Results 181 to 200 of 938 for stemmed:left

TPS7 Deleted Session October 22, 1982 Sheri England news Nancy Edwards

(I left work in the writing room at about 8:45 to see how Jane was doing at the card table in the living room. [...]

[...] In addition, she slept on her left side practically the whole time—very welcome news. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Before June 23, 1970 spirituality berate sinner dance dignity

(This remnant, saved by one of Jane’s students, is all that is left from one of the few class sessions that were either lost or not fully recorded. [...]

TES2 Session 59 June 3, 1964 depth horse nail quality Boston

[...] Jane felt that what came through was close enough but still left a lot to be desired.

[...] It was strongest in the fingers of my left hand this time, whereas usually my right hand will be most involved. [...]

(Last week, Jane had awakened with the lower left side of her jaw badly swollen. [...]

(By now, the sensation had left my hands.)

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

“Writing or printing on the lower left hand corner, very small, holding the object horizontally. [...] (Both of these applied, except that the very small print was on the left side, not only the left corner.)

This procedure left me knowing only one thing about the object: that it was from some section of The New York Times, date unknown. [...]

[...] Here again, left to my own devices, I couldn’t work my way to the specific data we wanted.

[...] Later I was to do much better when Seth left some impressions up to me, but this kind of training was invaluable. [...]

TPS3 Tuesday, August 9, 1977 Notes McClure Bob ligaments knee symphony

[...] Last PM in bed left cheek jaw (bone?) opened much further —(same now); a further motion of neck ligaments to shoulders/arms. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 15, 1983 arthritis instep foot incurable sponges

[...] This time, also, she could reach up in the air higher, especially with her left hand, than she’d been able to do yesterday. [...]

[...] Jane cried out and said she had a sudden sharp pain in the instep of her left foot, and that right after that she felt the foot move “sideways” in a way it hadn’t done for a long, long time. [...]

TES5 Session 200 October 20, 1965 olive Rico Puerto car cafeteria

(Peggy’s sister had been married on the Saturday before Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico. The oddity here is that the sister and her new husband also went to Puerto Rico on their honeymoon; however they left for the island Saturday night, whereas Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico the next day, Sunday. [...]

[...] The difference here was that John had no forewarning of Jane’s efforts, since she didn’t get the idea until after he left us Monday. [...]

[...] I found it a little hard to tell when they might be partially open since she left her glasses on, and reflections interfered. [...]

TPS3 Friday, August 12, 1977 Notes vet lengthened blurry funny Billy

[...] Later, had trouble coming from car to house; and I think my right leg had lengthened, so that it was longer than the left one (the other day it was the other way around). [...]

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

[...] My left foot, first, began to feel airborne, ready to disappear. [...] The feeling went partially up my left side. [...]

This consciousness of organs, atoms and molecules, cells and other components, is left undiminished with whatever degree of consciousness and vitality they originally possessed, not enough of course to hold form or organization to any degree. [...]

[...] The left arm especially felt as though it was stiff, and hinged at the shoulder so that it would lift up stiffly like a lever.

TPS2 Deleted Session February 16, 1972 job leadership aspersions trip beacons

(A quick recheck with the pendulum as I write these notes reaffirms that I want Jane to be a success, that I am not jealous, that I am happy to have left the job, and that I want to be a painter.)

[...] As he became afraid that youth left him and that your drives to paint and write were not as secure and overriding, then he became even more in need of reassurance.

[...] Before you left for your trip I told you of some of Ruburt’s negative projections, and advised you both to discuss them. [...]

[...] The fact, however, that you have left your job gives you a strong advantage and starting point, but you must use it. [...]

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] The ways for communication between the two have been left open. If they had not been left open, man would have no knowledge at all, nor any hint, of his basic inner existence. [...]

[...] There are also reasons why the deep subconscious has allowed such difficulties to come about, and in most cases the basic reason here is a lack of understanding and communication between the various portions of the self, so that seemingly the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 12, 1983 Blount drugs prescription treatment MacDuffie

(I told Jane that the variety of opinions we’d received on the anti-amoebic treatment left us hanging in limbo as far as knowing what to do. [...]

(I turned Jane over on her left side, pillow between her knees, at 4:10. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

[...] I found Jane quite upset as she lay nude on her left side. [...] Dr. G looked at it, remarked that she had a large ulcer on the knee, and quickly left with Mary before Jane was quick enough to ask him what he was talking to the nurse about. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 11, 1983 staff Kleenex fragile healing Cathy

[...] She had a smoke afterward and began a few exercises again, moving her head and shoulders side to side and up and down, in rhythm with her left foot going gently. [...]

[...] I read the prayer to her at 7:05, and left a few minutes later when Cathy and Sharon came in to fix her up. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 9 clock sensation Miss Rob twenty

[...] It began in the left leg and left arm and then spread to my chest and head. [...]

[...] I was left feeling as though I might be lifted up and swept away.

Later, after our company left, the sensation came back yet again as I stood in the kitchen talking to Jane. [...]

[...] In the meantime, the relatives changed their minds; the doctor was furious and left. [...]

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] Jane and I feel that we cannot rush her development, nor do we have any desire to, so the letter left us somewhat at a loss; we finally decided to let events take their course, and send the A.S.P.R. any data in which they might be interested, when, if ever, it manifested itself.

[...] Bill stated that in his opinion these two fingers were noticeably “fatter” than the corresponding two on my left hand. [...]

[...] The picture is undamaged, though I seem to see two small marks in the lower left-hand corner.

[...] To my left was a narrow window of vertical design, with either an aluminum or stainless steel frame. [...]

TES5 Session 216 December 9, 1965 roof painless brother debt needle

I realize that I have left some details out, but the details that have been left out belong in other layers of the dreams.

[...] Since the outcome of the dreams left me whole, however, it seemed their symbolic meaning concerned conflicts other than the physical, and I was interested in pinning these down.

(Then I was looking at Bill, off to my left. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

[...] Ruburt’s relationship with his mother left much to be desired. [...]

[...] At certain points, then, the assimilation of new information is so qualifiedly different from the original belief structure that in order to assimilate it the personality is left for a time between belief systems. [...]

An understanding of the issues as I just explained them automatically alters the nature of what is left of those old bondings, thereby releasing the natural, magical properties of the child or natural person within, who possesses its own built-in matrix of safety and trust.

TES7 Session 313 January 18, 1967 John company caucus m.j Chicago

There is a mole on the left hand, if this will help. An annoying condition in the left hip, of spasmodic but long duration. [...] The left…I am searching here… ventri… ventric…

TPS2 Session 632 (Deleted Portion) January 15, 1973 sell financial marketplace Nebene eat

[...] When I left my job I thought it would please Jane, and of course I was glad to see it go, although I would have waited longer on my own. [...] What is left in our lives to learn, to uncover? [...]

[...] Yet it was good that you left the job when you did.

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