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TPS1 Session 380 (Deleted) November 15, 1967 intuitional intellectual unlearned restraint self

[...] The degree of your understanding and development is the result of past endeavors in other lives. [...]

[...] This same spirit should be used in approaching our work, and in his general living pattern.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

(Once we were back upstairs in our living room, the music led me to talk about peer groups involving young people. [...]

[...] Seth sees reincarnational lives as all existing at once, so there is constant give-and-take among them. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 695 May 6, 1974 photograph species probable picture specimen

[...] She said the notes were intended to furnish a mundane account of our lives that would “parallel” Seth’s more complicated data on probabilities and other concepts. [...]

[...] In such ways probable events can be attracted to your current living structure.

UR1 Section 3: Session 696 May 8, 1974 blueprints Platonic gender language hauntings

[...] Not understanding yourselves,6 you have tried to put the idea of God outside of yourselves and your living framework. [...]

4. Plato, the Greek philosopher, poet, and logician, lived from about 427 to about 347 B.C. Throughout his mature life he treated what he considered to be man’s God-given ideas in a series of Dialogues, or free conversations.

TPS4 Deleted Session August 9, 1978 mouse hunter kill prey feast

On the other hand, because of your agricultural methods and so forth, many animals live, through breeding, who would not live otherwise—so those creatures are given life. [...]

TES9 Session 436 September 16, 1968 Callista Buff accident Nina Eve

(The call was from Callista Buffalin, a widow now in her late twenties, who had lived in our apartment house until about two years ago. [...]

(Bill M., from Elmira, now lives in Santa Barbara, California.)

TSM Chapter One pointer Rob board spelled Withers

[...] After supper I sat down at my old table in the living room, as I always did, to work on my poetry. [...]

[...] We’d never had a telepathic experience in our lives, never even seen a Ouija board. [...]

[...] It spelled out messages supposedly coming from a Frank Withers (not the real name) who had lived in Elmira and died during the 1940’s.

[...] Later on, we did learn that a man with the communicator’s name was known to have lived in Elmira, and died in the 1940’s—that took me back a bit. [...]

TES5 Session 233 February 14, 1966 Linda six wedding groom marriage

[...] Were it not for past experiences in other lives on the part of deeper layers of the self, the ego would find it almost impossible to relate to other individuals, and the cohesiveness of society would not exist.

Learning to some extent is indeed passed on through the genes, bio-chemically, but this is a physical materialization of inner knowledge achieved and retained from past lives. [...]

[...] The connection is far-out: My brother, father of the Protestant bride who married a Catholic, was at my parents’ home Sunday; the people who live next door are Catholic.

(The term made me wonder if Seth referred to another physical life for Jane; in the past he has reiterated that our present physical lives are the last for both of us.

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

The ability to project idea or energy into physical construction is, therefore, generalized throughout the whole physical human body, and throughout the bodies of any living thing. [...]

[...] It goes without saying that mankind is not alone in maintaining the physical universe, and in giving it continuity as he projects and constructs his own physical image; and as this image is the direct result of his own inner psychic climate, and as it reflects most faithfully his own inner joy and illness, and as this joy and illness shows itself physically in his image, so also do all living things construct their own images, and help to maintain the physical properties of your universe.

[...] Now your scientists realize that the living human being is indeed alive in the womb. [...]

(On Saturday, May 9, 1964 at about 9:00 PM, I was sitting at the living room table reading Jane’s manuscript on ESP—the section dealing with her feeling of ecstasy, and the Saratoga experience.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 4, 1971 Ron tale strobe fable movement

[...] It seems very difficult for you to understand the fact that you live many realities at one time, simultaneously, and since the time scheme seems to be such a reality to you, the multidimensional aspects of your own consciousness are explained in those terms. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 26, 1972 Richard Eleanor Dick Andrews imperfections

The entire psychic situation then brought into your lives fantastic energy, and attempted to correlate diverse creative, personal and psychic goals. [...]

He did feel accused in your eyes, and he was determined that your relationship live up to its potentials as much as was possible.

In the main however he felt he did not live up to your expectations, that the two of you were not together emotionally.

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 28, 1984 alcoholism unlikely unsurmountable blockage childhood

(Long pause at 4:19.) In most cases, even the most severe illnesses or complicated living conditions and relationships are caused by an attempt to grow, develop or expand in the face of difficulties that appear to be unsurmountable to one degree or another.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: March 10, 1984 Jeff resiliency Karder magic unimpeded

— and I do indeed actuate those coordinates that regenerate all aspects of your lives in general.

TPS6 Deleted Session March 25, 1981 philosophical issues defenses newscasts dangerous

[...] Now in both of your lives, you have managed to express creative abilities to advantage, to draw upon these not only at isolated periods of your lives, or in partial form, but in such a fashion that they have provided you with continuing frameworks of self-discovery and creativity—so when you are counting accomplishments, remember that (in reference to question 2.

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

[...] And all living consciousnesses initially enter your plane of awareness by route of such a mental enclosure.

(John also noted that he was keeping alert for any sort of trouble involving a woman neighbor who lives three doors down the street from him. [...]

TES8 Session 336 April 19, 1967 stout atmosphere Midwest weather Peg

[...] All living things exist, as you know, in other than material form. Every living thing has what you would term an astral form or vehicle. [...]

TES8 Session 345 June 12, 1967 job foods overexpectations money thorn

(Jane sat at the living room table with me and began speaking with her eyes closed, in a normal voice and at a good pace.)

It is a central material problem in your lives, and you have the equipment to solve it, and the opportunity. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session May 10, 1978 inspired guests impulses strangers responding

[...] He should not pretend otherwise, for such irritability is short-lived, if expressed, and usually directly related to a particular difficulty in manipulation, or whatever.

[...] As far as impulses are concerned, most likely Ruburt could have three or four excellent sessions a week at certain periods in your lives, and there would be periods of vacation also. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 3, 1981 therapeutic program trigger regardless uniform

[...] She slept late, spent time at her table in the living room, read the mail—which contained some excellent pieces, by the way —but as far as I know did no notes or other writing.

[...] You can, however, change your lives for the better in the twinkling of an eye. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize

[...] He felt that in a way he was doing this for both of you: that despite what you said, if you wanted to paint for a living, or rather, simply to paint and thereby live, you would take those chances that he was taking, and whatever consequences that followed.

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