Results 161 to 180 of 336 for stemmed:joy

TPS3 Deleted Session March 15, 1976 chores policy distraction refreshing agitation

It means trusting yourself, following your own rhythms, riding the thrust, the aggressive and joyful thrust of your creativity full blast, so to speak. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session November 27, 1973 childless buying lest transitory railing

[...] Whatever methods Ruburt chose to insure that you were childless you proclaimed with joy, glad that you were not the woman.

UR2 Appendix 20: (For Session 713) plane saucer science craft flying

[...] You might also visit the states of sorrow and joy almost simultaneously, and experience both emotions in heightened form because of the almost immediate contrast between them.

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

[...] All That Is composes the fabric of the universe—which is everywhere unified, since nothing exists outside of it, and every wave or particle, or field or whatever within it, consists of a divine psychological fabric that is populated by individuation, sensation, meaning, intent, in which the most innocuous shadow of an electron rises up joyfully and shouts “I am I, and not you.” [...]

TPS1 Session 597 (Deleted) November 22, 1971 Mattie tone Midge Del Sumari

The feeling-tone can now be encouraged, the optimism and sense of joy and accomplishment, by indulging in those activities in which he is accomplished and takes joy. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 27, 1971 sacrifice Ned evolved Chary isolated

[...] What joy and comfort you can give, then give. [...]

[...] What joy and creativity you can give, then give. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 1: Session 613, September 11, 1972 doll tone flood chords space

(9:24.) The joy of creativity flows through you as effortlessly as your breath. [...]

[...] It is up to you to do this with joy and vigor, clearing your conscious mind so that the deeper knowledge of your greater identity can form joyous expressions in the world of the flesh.

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

The second island-spirit says, also to the third: “You are myself, only my excitement, my joy and beauty, are concentrated in the magic of my volcano, and you instead stand for the twittering excitement of diverse species — birds and animals and insects — that flow in far less grandiose fashion across the slopes of your uneasy land.”

[...] I will go to your land and prove it, and you can stay here and partake of the joys of my peaceful existence — and, I hope, learn the value of austerity.”

TES7 Session 325 March 13, 1967 symptoms concentrate suggestions praise beneficial

We want him now too busy and joyful to accept symptoms. [...]

TES7 Session 332 April 5, 1967 wipe Johnny misbehave despair replace

[...] You become incapable of getting out of yourself, even to the extent of enjoying small pleasures and, little by little it seems every joy is withdrawn from you until nothing is left but despair.

TPS1 Session 490 (Deleted) June 25, 1969 controls symptoms Saratoga restraints issue

There are tendencies and conflicts that have been with the personality in other existences, that have influenced his nature as he vacillated between spontaneity, usually exaggerated, and overdiscipline; in some lives a great lack of concern for the welfare of others, that could be called an innocent callousness, a joyful, utterly spontaneous personality with little idea of practicality. [...]

[...] He was open-hearted, rather childishly vain, the emotional pattern quickly moving from joy to tears.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

[...] In a manner of speaking, those beliefs “took you for a joyride” — therefore the joys represented portions of yourself. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 14, 1983 exuberant dietary Misnick healthy obedient

Parents may become particularly aware of that lost sense of joyfulness as they watch their own youngsters in their natural play. [...]

TPS1 Session 477 (Deleted) April 21, 1969 annoyance abundance reacting postponed adequately

[...] When you are pleased or joyful or have a pleasant comment, then these should also be expressed at the time, and in the fullness of those emotions, for such expression satisfies and pleases your own system, and also pleases others.

TPS3 Deleted Session January 10, 1977 conventionalized goals classifications proposals Caesar

[...] But the ideas you have projected upon it belong to that other level of consciousness that erode the joy and accomplishment that should be connected with it.

[...] It should be a spiritual and a creative joy to tend that land, to feel your feet upon it, and to share the seasons with the consciousness that pervades it.

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

[...] He did not use his vitality in his manhood joyfully or fully or explosively, either in work, nor purpose, nor family. [...]

[...] He kept it in isolation and was jealous of it, and did not allow it joy nor freedom.

SS Part One: Chapter 2: Session 513, February 5, 1970 pleasure created understatement form environment

[...] We realize that we form our own reality, and therefore we do so with considerable joy and creative abandon. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 16, 1984 boxcar Sue chassis trinkets kitten

[...] In the very early episode, Ruburt experienced the healthy and joyful child’s body, with its innocent spontaneity. [...]

TES3 Session 130 February 8, 1965 semitrance brisk efficient transition outer

This involves efficient, complete use of the outer senses in their perception of camouflage reality, and of joyful, effective behavior and manipulation within that field of camouflage in which you spend a certain level of your existence. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] Or if you are not particularly good at visual imagery, then try to get the feeling of thanksgiving and joy that you would feel if the problem was solved to your complete satisfaction.

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