Results 461 to 480 of 1249 for stemmed:live
5. I am helpless because I am at the mercy of events from past lives in other incarnations, over which I now have no control. I must be punished, or I am punishing myself for unkindnesses done to others in past lives. [...]
[...] You live without consciously knowing how you maintain this miracle of physical awareness in the world of flesh and time.
Within you is the ability to change your ideas about reality and about yourself, to create a personal living experience that is fulfilling to yourself and others. [...]
[...] There will indeed be a change that is only now beginning, in the daily ways of your lives, and you are both subconsciously preparing yourselves.
[...] Concerning her accent, which I have called a brogue, Lorraine and Bill Gallagher said they thought of it as a cultivated, well-educated accent acquired perhaps by one who had spent some time in Ireland, for instance, then moved on to live in another country—England, for instance.
[...] A lively discussion now developed among us as to the nature and possible origin of the brogue or accent Jane had displayed during most of the session.
(On February 17, 1964 our neighbor Miss Florence Callahan who lived in the front apartment on the same floor as Jane and I, was taken to the hospital suffering from arteriosclerosis. [...]
(On Wednesday, May 13, Miss Callahan’s relatives asked Jane if we could move Miss Callahan’s blue divan into our apartment, and in its place let them take a hide-away bed we had in storage; this bed to be used for a nurse who was to live with Miss Callahan when she was brought home from the Town House. [...]
[...] Jane and I thought the session over, but Seth returned briefly again at about 11:45, to comment in a hearty manner that during the physical lives Jane, Seth and I lived together in Denmark, during the 1600s, I did him out of considerable money. [...]
[...] Last night at perhaps 10 PM, as we sat in the living room, Jane suddenly announced: “The bird is dead.” [...]
[...] I also heard this cat and our first cat, Willy, playing in the living room.
“For one thing … those who know existence on the physical level now, have, because of certain cycles, lived before at approximately the same historical periods. [...]
[...] Even in these, however, the dream event may also represent events from past lives.
[...] We have all kinds of gaps to be filled in on our own past lives, however, because as long as I refused to accept reincarnation, I asked Rob not to ask for reincarnational material. [...]
[...] Seth insists that many people have dreams that give them information about past lives, but often they do not remember them simply because they do not realize the importance of dreams in general.
[...] I am using the name here, Christ, as one person for the sake of discussion, for that entity touched many lives, each leaping into a kind of super-reality as it joyfully played its part in the religious drama.
[...] Ruburt is hardly outstanding in having physical difficulties, and overall your lives and the work speak for more of the potential of personality than of personality’s lacks. [...]
In terms of your lives, you are able to use certain portions of the material at different times. [...]
You are making a good living. There is nothing at all wrong with wanting, say, to become a millionaire, but if you simply concentrate upon the creative, personal elements in your lives—your writing in the notes, your painting, Ruburt’s writing and psychic freedom, then everything else will fall into place. [...]
[...] It is a way of living that automatically enhances all of your abilities and accelerates your comprehensions. [...]
(9:24.) You should understand that the approach is the best one to use in life, generally speaking, but it will improve all conditions, even if you still have difficulties in certain areas (pause), and that its use cannot help but promote the overall quality of your lives. [...]
[...] Ruburt is the sum of the earthly personalities, intimately aware of all past lives.
(My brother William, who lives in Rochester, New York, is driving down to take mother back home with him for a week or two, on November 9. We received a letter from him to this effect yesterday. [...]
He was able to utilize unusually strong amounts of energy in our work of late, and will find his energy even more abundant and dependable in his writing, our work, and normal living. [...]
This was not one decision, but involved multitudinous small issues in your lives from childhood on, and represents aspects of your personalities that you must recognize and honor. [...]
[...] They are afraid, however, of going out on their own, so to speak, and many are involved in lives that have been built upon past beliefs.
(At about the time that personal session was held, we’d been reading a book on the lives of some of the well-known mystics of the past. [...]
[...] However, extremely inarticulate in last life, due to an inability to synthesize gains in past lives.
[...] Wherever we live is significant to me; a privileged place; our domestic platform in the universe.
[...] Two days ago, she worked on our new front porch for the first time; she sat in the slanting sunlight and wrote down the information she psychically picked up from the “world view” of William James, the American psychologist and philosopher who lived from 1842–1910. [...] [In the note she’s making for her Introduction to Seth’s The Nature of the Psyche, Jane describes a world view as “…a living psychological picture of an individual life, with its knowledge and experience, which remains responsive and viable long after the physical life itself is over.”]
More and more, the quality of your lives is formed through the subjective realities of your feelings and mental constructions. [...]
[...] For, obviously, senility will have to be conquered by some combination of physical and/or mental techniques if men and women are to live a lot longer, let alone “forever.”
[...] That session contains information and notes relevant to the concurrent lives that Jane, Seth, and I lived in Denmark in the 1600’s. As mentioned at the beginning of this appendix, even though I’m considering the Jane-Ruburt-Seth relationship, I want to avoid becoming too enmeshed within the intertwining connections several personalities would experience in any one set of lives; such particulars would lead too far away from the focus chosen here.
[...] Since the excerpts are still more representative than complete, however, due to the accumulated mass of information available, my own choices enter in: ESP class data are quoted a number of times; included is material summarizing Jane’s own theories about the Seth phenomena, as she worked them out in her recently completed Adventures in Consciousness; but reincarnation, while mentioned often, isn’t stressed in terms of particulars — that is, I refer to Seth’s statements that he, Jane and I led closely involved lives in Denmark in the 1600’s, but those lives aren’t studied per se. [...]
(From the ESP class session for April 20, 1971:) I am very afraid to tell [all of] you that I have forgotten what I considered to be secrets through the lives I have lived. [...]
(Jane stopped holding ESP class on a regular basis early in 1975; the rhythm of those weekly gatherings was broken when we gave up apartment living to move into our own house in March of that year. In spite of our good intentions class in the old sense was never resumed, as we became more and more involved with producing Seth’s and Jane’s books, painting, correspondence, and all of the other events that make up our daily lives. [...]