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TPS7 Deleted Session October 22, 1982 Sheri England news Nancy Edwards

[...] There is now more detail visible in her knees themselves. Jane has slept in her chair now practically all day for several days. [...]

Now: this may take us a moment (pause), but Ruburt’s spirits are definitely regaining themselves and their momentum. [...]

[...] Regardless of what you think now, the idea of moving to Sayre should be considered as a very viable probability, for its symbolic content offers additional motive power and strength. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 567, February 17, 1971 fluctuations multiple atom microsecond steadily

Now: We will resume dictation.

[...] Using your terms now and speaking as simply as possible, there are other forms of matter beyond those you see. [...]

[...] Now the behavior of atoms and molecules is involved here, for again these are only present within your universe during certain stages. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

[...] There are different kinds of creativity, then, that must be learned, and a specialization in energy’s focus and feelings that emerges—elemental energy becoming conscious of itself and aware of issues that did not exist for it “earlier;” millions of molecules momentarily united with living consciousness, filled with primal energy, now learning love and forming highly sensitive psychic patterns; electrical charges that now form emotions instead of clouds; the innocent chaos of undifferentiated personality that exists behind the highly specified and truly sophisticated mechanism of one thought. [...]

The sessions on the electromagnetic units that lie just beneath the range of matter have begun just now as I finish this book. [...]

Now: Children build houses of cards and knock them down. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 618, September 28, 1972 core Seagull Dick unstructured belief

Now: I will stop at that for now, and take a break. [...]

(Earlier this evening Jane had sung quite spontaneously in Sumari, but her manner became more deliberate now as she began speaking for Seth.)

Now: Good evening —

NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 630, December 11, 1972 title Seventeen painting Chapter covering

Now: This book will be a good advertisement for the later book that I will do — and if you insert what I have told you in the book I am doing now, people will already begin to look forward to your book.

Now: The book title should be: “Through My Eyes,” and it should be your own book, covering in your own way many important areas. [...]

[...] I will not tell you in what particular way this sneaks by some of your problems now, or which ones are involved. [...]

TES6 Session 268 June 15, 1966 vertical page cat monogram object

Now, I am—you may or may not take notes now, Joseph—you see, rather present with you this evening…

Now. [...]

[...] Now, for this reason you see certain projections will seem entirely different than others.

SS Appendix: Session 594, September 13, 1971 acceleration Sue speed symbols Judas

Now: I bid you good evening, and our friend (Sue). [...]

[...] Nor could I keep all of Seth’s book in mind, even though I was working with the manuscript just now. [...]

(Sue said the material had a great deal of meaning for her, and that she now realized that it hadn’t been an “accident” that she’d dropped in this evening. [...]

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 pigment object Fox white shape

Now. [...] Now, my dear friends, this does not apply to dream reality.

Now I do not like the term astral bodies, simply because of the sometimes weird connotations connected with the phrase. There is a kind of idea, or mental body, a counterpart in many ways, but not always, to the physical body, which is the structure the self takes in what you may call for now fourth dimension.

(It was now time for the 63rd Dr. Instream experiment. Jane’s pace now slowed as she sat with a hand to her closed eyes. [...]

TES7 Session 284 September 7, 1966 root agreements assumptions spacious device

Now. [...]

[...] These, now, root agreements, form the main basis for the apparent permanence and coherence of your physical system.

Now these root agreements will only confuse you in your inner explorations. [...]

TES9 Session 506 October 27, 1969 units polarity poles intensity ee

Now. [...] Now the behavior of these units changes in the following manner. [...]

Now. [...]

[...] (Gestures.) The “nucleus,” in quotes—now using a cell analogy—if these units were cells, which they are not, then it would be as if the nucleus were constantly changing position, flying off in all directions, dragging the rest of the cell along with it. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

Now: For a change we are going to have some dictation, though I may make a few remarks at the end of our session to you both.

[...] Now you are also the receiver of other such signals coming from other probabilities that are connected with your own, but you choose which of those probable actions you want to make real or physical in your system, as others also have the freedom of choice in their systems.

[...] Now there is a natural attraction between yourself and other probable selves, electromagnetic connections having to do with simultaneous propulsions of energy. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] I am now caught up with Seth’s work, except for whatever may lie ahead with Mass Reality—but we regard that as current work, still in progress, of course. [...]

Now: in your country, generally speaking, rich and poor alike are provided with a multitude of services—many of course that are taken for granted.

Yet that government did indeed couch you, and now through your taxes you couch other younger people, who cannot contribute as yet. [...]

TES8 Session 407 April 24, 1968 soaking lilting gentle development barriers

Now. [...]

(Jane’s eyes now opened as she spoke, but she sat quite still and continued in the gentle, almost lilting voice.)

[...] These will vary according to the circumstances and our conditions, but are much more possible now after the sessions’ latest development.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1983 arthritis instep foot incurable sponges

His weight has stopped dropping, and he is now beginning to gain weight. Since, as I told you, he is now assimilating nourishment far better than he did earlier. [...]

Now, to resume: Your idea of using the sponges is an excellent one, and for now have Ruburt use that same imagery once a day for a starter. [...]

This is enough for now. I may or may not return—again, according to the rhythms of which I have spoken, so at least for now I bid you a fond good afternoon. [...]

TPS1 Session 384 December 4, 1967 skepticism misused presence Guinnip wholeheartedly

[...] (Pause.) Wait now... He let them run away with him, and is doubly afraid now. [...]

Now—I shall be brief, as you are tired.

Now, if you have any questions I will answer them. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 540, July 6, 1970 ghosts apparitions repetitive pseudoappearance rewashing

Now: We will resume dictation. [...] Now, often in your dreams you are able to perceive such other situations, but you often wind them into dream paraphernalia of your own, in which case upon awakening you have little clear memory.

[...] Your rooms are full now of thought-forms that you do not perceive; and again, you are as much a ghostly phenomenon now as you will be after death. [...]

[...] Now in the middle of life, of life conditions, you also appear on occasion as ghosts in other levels of reality, where your “pseudoappearance” causes some comment and is the ground for many myths — and you are not even aware of this.

TES1 Session 1 December 2, 1963 Watts Yes Towson Frank Gratis

(“Is your wife with you now?”)

(“Are they alive now?”)

(“How many of your children are alive now?”)

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

[...] Because I am attached to Ruburt now, his ideas of course color many of mine, so his fear of the passing years developed upon your fear of them ten years ago, projected now into your future, as ten years older than he. [...]

(Jane broke down in tears now. [...] I am not trying here, now, to judge this portion—herein after called “it” for convenience—or to say that it is going to vanish forever, or release its hold overnight. [...]

[...] Already I’m wondering now as I come out of it: am I okay now, am I free? [...]

TPS3 Session 700 (Deleted Portion) May 29, 1974 elation Seven upswing nutriments accomplished

[...] Now: the entire physical system is being cleared. [...]

The body is now utilizing nutriments in a constructive fashion, and does feel a greater need for food. [...]

There is not the big swing now between depression and elation, but a steady growing sense of peace, and easy freedom. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 1, 1973 Adventures Eleanor Rich writer Tam

[...] There were several things you had still not learned, however, that you have now learned. The relationship would be very good, then, but some old characteristic responses of ours would occur now and then, and frighten him. [...]

Now I have an important suggestion, to which I hope you will acquiesce, and it is important: You must really form a letter, a nice one, thanking people for their interest, explaining that for now private sessions are not given for individuals. [...]

[...] If I had, perhaps I hadn’t understood the answers, I thought; because certainly no action had been taken because of them, along the lines now contemplated....

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