Results 61 to 80 of 493 for stemmed:negat
[...] Their strength, vitality, and worth has been greatly undermined, however, by distortions, negative ideas, and some sheer nonsense.
[...] Often hair is a symbol for strength, but in this case it represents the strength of old beliefs, and your father is a barber who cuts away those — whereas in the past he followed many quite negative beliefs and concepts. [...]
[...] The ideas in the book proper will quite change their negative, charged ideas of psychic activity in general.
[...] Your own statement of course was quite true, as to the concentration on negative aspects (since supper time), but both of your attitudes have definitely improved.
Now Ruburt’s weight gain is a prerequisite for continuing improvement, and happened also once in the past before the more recent negative aspects. [...]
[...] Take a poor day, a dark day for example, a poor habitual reaction, a handful of negative suggestions, and some symptoms, and it does not add up to much.
[...] And if Jane had been aware of any negative influences here, if they exist, she would have prohibited our returning.... [...]
After that he feared deeply that all adverse comment of his, or negative remarks, would make you worse. [...]
From that point on he kept any negative thoughts or criticisms to himself, and during that time he feared that you almost disliked him completely. [...]
[...] He wanted you to state your position, and say “I am an artist” to her and to the world, but he deeply feared that you considered that attitude irresponsible, frivolous, not practical; and worse, that you felt it negated the sacrifice you made by keeping the job for so long. [...]
2. As Jane wrote for this note: “We think that the dangers of negative suggestion are as real as the physical ones that are connected with the overuse of X-rays, say. [...] There’s no way of knowing, though, what part negative suggestion might have played in their diseased conditions to begin with.
[...] These are ancient dictums, but you must understand the ways in which your mass communication systems amplify both the “positive and the negative” issues.
[...] Those mass meditations therefore reinforce negative conditions.
[...] Once again, negative suggestion rules in the present and is projected into the future, for the individual is told that she is at the mercy of her own bodily processes, which might go awry at any moment.
[...] “Seth’s been telling us to be alert for negative Freudian and Darwinian beliefs — and suddenly I’m surrounded by my own. [...]
[...] Remembering well the barrage of negative suggestions that passes for preventative medicine — the public service announcements about cancer — she was filled with foreboding. [...]
I am not suggesting that you do not visit doctors under such situations, because the weight of your negative beliefs about your bodies usually makes it too difficult for you to bear such uncertainties alone. [...]
[...] She called to tell Ruburt that she had lost her job this morning; but more than this, that she was involved in a week of very negative circumstances and emotional encounters. [...]
[...] So our Andrea did not see, or ignored, the smiles that came her way, or the encouragement; and in some cases she even perceived some potentially beneficial events as “negative” — these then were used to further reinforce the belief in her own inferiority.
(11:01.) When you think in other terms, then you fall into distorted views in which power is assigned to negative elements — and seen as threatening, wrong, or even given demonic connotations. [...]
[...] Such beliefs have a strong depressing characteristic that can lead you to shut down powerful feelings by immediately considering them negative.
[...] Also suggest that you will be automatically protected against negative suggestions and influences.
[...] The cat episode, my dear friend, (laugh) was not connected with either of your indispositions, except for your own negative expectations. [...]
Your hay fever situation will be greatly benefited if you particularly suggest that you be free of past (underlined) negative influences and suggestions. [...]
Your other dreams regarding the Gallaghers (see the session for 12/22), and the dreary-looking place on Water Street, merely depict the end result of negative beliefs—and the Gallaghers represent negative beliefs that nevertheless were friends of yours, that is, you were friendly to those negative beliefs. [...]
[...] As a result you forget your natural selves, and become involved in a secondary, largely imaginary culture: battles that are projected negatively into the future, individually and en masse. [...]
He obtained a good sense of physical accomplishment this weekend, in the face of quite negative attitudes that he managed to encounter and deal with well. [...]
[...] On the negative side he can go overboard, fearing to cause another the slightest hurt, and hurting himself instead.
Now on one occasion he did very well, although he picked up strong ideas from you of a negative nature, and this incident, in time, was connected with the college affair. [...]
[...] If he feels he is on trial in the religious area, then this has negative connotations.
[...] On the negative side, for him personally, it can lead to an exaggerated idea of the individual’s vulnerability.
Ruburt must make an attempt, and a good one, to express his feelings, positive and negative.
[...] He must learn to express fearful or negative thought, as they occur, so that they do not build up this charge again. [...]
(“I can’t help wondering what I have been offering him lately, other than negative and jealous thoughts, and so forth.”)
They are not “lost”, buried or negated in some superself, without free will, self-determination, or individuality. [...]
[...] It is very poor policy to dwell negatively on unpleasant aspects of the past that you know, because some portions of the probable self may still be involved in that past. [...]
(10:12.) To dwell upon the possibility of illness or disaster is equally poor policy, for you set up negative webs of probabilities that need not occur. [...]
[...] You must go, go, go, to prove that you can do so, and any threat to your mobility is not only strongly felt but negatively exaggerated.
[...] You allowed negative patterns of thought to take an upper hand, and fears to predominate. [...]
[...] Negative habits of thought, and withheld feelings and emotions got you into this, and the same, backwards, can get you out. [...]
[...] You cannot justify or rationalize present circumstances by saying, “This is because of something I did in a past life,” for within yourself now is the ability to change negative influences. You may have brought negative influences into your life for a given reason, but the reason always has to do with understanding, and understanding removes those influences.