
Results 221 to 240 of 1879 for stemmed:now

TES8 Session 364 September 13, 1967 hopelessness marriage peanut trap reliable

[...] We now use it as a daily adjunct in our lives, but never routinely. We do not think its results can be overestimated, and now we wonder how we lived before we learned of its benefits. [...]

[...] This is now in the mail and we await word as to any help it might have extended.

[...] It contained, also, much data on the activities of a couple in the Caribbean, and this will be checked upon their return two weeks from now.)

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 12, 1971 Bert Gnosticism Jim kick wring

[...] You are mad at life in general, and now you find our friend upon the floor again; this time, perhaps, he is asleep at a somewhat more important chore that you wanted done. (Humorously): Now far be it from me to accuse you of such an act, even in a fantasy, but this time you are out of your mind. [...]

[...] Now almost all who come to these classes have at one time or another been engaged in such endeavors. [...] Words and phrases spoken now will trigger your memories, and those memories will become alive if you allow them to.

(To Art O.): Now, my dear scientific friend over there: Atoms and molecules, minute as they may appear to you, also carry their burden of consciousness and responsibility. [...]

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

Now the suggestion I have given you is the same sort of thing. [...] Now this is the expansion of which I am speaking. [...]

[...] (Pause, head down, hair disheveled.) Now as the clouds’ construction constantly changes—tonight you watched them (and sketched them after supper) so the forms of objects constantly change. [...] Jane constantly rubbed her face and eyes with both hands.) We had better get Ruburt out of this for now, at least for a break. [...]

[...] The next word, she now speculated, could have been either Elder or Older; Jane said now that she didn’t realize this until she voiced the idea.

TES5 Session 210 November 22, 1965 Helen test envelope husband primary

Now, speaking once more about our primary and secondary conditions, it should be said now that this will not be as simple as it might appear. [...]

(It was now time for the 19th Dr. Instream test. Jane’s pace was now again very slow. [...]

(Jane now took a long pause, quite an unusual procedure after the opening salutation.)

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

(9:30.) Certain ideas he has now are in a stage of transition still, a necessary stage. The tooth was meant to get his attention, to make him realize the importance of acting now. [...] It is of great importance now however that he write down his thoughts as begun each day. [...]

I suggest now, for now (underlined), that you each do arise at 6:30, and take a good nap before dinner. [...]

Now. I could not force Ruburt to face the dilemma until he felt he was ready to handle it—then he would see it as he does, now, as a challenge. [...]

TES6 Session 253 April 25, 1966 apparitions constructed tumor precognitive perceive

Now, your physical universe is obviously composed of shared perceptions, and mass dreams would of course be of the same nature. [...] They exist mainly at one particular level, and they have to do with what you may call for now, world pictures.

Now, good evening.

(The Future Is Now, by Arthur W. Osborn. [...]

TES9 Session 484 May 26, 1969 John Philip overcrowded overpopulation mankind

Now give us a moment. [...] The name Alice, this is something definite now, 1943, perhaps a classmate. [...]

Now, good evening.

Now when you think of problems such as you have been discussing here this evening, concentrate, Joseph, upon probable solutions, and imagine the solutions that can be worked out. [...]

TES9 Session 460 January 27, 1969 Ace sale Wollheim endeavors impetus

I used the term (ego) often myself for your convenience, and I use it now for the same reason. I believe that I will tell you this for your definition: the ego is the portion of identity that is presently focused within an apparent now—that is, it is primarily designed as a mental tool, focusing within time as it is known and experienced by physical creatures.

[...] Seth now spoke about some remarks I had made earlier today, concerning my poor success in remembering my dreams and projections over a period of months now.)

(The dream book, which is now at Ace for consideration, was involved. [...]

TPS1 Session 387 December 11, 1967 Maltz exercises relaxation vision sleepy

I will now close. Now you (Jane pointed to me as Seth), for a very brief time, close your eyes and see if you experience anything. [...]

[...] I now did as Seth suggested, feeling a trance on my part was probably involved. If anything I felt a little less tired now, but with my eyes closed tried not to “try” for any effect too hard, less I block it by conscious effort.

Now he is used to dealing with words, and you with images. [...]

TES8 Session 339 May 3, 1967 coastline garage dunes Chula Vista

[...] Now I am facing the house. [...] But now to the right: the directions have changed now due to my position. The garage structure is now to my right, and behind it there are other structures leading down toward the water. [...]

Now we find an old man with failing eyesight and partial cataract in the left eye, a hint of partial paralysis on the left side. [...] A well-educated but misunderstood man, whose childlike tendencies are now in prominence. [...]

[...] Now, give us a moment.

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970 dimensional actors roles three pretend

Now: You are learning to be cocreators. You are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. [...]

Now, pretend that you are on a lighted stage, the stage being the room in which you now sit. [...]

Now, good evening.

TPS1 Session 380 (Deleted) November 15, 1967 intuitional intellectual unlearned restraint self

Ruburt is entirely over the block with the dream book now. [...] His chemical and hormonal systems have now normalized themselves.

[...] Now he will trust them consciously and intellectually, and this development had to occur for his fulfillment now. [...]

Now. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

(Willy was outside now, in a light rain that had begun a couple of hours ago. [...] Now I went down the back stairs and called for him as I circled the house. [...]

(“Over here now,” Jane said, designating her upper left, “is Seth on what you were just saying about peer groups — how young people feel it’s so important to fit in with their own kind, and why. [...] I was really confused for a while, yet now I see that each thing’s separate, already prepared by Seth. [...]

[...] Now I have to pick the right channel to get Seth back on his book; and it almost seems that if someone else came here now and mentioned a subject, I’d have that information all ready too.

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

He now realizes that growth cannot be held back. Now later, but not in a distant future, your nap periods will be utilized for joint out-of-body work. The further developments latent since our sessions, are now ready to proceed. [...]

Now this is phase two, and you cannot regress, only go ahead—and Ruburt realizes it now. [...]

[...] As of now we have so far mailed the letter to Eleanor re Rich Bed; phoned the ad about a house in to the Elmira paper; obtained the paint for Jane’s workroom; put up new curtains in her room; begun inquiries about the duplication of the letter for readers who write to Jane; packaged the first six chapters of Seth’s book to mail to Tam at Prentice-Hall tomorrow; begun to check the galleys for Oversoul Seven—all of these being items on the list we made out a couple of days ago. [...]

TES8 Session 365 September 18, 1967 dash gee gru Minn shopin

Now. The development of his abilities is now showing in definite terms because the improvement in health is freeing much energy that had been bound up in his dilemma.

[...] Whereas during the summer it required a distinct effort to keep it going at even 34 MPH, now I have to be careful to not use too much pressure on the accelerator, for the car will now leap ahead almost without warning.)

Now (smile), my friend Ruburt does not need to worry. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 13, 1971 Ron proofs cards Tom suburbanite

[...] Now it is possible, you see, and you are trying to bring what you think of as your conscious self into some awareness of what these other portions of the inner self are up to so, supposing we call your presently conscious self your immediate self. [...] So we will say you all have immediate selves which deal with the here and now, in those terms. Now the immediate self can indeed become aware of other portions of your own reality, and it is up to you to bring it into line. [...]

Now you are both channels, in those terms, for what you might think of as both white holes and black holes. [...] You are intersections, cosmic intersections, and it is up to you as the conscious selves that you think you are now, to listen and watch and to be aware of these portions of your personality that flow through you and in and out of you, in your terms. [...]

Now my dear love. [...] Now we have been through this with keener minds than your own. [...]

TES5 Session 206 November 8, 1965 record Philip awakening lamp dream

Now he switches off the light and tries without it. I believe he has on a white shirt, and loose collar, and he thinks, “Well now, Seth, well now. [...]

(It was now time for the 15th Dr. Instream clairvoyant test. As usual Jane spoke now with her eyes closed, except for one instant when she put out her cigarette. [...]

Now we can as you prefer, Joseph, go more deeply into this now, or at our next session.

TES8 Session 391 January 13, 1968 Jerry Billie swearing Tony Vermont

She says she knew, you see, when she wrote this, but it was no coincidence that it was found now. Also she seems to have a quick… at least now she seems to have a quick, sputtering voice. [...]

(Now Jane suddenly pounded her left fist on the table so hard that the cups and saucers and other objects jumped violently. [...] I was instantly concerned lest Jane physically injure her hand, so hard were the blows, several now in succession. [...]

Now it’s later and he’s just sort of sitting there and he’s drinking and they’re in the kitchen and she threw something—and she says now she’d rather he (pause) was really full of life again like he was… Rather than like an old man…

TPS6 Deleted Session December 1, 1981 re ll asleep conflict delays

(“It came to me rather clearly just now that you don’t want to continue with the sessions anymore,” I said. [...] Every delay or missed session is a clue, for you never offer to make them up, nor have you for a long time now said let’s have a spontaneous session. [...] I think a strong part of you is now so against the whole psychic thing that you’ve ended up in an awful position physically because of the conflicts involved—pulling you this way and that. You’re now about 90% helpless, so you’re—we’re—not solving the problems, are we? [...]

(Jane said that lately she’d “felt good” about getting back to work on Seth’s Dreams and her own Magical Approach, although actually she hasn’t done much on either of those projects for a very long time now. [...] She’s now developed difficulties with vision, hearing—especially in the left ear—walking, and practically all physical activities except sitting at her table or desk, or on the couch watching TV. [...] Very alarming, and now that the swelling has subsided to some extent she’d left with feet covered with a tough leathery skin that bears no detail and scales off in dead flakes.

Now: I have some comments to make on your discussion—rather brief for now. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 591, August 11, 1971 Christ Luke Matthew conspiracy crucifixion

[...] But now… “I almost don’t want to hold the session,” Jane said as we waited for 9:00. [...] I can feel — I know — that Seth’s going to end his book soon now, probably tonight, and I don’t want it to happen, I guess.” [...]

Now: We will resume dictation. (Now Jane’s pace was rather fast, her voice quiet.)

[...] The good-bye is my own, since I am now finishing this book. The introduction applies to each reader, for I hope that you will now be able to meet yourself face to face with a greater understanding of who and what you are.

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