4 results for stemmed:mutant

UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

I would like to make an aside here: In certain terms, you cannot destroy life by a nuclear disaster. You would of course destroy life as you know it, and in your terms bring to an end, if the conditions were right (or wrong), life forms with which you are familiar. In greater terms, however, mutant life would emerge — mutant only by your standards — but life quite natural to itself.

For now think of it as you usually do, in a time context. It has been fashionable in the past to believe that each species was oriented selfishly toward its own survival. Period. Each was seen in competition with all other species. In that framework cooperation was simply a by-product of a primary drive toward survival. One species might use another, for instance. Species were thought to change, and “mutants” form, because of a previous alteration in the environment, to which any given species had to adjust or disappear. The motivating power was always projected outside* (underlined).

Give us a moment … In a way you are all your own mutants, creatively altering cellular formations. Period. When your fate seems dependent upon heredity, for example, then the transmission of ideas and beliefs operates; these give signals to the chromosomes. They cause miniature self-images, so to speak, that are mirrored in the cells. In many cases these images can be altered, but not with the technology that you have.

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

As errors and mistakes creep into the physical organic system, bringing forth mutant genes and distortions, so also these mutant genes and distortions are, on a smaller scale, the result of inner distortions within the consciousness of the individual genes.

[...] Distortions occur almost like mutant mental genes, which are then faithfully and duly reproduced.

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 562, December 7, 1970 civilization violence Lumanians technology caves

[...] They felt however, that their mutant children might have a resulting disinclination toward violence, but without the prohibiting nerve-control reactions with which they were endowed.

[...] Some few of the mutant children formed a small later group who traveled the area as itinerants in the following century, with large bands of animals. [...]

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

Consider zero like a mutant. [...]