
Results 881 to 900 of 1879 for stemmed:now

NotP Chapter 11: Session 797, March 14, 1977 impregnated universe invisible visible species

Now, in continuation: When you ask about the beginning of a universe, you are speaking of a visible universe.

[...] Yet in much of my material I have definitely implied what I am saying now, but the implications must have passed you by.

[...] To you your universe seems, now, objective and real, and it seems to you that at one time at least this was not the case, so you ask about its creation and the evolution of the species. [...]

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

Now this is not immediate. But it is a strong offshoot of the probabilities that now exist, and three will be connected with it in terms of a date. [...]

Now. [...]

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

[...] For the last several minutes, I had become increasingly aware of some of the now familiar sensation Jane and I label as “fat hands.” [...] I did not attempt any measurements this time, being satisfied now that when this feeling of enlargement is present, there is a definite physical difference. [...]

[...] The swelling was now gone and Jane felt all right, though she planned to see a dentist for an X-ray to check upon any possible bad tooth. [...] Now during break, she used the pendulum to ask her subconscious a few questions about the cause of the swelling; the answers she obtained indicated the cause was psychosomatic, and that a salivary gland had been involved. [...]

[...] She was now very tired, her voice very weak. [...] Neither of us displayed any hand phenomena by now.)

TES3 Session 95 October 7, 1964 Philip plane John compulsion entity

[...] John now had for us questions on beginnings and endings, inner reality, the inner senses, etc. [...]

[...] By now, Jane’s voice had strengthened, although it was not any lower. [...]

[...] And what you are yet to be existed then and still exists now; and not as some still unfulfilled possibility, but exists in actuality.

TPS3 Deleted Session May 1, 1975 hostile cultural gallantry codicils temperamentally

Now—a closing remark.... [...] I will not go into them now as they apply to organizations—but we do not need that structure. [...]

Now: in The Nature of Personal Reality we discussed the nature of private beliefs. [...]

To some extent Ruburt is beginning to move in that direction now, in Psychic Politics—particularly with his codicils. [...]

TES4 Session 198 October 13, 1965 test marsh motel photo electromagnetic

(Not having heard from her publisher yet, as he had promised she would by now, Jane wrote and mailed to him a pretty stiff letter. [...]

You should by now realize that they have an electric, magnetic reality also, and that the mental enzymes act as sparks, setting off these inner reactions.

[...] With a list of the above categories in mind however, it is clear which senses and laws apply to the material in the sessions following, up until now. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1981 ness singularity participation single child

Now: as I believe I have told you often, your creativity is one of your best clues as to how you operate, yourselves, in inner reality. [...]

(9:13.) A child may think “We will go to sleep now”—meaning quite happily that (pause) its own single consciousness also participates in the conscious life and activities of everything else in its environment, so it and the creatures of the night, say, sleep together, and waken together to greet the dawn. [...]

[...] The creative abilities join the creator and created (long pause) in a behavior in which for example, now, the painting that is to be affects the creator of it before its inception and before its form, so that the two are connected in a kind of behavior in which at deeper levels the ideas of cause and effect can have no meaning. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

It is a good idea for now not to concentrate upon that leg, or what it must do eventually in order for walking to take place. It might help if now and then he imagines his walking taking place as easily and naturally as his thoughts come and go, and in ways as mysterious as the way his vision operates, when it is suddenly clearer, and he reads so much more quickly — for the quick reading will soon be the norm.

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon.

In the past, the body itself was depressed (a very important point), running at low gear, and this is certainly not the case now. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

[...] His creativity, in other words, is renewing itself now. [...] The more Ruburt relaxes the quicker his body will show the improvements that are now developing. [...] Now he becomes frightened that he will not. [...]

(Whispering:) Now—good evening. [...]

[...] Right now, though, she’s much more interested in once again feeling well enough to start doing some typing, writing, or whatever. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 27, 1982 cottage Paul Neill explore willingness

Now—good evening. [...]

[...] Some old beliefs would rise to the forefront of attention that until now have remained generally in the background. [...]

[...] (Pause.) Now in many ways you and other people close your eyes to such probabilities when they do present themselves, so that fears overall predominate, while any desirable characteristics or benefits of whatever quality largely remain unexplored and inactive. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 624, October 30, 1972 patient disease sound doctor beliefs

Now the same applies to what is frequently called spiritual healing. [...] Now sometimes a healer or a doctor, with his effectiveness in healing a condition, will show you by inference that the healing energy was always within yourself, and this realization may be enough to allow you to change your beliefs about health entirely.

Now: Good evening.

Now: While you are physical creatures, then your perceptions must be largely physically oriented. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session October 25, 1978 pendulum teeth soothe Kosok responds

Now (rather loudly:) the pendulum.

[...] It allows a certain kind of black-or-white, yes-or-no communication, with a little leeway toward a “maybe” now and then. [...]

(9:50.) Now give us a moment.... [...]

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

Now give us a moment. [...]

Now, the letter:

Now. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 29, 1983 diet cream patient cure distress

[...] She wasn’t aware of pain there now. [...]

[...] She did report increased mobility in the hand—but has also been doing so for a little while now. [...]

Now: another fond good afternoon. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 646, March 7, 1973 death brilliance unconditionally Twelve verdict

Now: Dictation: When you allow your emotions their natural spontaneous flow they will never engulf you, and always return you refreshed to “logical” conscious-mind thought.

Now: A note to the woman whose letter you have there. [...]

[...] Mortality with its birth and death is the framework in which the soul, for now, is expressed in flesh. [...]

TPS5 Session 886 (Deleted Portion) December 3, 1979 impulses zounds grist imposed ve

[...] But now I’m turning more and more toward Framework 2, making a try at placing my faith and need for solutions there where they can generate their own, seemingly without effort. [...] Even large portions of these activities I now try to relegate to Framework 2’s tender ministrations. [...]

[...] Now whenever I sense a conflict arising, I do as I’d figured out—and as Seth himself suggested recently: I ask the advice of the first man; what would he do in these situations? [...]

Personal, now: both of you know all that—that is, the material I have just delivered. [...]

TPS3 Session 730 (Deleted Portion, Second Part) January 15, 1975 stairs nonachievement reticent comb modest

[...] In that framework however his legs will now support his weight. [...] This is now possible—but he has not believed it, and to a lesser extent you have not.

[...] That knowledge is all, now, that he needs.

TPS3 Jane’s Notes Thanksgiving Morning 1975 cosmos boldness library supercautious heroic

What might be best for me now is.... to finish my book, start up a definite dream schedule, that is, two or three scheduled long naps plus suggestions as I used to do for various kinds of out-of-bodies and dream states; a session a week as of now with the dream work perhaps making up for the second session we don’t have; and painting. [...]

I thought I had a few ideas to jot down, now I’ve nearly forgotten what they were. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

[...] You have trouble now with the duration of your inner visions because you are trying to transpose them according to physical timeand this is going about it in the wrong way. As I mentioned earlier, you have at your command, even now, an inroad, a relatively accessible one, in what is termed psychological time.

Looking back now, the next morning, I think the possibility crossed my mind that some psychic effects were being felt, but, actually, I was so startled that I didn’t think much of anything.

[...] Now, the next day, the memory still lingers. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

[...] Now an hour later traces of lightness and suspension still linger. [...]

[...] It seems that we should supplement our lectures, at least now and then. [...]

(I now became aware that Jane seemed to be pacing about the room with her eyes closed, or very nearly so. [...]

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