Results 961 to 980 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TPS5 Deleted Session July 16, 1979 evidence hornets absence creativity thrives

(Jane’s physical improvements continue to take place at a slow pace. [...] Earlier today I’d voiced the hope that Seth could give some material on Jane’s eyes, which haven’t progressed as much as we’d like. At the same time, Jane told me that there’s been an improvement in her color perception, even with the double vision.

(Jane had been very uncomfortable today, since it had been so hot and humid. [...] Jane waited until the last moment before deciding to have a session, since she was still uncomfortable. [...]

(In spite of the warm night, when Jane began to speak for Seth she did so quite emphatically and fast for the most part. [...]

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

[...] Reverend Crosson has read Jane’s ESP book, helping her publicize it in various ways, contact editors, etc., and we were pleased to meet.

[...] Jane also gave impressions on her own for the Crossons, and again these were also successful. [...]

[...] He also asked Jane to speak to a series of meetings in the Berkshires [in MA] toward the end of June.)

TPS1 Session 584 (Deleted Portion) May 3, 1971 weather led weatherwise astray symptoms

[...] Jane was well dissociated, she said. [...] The material led me to suggest some alternatives to our present routine and attitudes; Jane said the suggestions, which were only speculative at this stage, frightened her, but I did not intend this of course. [...]

[...] They had to do with Seth speaking through Jane in her lifetime; with my help, etc.

(A carbon of the first part of the session is attached here, however, since the whole session applies to the question of Jane’s symptoms, etc.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 577, March 31, 1971 list adjacent Middleton shortest unacquainted

(This afternoon Jane held her first creative writing class.)

[...] Jane was still in trance but didn’t appear to be bothered. [...]

(Jane checked the outline Seth had given us for his book in the 510th session for January 19, 1970. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 13, 1984 patient rain anger treatment fondle

[...] We decided to turn Jane on her side early, so I could feed her before leaving for the dentist’s at 5:45. [...] It did come early, though, just as though we’d asked for it, so Jane had eaten most of her supper before I left.)

[...] We talked about many things, and he’s to get back to me regarding Jane’s social security, disability payments, income, and so on. [...]

(On the way home I bought a barbecued chicken at Convenient, and made Jane a sandwich for lunch. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session April 3, 1978 toe Rockefellers mark unconscious Walt

(We wanted a session tonight on Jane’s problem, although we’d settle for something from Seth each time, along with his other book dictation, or whatever. As a result of our work with the pendulum this morning, Jane was so relaxed by session time that she didn’t know whether she could manage a session. [...]

(I mentioned to Jane a question I’d thought of during the session but hadn’t interrupted to ask: If the subconscious can reason, as Seth tells us, why doesn’t it understand that at times it can go too far sometimes?—that obviously the idea of selfprotection can be very damaging if carried to extremes. [...] Jane listened, but didn’t get anything from Seth in answer, so it’s for next time. [...]

(The story of what we’ve been up to the last few days can be found in Jane’s records of her pendulum sessions since March 28. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 536, June 22, 1970 Moses Allah hallucinations Arab guide

[...] Jane sat waiting half in trance — a feeling she later described as “weird” — while I followed the cat down the hall. Before I got back inside the apartment our paperboy arrived; by the time I finished paying him Jane was out of trance. [...]

[...] Jane’s trance had been deep, although she recalled parts of Seth’s adventure. [...]

[...] While Seth was giving the data, Jane said, she wondered what an Arab would be doing in Turkish Constantinople in those days. [...]

TES7 Session 286 September 14, 1966 root assumptions stony item charges

(Jane began speaking while sitting down, with her eyes starting to open almost at once. [...]

(At 9:07 I put the cats in a back room and closed the door, while Jane waited still in trance, her eyes closed.)

[...] At the time Jane and I suspected telepathy from me. [...]

TMA Session Seven August 28, 1980 intellect charcoal cultural beliefs weather

[...] I told Jane it was very good. [...] Seth and Jane have both analyzed this excellent dream.2 Today I’d shown Jane how far I’ve progressed with a charcoal drawing based upon the dream, with a little preliminary color added to some parts of it.

1. In October 1979 Jane and I saw, to our dismay, that the Dutch publisher of the translation of Seth Speaks had violated his contract with Prentice-Hall by making many unauthorized cuts in the book. [...] After hearing from Jane and me and her editor, Tam Mossman, the Dutch publisher agreed to market a new, uncut translation of Seth Speaks this year. [...]

TPS1 Session 368 (Deleted), October 2, 1967 conscientious super spontaneous self hurry

[...] Jane began speaking at a rather fast rate, with her eyes closed, as she sat on the divan.)

[...] It was the spontaneous self who kicked up the fuss this afternoon, thinking: hurry, hurry, hurry, see things my way (when Jane tried to work on the dream book, unsuccessfully).

(Jane’s delivery was now getting lighter and slower, almost as though she was drifting off to sleep.)

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 818, February 6, 1978 realms motes dust Weathermen storm

(No session was held last Wednesday night because Jane and I were so busy checking the copyedited manuscript for James. [...]

[...] At 10:05 Jane remarked: “I feel like there’s a whole lot of material out there getting organized, but it just hasn’t gotten here yet. [...]

(And those strange feelings of Jane’s are precisely why we’re presenting this session in Mass Events, even though it isn’t book dictation. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 854, May 16, 1979 Fanatics Heroics war uncommon Jehovah

(Jane started a new book today, and she’s exhilarated — intoxicated — by this development in her creative abilities. [...]

[...] In the living room, Jane discovered that instead she’d chosen her notebook on “Heroics.” [...]

(Jane isn’t sure of the title, Heroics, yet, or how she’ll put the book together. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session January 5, 1979 moral conscientious typeface judgment pedantic

[...] I might add that I don’t think I for one believe any longer that worrying is the answer to very much, as Seth says Jane and I still believe, nor do I think that fear is going to act as a stimulus to positive action. [...] I told Jane today that this week I’d pay our taxes a few days ahead of time—another effort to get free....)

(After supper Jane offered to have a session for me because during the day I’d had a number of recurrences of the panic feelings in my chest. [...]

[...] We liked everything except that I thought the italic type looked rather crowded compared to that used in Volume 1. Jane thought it looked okay. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

At our request, Jane remained standing where she was. [...] The change in Jane’s features seemed to take place on a plane an inch or so in front of Jane’s actual physical features. [...] As I watched them I saw or sensed behind them—or through them—Jane’s real features as I knew them.

As soon as Bill told us he had seen an image, Jane and I both looked into the doorway, of course. [...] Now Jane began dictating again in the same strong and very deep voice. [...]

Jane’s delivery was unbroken as she paced about the room at a rather fast rate. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

Perhaps it’s been remiss on our parts, but Jane and I haven’t concerned ourselves with any connections her Seth may have with ancient Seths. [...] We think the name of Jane’s Seth came about through much more pragmatic needs. In Chapter 1 of The Seth Material, Jane quoted Seth-to-be from the 4th session for December 8, 1963, as that personality came through on the Ouija board (which we’d used to initiate these sessions): “You may call me whatever you choose. [...] I’m sure that at the time Jane had no conscious knowledge about Egyptian, Hebrew, or even Christian origins or uses connected with the name, Seth.

[...] The 32 people crowded into  our living room enjoyed rich, active, loud, and even profane exchanges among themselves, with Jane, and with Seth. [...] As usual, Jane found herself learning along with her students. [...]

(I reminded Jane that during Monday’s session, the 710th, Seth had promised to “shortly explain” her hearing his booming voice in her sleep state last Saturday night. See Jane’s description of the event preceding that session.

TES9 Session 499 August 27, 1969 sand plain Carl Sue empty

(“I find myself in a room with Carl and Jane, as Jane. [...] Then Jane, as Seth, pushes us at the house. [...]

[...] (Jane paused. [...] But as before Jane’s trance wasn’t broken. [...]

(Carl and Sue Watkins, both members of Jane’s ESP class, were witnesses to the session. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 805, May 16, 1977 cancer disease mastectomies breast women

[...] Although Jane’s father, and my own, had died the previous year (in 1971), our mothers were still living: Jane’s in a nursing home in upstate New York, and mine at the Butts family home in Sayre, Pennsylvania, which is only 18 miles from Elmira and just south of the New York State border. (While Jane and I were away my mother stayed with one of my brothers, who lives some 60 miles below Sayre.)

[...] Jane was much more willing to attempt the move than I was, but I think we knew all along that beneath our questions and feelings the idea of moving was more like a shared dream, or a probable reality we chose not to explore during our current physical lives. Jane’s mother was to die within three months of our return home, mine over a year later (in November 1973).

[...] From our records I learned that I’d taken Seth’s quotation from a personal session Jane held while we were on vacation in Marathon, a resort community in the Florida Keys.

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

(Jane received another letter from John Pitre, Franklin, Louisiana, today.)

[...] He enjoyed last evening’s spontaneous session (for Jane’s Tuesday night ESP class), and such sessions, while they do not particularly add to our material, replenish his creative efforts and give him a sense of freedom. [...]

(At 9:50 Jane paused, but obviously was still in a trance.

TES9 Seth II diminished Carl Bega human beyond

[...] Jane then was speaking for Seth’s entity. Carl & others were concerned that Jane couldn’t exert enough control to come out herself.

(Jane called back to me that she was alright during a break, and this & my waking up served to end the session. Jane said she felt it was a good session, an unusual occasion to get some new ideas, so she went along with Seth & his entity. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 821, February 20, 1978 dna epidemics myths disasters Christ

(On the other hand, with the copyedited manuscript for James and the concluding chapters of Emir mailed to Prentice-Hall earlier this month, Jane found herself with some unexpected free time. [We don’t expect to receive the page proofs for James, for correcting, until late next month.] Jane began to enjoy her break by writing poetry and doing some painting — but she surprised me when she also spontaneously began to rough out some of the notes for Psyche. [...]

(I don’t know how long I’ll continue to benefit from Jane’s assistance, though, since poetry, painting, and notes can all be quickly laid aside if she starts a new project, or resumes work on one that she’s kept in abeyance for some time. [...] Another is the sequel to her novel, The Education of Oversoul Seven; that first Seven book was published in April 1973 — and lately she’s been thinking of resuming work on Seven Two, as we usually call it.1 One thing is certain: Jane will see to it that something creative happens to change the status quo, for she’s much too restless and energetic to leave things as they are.

[...] The change was made to give Jane more time on weekends to handle the mail. [...]

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