what Seth means: We can make intuitive nonverbal nudges, or jumps, toward understanding that to some degree transcend our trite ideas of that quality or essence we call time, and take so much for granted in our Western societies that to even question its seeming one-way flow appears to be quite futile.
[...] If one of my cells tried to comprehend my own subjective reality, it might feel the same way. I think that I’m alive in Seth’s subjective ‘body’ in the same way that one of my cells is alive in my physical body. [...]
Now, you are here for one particular reason this evening whether you know it or not, and it is because you knew our new friends, the Greek twins (Valerie and Vanessa) and so you came when they attended class. Now you were at one time, in the same area given as for the twins, and give us a moment here. [...]
(To Rachel.) This one, this one over here. [...]
[...] 1832 there to 1856, a very short life, under I believe a czar, and during this life, you met your present husband who was a young girl, the brother (sister?) of one of your students. [...]
[...] I know one thing: Seth’s delivery won’t be soon forgotten. It’s also one that may startle those who are used to quiet and proper “spirit guides.”
(Earlier that evening, class members had been discussing some of the letters they’d been answering for Jane.1 One young man mentioned “feeling like shit” in connection with another matter — a remark that Seth must have overheard. [...]
You think that the soul is a white wall with nothing written upon it, and so your idea of sacrilege is to shit upon it, not realizing that the shit and the soul are one, and that the biological is spiritual; and that, again — if you will forgive my homey concept — flowers grow from the shit of the earth. [...]
[...] He looked at one student and said:)
In modern times, then, the intellect was finally left with only one acceptable world view, with one set of assumptions, with only one main approach to reality and experience. [...]
[...] Orderliness, then, is one of its main characteristics. When it is given only one world view, and only one group of assumptions, its orderly nature causes it to throw out all information that does not fit. [...]
[...] To some degree historically speaking, that sort of situation operated in the past when — comparatively speaking, now — people realized that there was indeed an inner world of complexity and richness that could be approached in certain fashions, one that existed alongside with the physical world, so that the two intersected. Certain approaches worked in one area, and others worked in the inner reality.
Now: I want to begin by mentioning one of the most important and vital messages in your glass-door dream (of two days ago),1for its truth applies to the magical approach as well.
[...] Rob did one of a young man recently, for example (see illustrated section). [...] Later one of my students, George, picked out the painting as a portrait of a personality called Bega, who communicates with him through automatic writing. Seth corroborated this, and said that Bega is one of his own students in another level of reality.
For the next eleven months, the Seth sessions dealt mainly with test data of one kind or another. [...] If we did have one of our own tests, then we’d sit up after the session, trying to evaluate the results. [...]
This procedure left me knowing only one thing about the object: that it was from some section of The New York Times, date unknown. [...] It turned out to be pages 11—12 of Section One of the Times for Sunday, November 6, 1966.
In one session, Seth gave some pointers that Rob immediately put to use. The picture is one of our favorites, and belongs to Rob’s “people series”—portraits of people we’ve never met. [...]
The role-playing in the dream drama would be one in which you creatively worked out the problems that caused the imbalances to begin with. [...]
In them of course one object may be a symbol, but there is no such thing as an overall statement of dream symbolism, in which a given symbol will have a general meaning. [...]
In any case, interpretation involves but one part of the task as you try to consciously assess a dream’s meaning. [...]
[...] In that light, as in the Catholic one, the female’s guilt is seen as even larger than the male’s. So that additional pressure is cast upon the women, who are indeed seen as spiritually inferior—or (underlined) on the other hand painted as pure, pedestal-like individuals in the manner of the Blessed Virgin. [...] The main point is a good one to remember, however. [...]
[...] Its motivation is to feel at one with a state of grace, at one with its place in the universe. [...]
[...] I thought such a decision would be simple compared to the ones Jane is trying to cope with.
(I had 2 pages typed on last night’s session, and gave Jane page 1 so she could refresh herself on my question, the one that Seth had begun discussing, about the intensity of her reactions. [...]
One man might use it to achieve success. One might use it to achieve failure. [...] [Sickness] can be a badge of honor or dishonor—but there can be no question, when you look at the human picture, that to a certain extent, but an important one, suffering not only has its purposes and uses, but is actively sought for one reason or another.
The church’s view of reality was the accepted one. [...] The world’s view was a religious one, specified by the church, and its word was truth and fact at the same time.
[...] One life is all you have, and that one is everywhere beset by the threat of illness, disaster, and war—and if you escape such drastic circumstances, then you are still left with a life that is the result of no more than lifeless elements briefly coming into a consciousness and vitality that is bound to end.
David is one of the kindest people we’ve ever known. [...]
[...] I do not know whether either of the incidents is the one he referred to, or whether the correct one still lies in the future.
Many of these actions performed by dream images are muscular ones, physical manipulations. [...] These dream images are not one-dimensional, cardboard figures by any means. [...]
[...] The particular point, in one manner, is being pursued by you in such a slow fashion that it appears to be a series of happenings strung out in a thread of continuity. You experience action as one happening after another, not because of the nature of action itself but because of the nature of your own structure and perception.
This is in itself, you see, a form of value fulfillment, since you are perceiving one simultaneous action as if it were a series of separate actions. You are delving into one action, and within it continually creating action within action. [...]
[...] Besides this, in an odd fashion, they lack a certain specific nature, as I will shortly explain, and there are too many of them by far to be handled at one session. That is, their number precludes any one single clear path, specifically noted. [...]
[...] a long one.... [...] The problems and attitudes that bother Ruburt also appear—one or another of them—in each day. [...]
[...] Otherwise, my position is this —and here I repeat—because overall changes in position and balance are necessitated in order for normal walking to occur, one portion of the body at this point is not going to right itself so that, for example, Ruburt’s arms are suddenly straight while his knees are bent. [...] The neck areas are releasing—but at any given day or period, right now, one or several areas might well be stiff or uncomfortable.
[...] Now prepare questions if you want for our next session, but read this one over carefully, first. The only hint I can give you for your benefit is one, again, that I have given you often before: try to imagine Ruburt’s complete recovery as a creative endeavor—a creative venture, in which all kinds of inner events occur even before, and way before, the completed picture shows itself.
[...] It never occurred to you that the two aspects could release one another — one illuminating the other — and both be fulfilled. [...]
[...] To one extent or another, each family of consciousness carries within it the characteristics inherent in all of the families. [...]
The Sumari abilities are highly creative ones, however. [...]
That remark, and similar ones, are often made to ill persons. The idea is supposed to be that suffering is good for the soul, is a way of atoning for one’s sins, and in some fashion the implication is made that such suffering in this life will be more than compensated for in heaven.
For one thing, again, almost all situations, including the most drastic, can be changed for the better to some extent, and the very attempt to do so can increase a person’s sense of control over his or her own circumstances. This does not mean that those adverse situations can be changed overnight in usual terms (though ideally that is also possible), but that the sense of control over one’s life encourages all of the mental and physical healing properties.
[...] It would be impossible to be consciously aware of all of the infinitesimal details that exist in even one life; your consciousness would be so full and cluttered up that you would be unable to make choices, or to use free will.
It would be even more difficult to try to handle the information of many lives at one time. [...]
[...] One eight four one. One seven three one.
[...] Jane said the memo page used as object is much like ones she saw when she worked for an art gallery a few years ago. It was a book arrangement, with a calendar on one side and the memo pages opposite. [...]
[...] One class day, Nancy Methinitus picked Jane up at the house because it was raining. [...] This errand was unforeseen by Jane; this event took place during one of Jane’s first classes, when she did not know about plans for classes, etc.
[...] These portions of the brain, once activated, then allow you to switch sense impressions from one sense mechanism to another, you see.
[...] One impulse may be in response to one need, one to another—but all in all, taken together, they will sustain and guide you to your most fulfilling situation if they are allowed to, and if they are trusted.
[...] As Seth remarked in a recent session, the relaxed muscle is able to do far more than the tense one, or words to that effect.
[...] He said in another class session: “You have more than one conscious mind. [...] … If you consider the conscious mind that you usually use as one door, then you stand at the threshold of this mind and look out into physical reality. [...]
“Precisely what steps do you want us to follow?” one of the students asked.
One student had a guest with her, Mary, who wrinkled up her forehead when Seth finished speaking. [...]
The world, however, was seen as unsafe to one degree or another in each. [...] In terms of physical existence man’s consciousness has not progressed enough along the path it had chosen, so that it could afford to admit the oneness of inner and outer reality.
[...] They are disturbing because at one stage they are only felt but not understood for what they are. [...]
[...] In many ways, and important ones, the two of you managed to avoid many complications encountered by others because of such measures. [...]
[...] The dreams were excellent ones and she did an excellent job interpreting them. The first one involved Bill Gallagher, the second one Jane’s and my confrontation with a pack of large wild dogs. [...]
[...] Part of it will appear in your daily experience in one way or another—in your conversation or daily events. [...] It brought up the same kind of questions, and Bill was in the dream (on March 29) before the one of the animals.
(More intently:) When dream information is also considered a social asset, or even a political one, when it is seen as one of the many tools of assessing private and national probabilities, then dream recall and interpretation becomes highly prominent, and can be raised to the highest of arts. [...]
[...] Subject matter assumes a new kind of importance, then as does the relationship of one dream to another.)