
Results 1421 to 1440 of 1879 for stemmed:now

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 9, 1984 circulatory temperature fever mucous blotchy

[...] Only now there was no swelling. [...]

[...] I’m in no hurry to pay the bill, now that we owe money instead of getting a refund. [...]

Now I bid you another fond good afternoon.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 14, 1984 parents sports children shame bodily

[...] She seemed to be a little more comfortable, now that her birthday and Mother’s Day are past — factors, Seth said, that contributed to her discomfort.)

Now — I bid you another most fond good afternoon.

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

[...] A qualification appeared only under the chocolate headings where Jane’s pendulum said she could use the dry malt mixes now in stores, as opposed to the regular old-time cocoa used in baking, hot chocolate, etc. [...]

[...] Now when she is sensitized, they account for about 80 percent of physical symptoms. [...]

TES7 Session 290 October 3, 1966 Wendell tunnel studio reunion Crowley

Now, the future is also present in cellular consciousness. [...]

[...] Now the feeling of trains, or a tunnel, as a train tunnel would be. [...]

[...] (Jane now spelled the following out:) M-i-s-s-i-n-c or e-n-c. One thirty-five.

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

Now, my dear friend Joseph: Reincarnation and projection, you see, are one and the same thing.

Now this distortion may possibly be a hangover from a previous existence, but it is a distortion. [...]

Now, we shall indeed mention the book Ruburt is reading.

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] The improvement has maintained itself, and soon now the season will be over. [...]

[...] The pace was slower now, with more frequent pauses. [...]

Now. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 902, February 20, 1980 Bible Abraham ship age Noah

[...] Now Tam has just forwarded to us correspondence showing that Ankh-Hermes will do this—the new publishing date for Seth Spreekt is still uncertain, however.

Now: a few remarks on the eye episode.

[...] You are presented now, in the world, with a certain picture of a body and its activities, and that picture seems (underlined) very evidential. [...]

TES8 Session 415 June 10, 1968 pilot gulf Blevins bailed fuel

[...] Now give us a moment. [...]

[...] (Long pause.) Now give us a moment.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 10, 1984 antibiotic urine heparin sample temperature


Now: I bid you again a most fond good afternoon.

Now I may or may not return, et cetera — but whether or not I do, I am in my fashion “in the vicinity.”

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile

Dictation (with elaborate humor). Now: Remember that these units of consciousness of which I have been speaking are not neutral, mathematical, or mechanistic.

Now on the question of “mental disorders,” it is highly important that individual integrity be stressed, rather than the blanket definitions that are usually accorded to any group of symptoms. [...]

[...] Now Jane delivered some material for us, then ended the session at 9:57 P.M.)

TES4 Session 167 July 5, 1965 rejected ego reactions restrict impulses

[...] I will now bid you a fond good evening, and my best wishes to you both. We have had quite intensive sessions for some time now, and I simply prefer that you are allowed a rest before your trip.

[...] My best regards now, and good evening.

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

Now: In your terms only, [neither of you] … has a reincarnational future. [...] In other terms there are three future lives, but your greater intents, as of now, break you off from this system of reality, and you have already journeyed, both of you, into another; and from that other reality I speak. [...]

[...] Now each month she receives a little kit to be assembled; this in turn is used to carry out the scientific experiment for the month. [...]

Now: Dictation: When you look into a mirror you see your reflection, but it does not talk back to you. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 2, 1977 Superman Kent Clark anxiety congested

Now: I have said this before, but it is of the utmost importance. [...]

Practically speaking now, all of my suggestions should be followed, given in the last sessions, and they should be read again by each of you. [...]

[...] Often, for example, he will think “Big deal—so I can lift one foot now a little better than I did yesterday.” [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 28, 1984 alcoholism unlikely unsurmountable blockage childhood

Now I bid you another most fond good afternoon.

I do indeed look in on both of you frequently, and now I bid you a most fond good afternoon.

TES3 Session 111 November 30, 1964 universe threefold correlations systems distortive

[...] I will not go into the reasons for this now.

[...] They are important however; and from what you now know you realize that these energy forms represent mental enclosure units, operating in the same manner as our earlier ones of which we spoke when discussing the early development of energy within the physical field.

Now. [...]

TES3 Session 137 March 3, 1965 action identity electrical perceived vitality

The new arrangement should work out well, now, although it would not have in the past.

[...] Now in our last session I told you that our imaginary sender “A” does not transmit a given thought. [...]

[...] And it is only now beginning to become apparent.

TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 translating poetry playacting rational ancient

Now: Ruburt’s skill is as ancient as man is, and indeed all of your arts, sciences, and cultural achievements are the offshoots of (pause) spontaneous mental and biological processes.

When the species needs certain abilities, they rise to the fore, as in the case of Ruburt now. [...]

(Long pause.) Now: The species has multitudinous abilities, each necessary, each adding to the entire fulfillment and attributes of your people. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 6, 1983 foot leg motion cigarette move

Now: another fond good afternoon. [...]

[...] Now Jane launched into a series of more general motions, with many noises, groanings and gruntings. [...]

Now. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: June 1, 1984 panel Robert Oil Conz Sr

Now I bid you another most fond good afternoon —

This alternate way of thinking is biologically pertinent, for it should be obvious now that certain beliefs and ideas serve to foster health and vitality, while others impede it.

Now I bid you a most fond good afternoon.

TES8 Notes by Peggy Gallagher table circulatory Danny graphics complacency

The name Carol is called Arparka now you have seen a physical object behave in a manner in which no physical object has a right to behave. [...]

[...] I have been where you are now. [...]

Now, Ruburt is exhausted, and so I shall leave you. [...]

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