Results 201 to 220 of 448 for stemmed:memori

TMA Session Three August 13, 1980 magical intellect Mary rational pad

For example, women test as equal to men in sensitivity to sound; clear, logical, and rational thinking; accurate reading and writing; memory for design in areas like drafting and illustration; number memory; tweezer dexterity; foresight, as in the flow of ideas; subjective personality links to specialized work.

(“I’d say that a great memory must be involved here, coupled on deeper levels with a shortening of time as we think of it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] Seeing themselves as separate and apart from all other individuals, they still retain an inner comprehension and a memory of having once experienced a oneness with life as a whole.

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 24, 1984 Jean Del hiking daughter paternal

(As we talked, something triggered Jane’s memory of a time in her teens when she’d hiked all the way out to the garage where her grandfather had worked in Saratoga Springs — “way across town.” [...]

TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin

In the development of this state we can, and of necessity will probably end up with changes in the physical face because it is the memory, the memory (head up briefly, up facing toward the ceiling), of another nervous system that here begins to gain prominence, and it is difficult. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] So memory is still operating, I thought.

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 904, February 27, 1980 choices Eden neurological free Garden

[...] They are guided by memories that they later forget.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

[...] After their birth they are aware to varying degrees of their destiny, and certain trigger experiences may at times arouse their full memory.

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

“As we talked, Jane suddenly announced that her experience had triggered her memory: She’d had similar sensations of enlargement twice before. [...]

TES1 Session 7 December 13, 1963 blueprint da Yes undecided Gratis

[...] You may retain sense of familiarity, if not actual memory.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972 doll tone flood chords space

[...] It may have far greater importance and intensity, existing in your memory, for example, long after it has disappeared in space. Such an event or object does not merely exist symbolically within your mind or memory — but in your terms its actual reality continues as a time event.

SS Part One: Chapter 8: Session 534, June 8, 1970 extinguished vision interference spelling alarmed

[...] Now, with memory of almost-forgotten episodes returning, I knew that this brilliant, shimmering pattern could spread so that as I looked at an object it would be obliterated, even while I still had peripheral vision.

[...] From memory I recall his saying:)

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

[...] Though the individual may seem to be the same, and though he retains his memories, he is not the same; and, even his memories are colored by the various differences in what “I am myself” comes to mean.

UR2 Section 4: Session 710 October 7, 1974 demons journey objectified City travel

[...] It will be there when you need it, to take the pictures that will be your conscious memories of your journey.

(11:46 P.M. All Jane could say the next morning was that she had no conscious memory of any contact Seth might have made with her in the dream state. [...]

TES8 Session 390 January 8, 1968 Blanche contact Anne unpleasant Baltimore

(The session, Jane said, verged often on the unpleasant, as if Blanche had to go through her own last memories first in order to make contact, and we wondered whether a survival personality would want to do this very often. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 887, December 5, 1979 library Archives journals unpublished copies

Jane’s editor, Tam Mossman, who graduated from Yale, helped us contact officials at Sterling Memorial a year ago (in December 1978). [...]

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

[...] Bodily mechanisms, who holds memories too numerous for the conscious mind to follow.

TES7 Session 292 October 10, 1966 cap beer Friday tipping trio

[...] They are built up through cellular memory, and are to some extent activated replicas of previous forms.

[...] Her eyes opened frequently, her pace was slow, and she had little memory of what she had said.

[...] We checked Jane’s memory on the rest of her wardrobe Friday evening. [...]

TES6 Session 244 March 23, 1966 Peggy locations photograph envelope switch

[...] If you have little memory of your dream locations while you are in the waking state, then remember you have as little memory of waking locations when you are in the dream state. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 17, 1970 Rachel accident Ned Dennis hunting

[...] You have a good visual memory so if you begin to insert the image of the flower, in the same position as the hammer, this will be highly effective. [...]

[...] It is your memory that is faulty, not your traveling. [...]

TES3 Session 113 December 7, 1964 December duration Christmas lighter gaunt

[...] Bill has no memory of it, however.

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