15 results for stemmed:oak

TPS3 Poem By Jane “Our parents do not betray us” July 23, 1974 untruth oak betray truth spider

oak tree

the oak tree grows and I grow

then I can speak to the oak tree

and understand what the oak tree knows

UR2 Section 5: Session 720 November 13, 1974 shadows hallucinations oak cast camera

Physically, an oak tree may cast a rich deep shadow upon the ground. It will move, faithfully mirroring the tiniest motion of the smallest leaf, but its freedom to move will be dictated by the motion of the oak. Not one oak leaf shadow will move unless its counterpart does.

Following our analogy, in the dream world the shadow of the oak tree, once cast, would then be free to pursue its own direction. [...] Anyone fully accustomed to inner reality would have no difficulty in telling the dream oak tree from its frisky shadow, however (humorously), any more than awaking photographer would have trouble distinguishing the physical oak tree from its counterpart upon the grass.

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 294 October 17, 1966 statue verandah San commemoration indentation

(On leaving Nassau October 31, we passed a memorial, though not a statue, dedicated to Sir Harry Oakes, who was murdered. [...]

[...] Sir Harry Oakes was bludgeoned to death, I think, though he may have been stabbed too, I don’t know.”)

(“Commemorates Oakes, who was murdered.”)

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 26, 1971 Joel sacred Sue Molly potentials

(During break Don P. remarked about the mistletoe above the door and that it could be an oak leaf if it was thought sacred.)

The oak tree is sacred and any tree is sacred and any twig is sacred and one whisker is sacred. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 506, October 27, 1969 polarity units poles intensity aligns

(“Oak Ridge?”)

TES9 Session 506 October 27, 1969 units polarity poles intensity ee

(“Oak Ridge?”)

TPS1 Session 593 (Deleted) August 30, 1971 helper black realms habits lag

[...] It is born and nurtured in those feelings of peace, joy and contentment that he experiences watching his oak tree. [...]

NotP Chapter 1: Session 752, July 28, 1975 psyche birth barest history television

[...] On the other hand, my voice is as natural as oak leaves blowing in the wind, for I speak from a level of awareness that is as native to your psyche as now the seasons seem to be to your soul.

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

[...] I knew, or saw, that these lights came from ordinary table lamps with columnar shades of white fabric, and that they sat on a round oak table like the one in our living room. [...]

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor

[...] I am not the oak that the seed will become. [...]

TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 magical intellect Mary rational pad

“Anyhow, each morning when I scatter birdfeed in the driveway of the hill house, the cardinals and the mourning doves, the chickadees and the blue jays and the other birds are waiting in the nearby Russian elms, the oak tree, or lined up on the telephone wires. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

[...] For instance, he included among other impressions, “a commemoration of a murder … a statue …” It developed that the Gallaghers had passed a statue, a memorial to Sir Harry Oakes who had been murdered in a sensational, well-publicized case in 1943. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] (The apartments are on the second floor.) Jane’s psychic identification with the leaves of the great oak tree, growing so close beside the second apartment’s kitchen windows, marked the beginning of a different kind of relaxation for her; the kitchen became her evocative “tree house.” [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

When I look up at those three high, old-fashioned bay windows that illuminate the living room of Apartment 4, on the second floor of that house, I visualize Jane sitting behind them at her oak table, thinking and writing, intrigued and comforted by the busy patterns of people and automobiles traversing the intersection she looks down upon: Walnut and West Water Streets. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 939, January 25, 1982 magical clouds approach singing Chapter

[...] I’ve made things for her before.2 Recently she had been having trouble comfortably lifting her hands high enough to reach her typewriter as it sat upon either the oak table in her writing room, or upon her standard metal typing table. [...]