Results 261 to 280 of 497 for stemmed:maintain

TES9 Session 467 March 12, 1969 brain perception quotes brainscape intellect

[...] But all in all the regularity should be maintained, and the suggestion I have given will allow both schedule and freedom from schedule. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 19, 1977 hired coincidences clues Beloff detectives

[...] In the most mundane of terms, try to maintain your good spirits. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon

[...] I note this aside from whatever changes may be taking place in her, as Seth has repeatedly maintained recently. [...]

NotP Chapter 5: Session 772, April 19, 1976 sexual male female orientation deities

[...] This rebellion was psychological — that is, he maintained an acceptable male orientation in terms of sexual activity, but he would not restrain his mind and soul with such nonsense. [...]

TES8 Session 409 May 1, 1968 coordinates rascal cohesiveness boundaries intensity

[...] There is general and mass focus of all self-structures within that system, binding enough and cohesive enough so that the appearance of a permanent and all-pervading physical reality is maintained. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] Each also unites with others while maintaining its individuality and developing its own potential.

[...] Seth’s explanations in ESP class last night and in this evening’s session helped clear my mind considerably, though: According to him, consciousness has no difficulty in making such alliances while maintaining continuity of identity, though its vast abilities are certainly almost impossible for us to grasp.

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

It is possible to treat such disorders from a chemical standpoint, as is sometimes being done, but the acquired artificial chemical balance will in most cases not be maintained, because the inner self, the deep subconscious, has not been signaled that an error is being made. [...]

TES7 Session 295 October 19, 1966 stilts recommendations memory rna charges

[...] Every effort should be made to maintain them, for they will bring about the highest conditions of maturity possible for his personality structure.

TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

You had a mass burial—land and people together, a folding-in of consciousness upon itself, of energies upon energies, as those people realized that their kind of existence could no longer be maintained. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session February 17, 1981 responsibility deleterious overheavy regard unwittingly

[...] When you are concentrating upon responsibility, however, then each lapse becomes a lapse from responsible action, and complicates the inner spontaneous rhythm that to a large degree is automatically maintained. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 867, July 23, 1979 portraits species disease inventions perplexity

[...] They are, however, helping to maintain the body’s overall balance. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 3, 1973 Nebene characteristics troublesome restrictive habitual

[...] I am offering suggestions here, but overall I recommend that Ruburt maintain so many hours, and feel free after that to indulge in those impulses that he will now be more and more aware of.

UR1 Section 2: Session 691 March 25, 1974 Tertiary birds fauna microsecond cells

[...] They are biological in that they are to some extent composed of mass cellular knowledge — basically free of time, but directing physical activity in time, and thereby maintaining physical equilibrium.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 29, 1978 worrying lumps massacres optimism knots

[...] In some fashion, in order to maintain sanity, I end up laughing at what goes on in the world—probably a last resort. [...]

TES2 Session 49 April 29, 1964 Jim Tennant Inquisition Ruth Lundgren

[...] She maintained this good voice throughout the session so it need not be mentioned again. [...]

There is no easy way that is effective in the long run, and if I seem heavy-handed in this respect, it is because I would rather have slow and certain results than flashy displays that cannot be maintained. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 713 October 21, 1974 Perspective program screen jacket hat

[...] I could tell that this was the case: Her delivery had reached a steady, quiet yet driving level that she seemed capable of maintaining indefinitely.

[...] At the same time you were determined to set yourself apart from the world to some extent, while still maintaining and developing an emotional contact with a mate that would be unlike any in your earlier experience. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 732 January 22, 1975 counterparts Peter family Henry Ben

[...] You dream of your own counterparts frequently, but you are so afraid of maintaining what you think of as the rational adult self that you ignore such communications.

(A one-minute pause, eyes closed, at 9:42.) When you become too intent to maintain your reality you lose it, for you deny the creativity upon which it rests.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 9: Session 637, January 31, 1973 cells soul entity greater structure

[...] They also help maintain yours. [...]

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

[...] There will be an ultimate move west rather than east, with the company circumstances maintained, things being as they are now, and probabilities as I see them. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session October 22, 1973 relaxation parents laxness father mother

[...] The badminton, unless he is in a relaxation period, is excellent, however, and should be maintained because of the opportunity for speed. [...]

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