
Results 41 to 60 of 353 for stemmed:met

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 29, 1978 attitudes towels jeopardize soreness protect

[...] By the time you met, however, certain attitudes were already paramount, regardless of your diverse backgrounds.

[...] You had furthermore decided, and separately, before you met, to avoid conventional long-term relationships in the world of business. [...]

TES3 Session 106 November 11, 1964 Kiley Nan Playboy November doctor

[...] She met this editor some years ago. She has not met two other executives there who have taken some cognizance of her work, and we now speculate that the situation described by Seth on page 126 might apply to Playboy. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 593, August 30, 1971 hole coordination black entropy points

[...] She extended her hands from these points until they met at arm’s length, somewhat off to her right. [...]

(Jane said that while speaking for Seth, she knew the two lines she was indicating met in the west-by-south corner of our room. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] I never met the couple. Jane met Mrs. Steffans just once, in 1973, when she came through with a spontaneous “reading” for the lady at an informal party David Yoder gave in the apartment he was renting at the time. Jane and I think it most interesting that we were living in the same downtown apartment house as David was, and that Jane met—just that once—a person living in the house we were to buy two years later. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 22, 1978 inspiration deaden Frank distractions Instream

[...] 2. What about the young psychologist we met at Oswego during our visit to see Instream? [...]

[...] The younger man was, when you met him, afraid himself of schizophrenia, and had a great need to establish his own sanity at the expense of anyone who showed any but the most conventional characteristics.

TES8 Impressions Given in Session 333 on April 10, 1967 Gallaghers constables antique combos hobnail

[...] Bill met Mrs. Ed Lagonegro on Eighth Avenue.”)

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

(I do want to note, however, that I met Dr. Jeff Karder as I walked down the hall from the emergency room today, on my way to climb the stairs to 330. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

[...] When they met, therefore our hypothetical people, they could only gasp with amazement at the ways of coincidence, and the strange fashion of chance or fate.

[...] Until our hypothetical friends met each other at the corner grocery, it seemed that all of their efforts and searches brought no success. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] But SN never met James, he told Jane in reply to her question.)

[...] It might also be of interest to note that the younger man—with wife, whom none of us met—knew in Mansfield of the Jupenlasz family. [...]

TPS4 Jane’s Notes Friday, April 7, 1978 scorn career approbation highpoints libvary

[...] asking yourself how many actual people I’ve met who scorned me... [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session March 11, 1981 church Normandy grandfather heresy nightmare

Ruburt did initiate a small religious order in the 16th Century, in France, and he was in love for many years with the man he met in his dream—a cleric. [...]

[...] The two corresponded frequently, met often, and in their ways conspired to alter many of the practices that were abhorrent yet held as proper church policy. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 3, 1979 conscientious perfectionist gloried virtuous inferior

Your struggles earlier, before you met Ruburt, involved relationships, in that you had no deep ones, allowing yourself to become close to no one. When you fell in love with Ruburt, a part of you was appalled, for it felt it must hold itself ever aloof—and in those days Ruburt’s spontaneous self often met a response from your overly conscientious self, so that you appeared cold to him, and in repelling his spontaneity you were of course frightened to reveal your own.

TES8 Session 349 June 28, 1967 Joanie lettuce Gilbert Bill cigarette

(Jane and I have met Joanie a few times before, without any knowledge of her lettuce-eating habit, and can attest that Seth’s data here was as much a surprise to us as to Joanie or Bill. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 27, 1973 kiss redecorating hug spontaneity love

[...] In the past, not too distant, you often met his advances coldly whenever he did decide to try again. [...]

[...] For a while at least he felt you met only in your work, and in the sessions.

UR1 Section 3: Session 700 May 29, 1974 science chaos Wonderworks art scientist

[...] They met with varying degrees of success in their attempts to understand the nature of reality, and it is true that their overall goals were different than yours. [...]

[...] For Jane has never met Seth, face to face, you might say, in a dream. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 10, 1979 shovel sports driveway plowed sexual

[...] Both of you, before you met, knew that you wanted to study and observe from your own viewpoints. [...]

[...] While you happily worked and caroused quite innocently, you also began half unconsciously to further question the nature, not necessarily of society, but of the individual lives you met within it. [...]

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

[...] But she owned a black car in 1960, while living in Elmira, several years before we met her. [...] She did not own it when we met her a few months ago.

[...] Various kinds of conditions must be exactly met, between those such as myself, and those through whom we speak. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 26, 1977 Ryerson Spain Carlos associations Carroll

[...] On Thanksgiving day, November 24, Carroll Stamp called us to tell us that she’d met Burt Ryerson, who had just returned from Spain. [...] If Ryerson met anyone over there who knows us, we are quite unaware of it. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 4 Saturday, April 17, 1982 chimes dirgelike irrepressible prologue escapades

[...] The chimes had been sent to us as a gift by fans we’ve never met.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 23, 1984 superbeing schizophrenic personage dogmas genius

[...] This noon I met Jeff Karder in the emergency room — just as I was thinking about him. [...]

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