Results 1181 to 1200 of 1249 for stemmed:live

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 648, March 14, 1973 geese animals instinctive disease beasts

[...] Each of you are living entities, growing toward your own development. [...]

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

[...] To be somewhat prosaic here, it is nevertheless true that the whole efficiency of the personality can be improved if the inclinations of the subconscious are taken into consideration, in the manner of clothes and accessories and living surroundings in general. [...]

TES6 Session 274 July 20, 1966 chemical excess projections propelling asparagus

[...] This wasn’t her really strong voice by any means, yet it echoed from the living room walls; this effect I believe was accentuated because we had taken the rug up from the floor for the summer. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

I will never endeavor to put any pressure upon you, through needling you to following my suggestions, and I understand very well, believe it or not, the so-called practical aspects of the world in which you live. [...]

TES7 Session 303 Elmira, New York November 26, 1966 Gene seminar Baba chasm deception

[...] I would prefer some lively conversation and I am indeed open to any questions that you might have.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

Many are indistinguishable from others in people’s minds, but our books literally do change people’s realities, and ultimately their lives and all of the people with whom they come in contact. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

[...] Now I am used to speaking to the whole Northeast, this is what you get here in the living room. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

He was living with you, someone he loved who had a different temperament, and tried to make his align with your own because of his love, and also because he felt your ides were better. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session December 14, 1970 morose knees weekday emotional cold

[...] I mentioned the one I’d come up with the other day: what other names has he had in various lives? [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

[...] It works advantageously for each of you now in those portions of your lives with which you are pleased.

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

(Again we held the session in our living room, as we used to do. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

[...] Those will appear in the private lives of citizens and in private dreams and in national events, or global ones, so that both arenas of activity are always intimately involved. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 22, 1982 blood Dr finger clot Persantine

(Tonight’s session started later than usual because of a mix-up in communications between us: I thought Jane was too groggy after supper as she sat at the card table in the living room, so I went to my room to work on the intro for Dreams—whereas she was waiting for me to come out and sit with her to see if we’d have some sort of session. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 22, 1972 orgasm lovemaking rebel demanded mantras

[...] You can live with the idea of being a mistress, not wife—the two roles clash in your own psyche. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

[...] “All I want to know is,” she said, “how am I going to get from here [the living room] into there?” Meaning across the hall to the bedroom.

TPS2 Deleted Session July 7, 1973 mindedness karate arena beliefs trailer

He has felt a love for wherever you lived, and an abiding love for you, but also some conflicts involving the housewifely chores and the writing. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 23, 1971 Alpha acquiescence molecules atoms Unhinge

[...] Until you learn to manipulate the world that you know, and constructively and creatively, you will not be able to manipulate the inner realities in which you already live but instead will be swept merely within them. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 736 February 5, 1975 Milumet Zuli Sumari Foster family

[...] Some live in cities, basking in the emotional nearness of others, content with a few flowerpots for a reminder of nature’s beauty. [...]

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

[...] She had trouble enunciating the next sentence, and had to repeat it:) Dead holes turn into live holes … where the motion and impetus, in your terms, would be toward the future … I can’t get any more…. [...]

6. In Chapter 6 of Adventures, Jane described how we rented a second apartment across the hall from our first one in order to have more living and working space. [...]

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

“I have also said that this feeling of vitality—and I prefer that term, vitality—is moving and itself a part of the living stuff of the universe. [...]

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