
Results 1021 to 1040 of 1879 for stemmed:now

TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate

[...] John now feels also that things are percolating below the surface, and he requested Jane and I find out what we could about the current state of affairs involving Searle, from Seth tonight.

[...] Since you know now that all physical matter is constantly coming into formation, that it is formed by atoms and molecules so instantaneously, and that these atoms and molecules that give form to matter continually appear and disappear, so swiftly that the physical form that they compose appears permanent, then you must realize that there is no reason why physical forms should deteriorate as far as the atoms and molecules that compose them are concerned.

TES2 Session 56 May 25, 1964 Callahan weather discharge female nonidentity

[...] Jane had visited her a couple of times through the week, and Miss Callahan now recognized her when she saw her. [...]

[...] Habit will still have some power of restraint for a while yet, but whole blocks of conceptual realizations, and whole blocks of time realizations, are now surely drifting away from the ego’s control.

It was a moment of momentary (underlined) terror, as the ego realized that what it fought against and what it would continue, though ineffectually, to fight against, was indeed no enemy to it but a most familiar omnipresent inner self, against which it was now powerless. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

As you read this book, now and then look about you at the room in which you sit. [...] By the end of our book, however, I hope you will realize the eternal validity of your own consciousness, and the impermanence of those physical aspects of your environment, and of your universe, that now seem so secure. [...]

Now: I have spent some time emphasizing the fact that each of us forms our own environment, because I want you to realize that the responsibility for your life and your environment is your own.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 10, 1968 identity mirror layers dimensional provocative

[...] Now, that is for your record. [...]

Now, for your class! [...]

Now while you dream, you do have contact with other portions of yourselves. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 30, 1982 increased motion noncommittal ordeal downgraded

Now: this will undoubtedly be a brief-enough session—but I wanted you to know that some important organizations of behavior that have bothered you both—particularly Ruburt—have lost their power. [...]

I do not want at this point to remind you, and so will leave the remark as is for now. [...]

Continuing along as you have in the last few days, you should find yourselves by the holidays far clearer in your lives and ways than perhaps now seems possible. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 16, 1969 Matt Areofranz Mimi Rachel palm

Now, I am here to welcome back a certain member of our group who had to leave the group for several reasons—and read me correctly in this particular instance where my friend Ruburt did not read me correctly (addressed to Rachel). [...]

Now, I have been here all evening, and I shall be here until the door is closed. [...]

Now, it is good to see you all—I am glad to be jovial with you. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 19, 1973 tackled speediest reinstate joint beliefs

Now: he is to do the point of power exactly as he decided yesterday. [...]

Above all however do not concentrate upon this as a problem, but as a challenge you are even now overcoming, and let the rest of your day flow with other creativity.

Now, I bid you a fond good evening. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 16, 1984 boxcar Sue chassis trinkets kitten

[...] I told her that the changes in the nodules on top of her left wrist have now decreased in size considerably, as they have been doing very gradually for some time now. [...]

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon.

[...] And the small trinkets that Ruburt discovered to his own delight represented the small but very valuable pleasures of daily life that he is now reclaiming.

TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964 fixture Macmillan October Fleeting cycles

[...] The remark of mine to be discussed was one I had made around supper time, and I was now rather surprised to see it crop up in the material.)

[...] She reported that she felt all right while delivering the material, and also that she felt a little better now. [...]

[...] He remembers his early lack of discipline in working matters, but he is well disciplined now. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 3, 1977 newspapers news heroism organizations world

[...] Examine your own personal experience with physical reality now and then when you have a moment (with irony), relying only upon your own experience. It is impossible, I know, and not really beneficial, to try to separate yourselves entirely from the cultural world, but you should understand the makeup of that world, and be able now and then at least to separate your private experiences from it, even though they must occur in its context.

Now: in basic terms you form your reality, privately and en masse—through your beliefs, of course, and those beliefs cause you to organize your psychic world in certain fashions.

(With gentle irony:) You made a remark earlier this evening to the effect that the individual could do nothing in the face of such organized behavior—a remark that by now I’m sure you regret voicing. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 546, August 19, 1970 suicide choosing heaven evil impediments

(Now that we could relax a little, however, we had every confidence that Seth would easily resume work on Chapter Eleven of his book, even though Jane hasn’t looked at it for quite a while now. [...]

Now: We will resume dictation.

Now: There are instances of course where the individuals concerned do not realize the fact of death. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

Now. [...]

[...] In the future the ego and the intellect will expand sufficiently so that they can contain and use and appreciate all the other functions and portions of the self which they now mistrust. [...]

[...] Now the ego fears such experiences, and censors them and holds them out because it is not certain of its strength, or its ability to mold them into significant patterns.

TES2 Session 77 August 5, 1964 congenial sensuous vacation compensate psychic

(Now Jane gave a broad smile.)

[...] They are more beneficial than you know now. [...]

[...] Psychically, you are much more resilient now. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 16, 1983 Pete Fife Hagen Infirmary insurance

[...] If we moved now, I thought, we might end up stuck with a bill for $50,000, if the insurance refused to cover it under our old setup. [...] Why did this have to happen now? [...]

[...] The ulcer that had formed there after she’d broken her right leg at the site has now closed itself over. [...]

Now: I bid you another fond good afternoon. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 28, 1978 authority authoritative Atlantis crazy professor

The Atlanteans, so-called for example, are supposed to be coming back now. [...] To me there is no contradiction between that statement and the statement that the reality of that Rome is even now being affected by present, current concepts and beliefs. [...]

[...] Although we now see that we should have said more—interrupted more—such behavior doesn’t appear to be too easy for us, whether because of beliefs or what. [...]

Now: you should reread Ruburt’s library material in the Cézanne book, on authority and creativity, for it is excellent. [...]

TPS5 Session 858 (Deleted Portion) June 4, 1979 art scene dedication gallery vocational

[...] Now we went over her recent dream activity, in the event Seth chose to offer material on that. [...]

[...] Ruburt used painting as an art in the dream rather than writing (pause), because it symbolized your joint ideas of art—to some extent, now—and allowed him to have you in his mind as he viewed the dream events.

[...] No reason was given for the pursuit itself, for he was being pursued now and then at least, by several people.

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

Now. [...]

Now, there is the impression of a new account. [...]

[...] Now I am not sure here. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 812, October 1, 1977 paranoid Paranoia misinterpretation shared Peter

Now: Subject: Paranoia, and its manifestations.

[...] I am speaking in general terms now, and in those terms such people are leery of human relationships. [...]

Now give us a moment… As creatures dwelling in time and space, your senses provide you with highly specific data, and with a cohesive-enough physical reality. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes June 19, 1978 allergic fleabites routine Blumenthal hasten

[...] Rob said, “You must want a break in the routine-” and his remark brought Seth’s material back, though now I know I don’t remember it all. [...]

1. The body likes extremes now and then. [...]

TES3 Session 96 October 12, 1964 gestalt Trinity unitary primary plane

[...] I now have my dream notebook in full swing, and since I had more dreams on the order of the two already discussed by Seth, I had my dream notebook open on the table as session time approached, in case these dreams were used in the material.

[...] Jane now did not feel particularly good, due to a sinus condition. [...]

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