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ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

[...] You want to be cautious, yet you want to find out what there is about the nature of reality and in this implied bargain you are the one who will make the inroads or seem to go ahead to have the freedom and spontaneity to do so. [...] Now at this time, it seems too much to bear both at the same, and so our friend here is being the critical one for you and then you can free yourself for this trance work knowing that any questions of a critical nature that you might have will be asked by her and, therefore, you will feel free to go ahead. [...]

[...] Now the fears are natural enough. [...]

TES1 Session 41 April 6, 1964 spacious camouflage plane Willy quantitative

It was not in the nature of a surprise to me, although I did find your reactions amusing. [...]

They represent a more or less true account of the nature of your camouflage universe, but if they are understood as being limited to your camouflage environment only, then your scientists would not attempt to use them as yardsticks to measure other universes.

The nature of basic reality is known according to the degree to which it is directly experienced, and it can only be directly experienced through the use of the inner senses. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 514, February 9, 1970 Sean environment altered form blend

[...] Only through the use of the intuitions and in sleep and dream states, as a rule, can you perceive the joyfully changing nature of your own, and any, consciousness.

Now, many of these freedoms are quite natural to you in the dream state, and you form dream environments often to exercise such potentials. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 19, 1972 Nebene intercourse purchased car pride

When you showed impatience with his progress it was sometimes a natural impatience, and sometimes Nebene’s dissatisfaction with a student who should, with those abilities, do better. [...]

[...] Earlier his own spontaneous nature, his desire for social intercourse, his simple love of fun, were strong enough to overcome the inner feelings that made him shy away from people. [...]

TPS1 Session 369 (Deleted) October 4, 1967 conscientious overly spontaneous self deeply

[...] Ruburt as a child was highly mystical, and also overly conscientious and overdemanding of himself, and afraid of his own spontaneity and natural appetites.

This deprived Ruburt of the deeply-rooted sense of inner natural unity when he began to rationalize this or examine it intellectually; he already questioned it, and the questioning was on the part of the overly conscientious self. [...]

NotP Chapter 8: Session 785, August 2, 1976 sentence cellularly attuned grammar previews

[...] Dreams are a natural “product” of cellularly-attuned consciousness. [...]

[...] The atoms and molecules and all of the seemingly smaller “particles” within them are, again, information-carrying processes, and upon them depends your entire interpretation of the nature of events.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

of nature’s kingdom.

[...] He is therefore not damned in any manner — neither by God or nature, and there is no reason for him to damn himself. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 503, September 24, 1969 astral fetus Sue pregnant withdraw

Many natural abortions are caused when the new personality is having difficulty constructing the new form, projects to others for advice, and is advised not to return.

TES9 ESP Class May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] The reaction is a response from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the nature of your thought. [...]

TPS3 Session 680 (Deleted Portion) February 6, 1974 chew tooth interposed muscles drilled

The brief simple yoga exercises are not to exceed 10 minutes, now, but done gently they will help stretch the muscles in a natural fashion. [...]

TPS3 Session 684 (Deleted Portion) February 20, 1974 paperback Seven worry optimum alone

There has been a breakthrough in those beliefs since the session on muscles; and for him naturally the spring, like the autumn, offers him optimum conditions for improvement in all areas.

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

About the tests in general, Seth said: “I was teaching him, and I went along with his natural interests and inclinations. [...] In extrasensory perception—as in so-called normal perception—the natural inclinations of the personality dictate the kind of information that will be sought from any available field of data.

[...] Now it is true, generally speaking, that material of an emotional nature actually has a stronger vitality and is easier to perceive. [...]

[...] So we used this tendency here to enlarge the picture and bring in further details that gave you rather respectable data … and in a way that was fairly natural to Rubert.”

[...] Even though I didn’t do a very good job, we learned something about the nature of perception, which was Seth’s intent. [...]

TMA Session Two August 11, 1980 Brenner rational deer Floyd magical

Now those tendencies are not natural to the intellect, but only appear when it is forced to operate in such an isolated fashion — isolated not only in time and space, but psychologically isolated from other portions of the personality that are meant to bring it additional information that it does not possess, and a kind of magical support.

[...] The rationality that you accept is then but one small clue as to the spontaneous inner rationality that is a part of each natural person.

[...] All of that involves a psychological motion of natural, magical import. [...]

[...] Coupled with this is the idea that magic, as we call it, reflects a basic part of our natural mental equipment and abilities, but that our present course of action, our focusing upon the material and the intellectual — the ‘reasonable’ portions of our psyche — has created artificial divisions, in which magic seems quite ‘unreasonable’ or unreal. [...]

TPS5 Session 856 (Deleted Portion) May 24, 1979 impulses steady relaxed taxes doubly

(I added that the more spontaneous she was about doing what she wanted at any given time—in other words, following her natural impulses—the more writing and painting she’d find herself able to do. [...]

TES8 Session 348 June 21, 1967 Australia interchanges California sunbathing Chula

[...] Ruburt, incidentally, because of his blessed literal nature, will not feel fully released from his job until the last day is over.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 16, 1984 berserk invader immunity vie temp

Before we can really study the nature of health or illness, we must first understand human consciousness and its relationship with the body.

TPS3 Session 698 (Deleted Portion) May 20, 1974 physicians alignment canal Cyprus jaw

[...] This is the true nature of healing, and in the physical situation, practically speaking, you must allow time for the muscles to readjust themselves, and gain their strength. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 6, 1969 subconscious surface mind birthdays sow

[...] The reaction is a response from your subconscious mind which corresponds with the nature of your thought. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session January 19, 1976 unsafe coping race safe species

Man wanted to separate himself from nature, but in so doing lost the animal’s great trust in it. [...] That, combined with nature’s knowledge of itself, will lead to the new dimensions of experience necessary. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

[...] The nature of reality is now. [...]

The most important is that which is before you most intimately and it is the nature of spontaneity. [...]

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