
Results 261 to 280 of 353 for stemmed:met

TPS3 Deleted Session May 1, 1975 hostile cultural gallantry codicils temperamentally

[...] But the science fiction writers he met, and the field itself, he soon found as highly limiting.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 895, January 14, 1980 David suffering illness science genetics

[...] Jane and I met him in May 1960, when we moved from Sayre into an apartment house close to downtown Elmira. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973 violation guilt aggressiveness mouse killing

[...] As long as you believe that violence must be met with violence you court it and its consequences. [...]

TES8 Session 404 April 8, 1968 plenty financial dwindling Maltz exercises

[...] Whenever your rent has been raised he has done the same, and any outstanding bill for the last six months has met the same treatment. [...]

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

[...] Some of my students, for example, have frequent out-of-body experiences from both the waking and the dream states, and on several such occasions we seem to have met in my living room.

Whole blocks of sessions deal with the methods used and the conditions that can be met in projections of consciousness from the dream state. [...]

TES5 Session 229 February 2, 1966 landlord cabinet tenants studious plow

[...] Jane and I have never met Joe’s wife, and have no idea what kind of connection Seth might be referring to.

TES2 Session 84 September 2, 1964 boat rowboat sympathy constructions wharf

My welcome to Mark, who is with us again, and I repeat: The boat was the first boat in vision from the inside of the large room in which the men met.

TES9 Session 444 October 30, 1968 Holzer Fodor robed Mossman Nandor

[...] Now we as portions of one entity, have certain memories that could be compared to the general cultural ones that you and Jane share, even before you met. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session August 29, 1973 Eleanor literary Prentice Dialogues business

[...] Now for the reasons given, and the developments earlier tonight, all of those issues met, since Eleanor’s previous visit.

UR1 Appendix 1: (For Session 679) mystical grandfather religious Burdo daemons

[...] But I thought of a priestess-poetess, mixing this with the idea of the mistress when I met Rob. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 727 January 6, 1975 mountain geologist tree future rock

One of the Roman soldiers, Maumee, and Nebene are mentioned in Appendix 21; see the excerpts there from the private session for November 18, 1974, as well as Note 1. Then see the comments Seth made the next evening in ESP class: “There are, of course, future memories as well as past ones … As Joseph often says: ‘When you think of reincarnation, you do so in terms of past lives.’ You are afraid to consider future lives because then you have to face the death that must be met first, in your terms. [...]

TES9 Session 435 September 11, 1968 Evelyn Maisie brakes Papa car

[...] [Pete, at the moment as far as we know, is in the Hawaiian Islands.] Bill and Pete met once at our apartment two years ago.

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

(11:51.) You have had in the past to some extent a disdain, because of your beliefs about yourself, for people perhaps met on the streets during business or working hours, or for people who did not have jobs, or who did not punch a time clock or whatever, and it is by those attitudes that you judge yourself (intently), and find yourself wanting in the eyes, say, of your brothers. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 8 breathes Rob dishes Who admit

While I sleep and lie stretched out,
Eyelids closed and pupils dark,
Who walks wide-eyed downstairs
Through the door in the cold night air,
And travels where I have never been?
Who leaves clear memories in my head
Of people I have never met?
Who takes these trips while I
Never lift one inch from bed?
Who dreams?

SS Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 550, September 28, 1970 hate hatred sausage cheek evil

[...] In many cases the friends that you make were close to you long before you met them in this present life.

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

[...] The year was 1953, and I’d just met Jane. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 829, March 22, 1978 Christ resurrection ascension Gospels Luke

Christ saw that in each person divinity and humanity met — and that man survived death by virtue of his existence within the divine. [...]

TES4 Session 179 August 18, 1965 test noise envelope Traffic Instream

[...] When I spoke of terms, saying that my terms should be met, I was not, again, speaking of any impossible conditions; merely that spontaneity, trust and integrity be necessary factors in our endeavor.

TES5 Session 237 March 2, 1966 print handprint Myhalyk ink steeple

[...] On Saturday, February 19, Jane and I met Marilyn and Don Wilbur and some others at Myhalyk’s for an evening of dancing. [...]

TES2 Session 69 July 8, 1964 apparition constructions water temperature cool

You were definitely at a low ebb, that had its beginnings before you met Ruburt, being at loose ends in many respects, after the early financial success which was the result of work and expectation.

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