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TPS5 Session 843 (Deleted) March 28, 1979 Patterson Mrs Johnson corruption cult

(While we waited for Seth to come through I read to Jane a couple of pages of rather disorganized material and notes I’d been working on this afternoon and evening. [...] For the most part Jane and I regarded the article as a distorted jumble of various negative ideas.

[...] I showed Jane the pencil sketch of Mrs. Johnson that I’d done at the time. I’ve written my own longer notes explaining why I couldn’t find my account of the dream—I believe I simply forgot to write it down—but since I remembered it well I described the dream to Jane now. [...]

(At 3:50 PM Jane told me that she’d just received from Seth a definition of cults. [...]

TES3 Session 146 April 14, 1965 ego action field personality stability

(Jane now misses trying psychological time quite a bit. [...] Jane believes the above experience stems from her psy-time experiments, for during some of them she had achieved a similar effect.

(As I was transcribing the above involved sentence from Jane’s dictation I was somewhat aware that it contained incomplete phrases. [...] Jane now took a long pause before resuming.)

(Recently, just after retiring for the night, Jane had the feeling that momentarily she had left her body. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

Seth’s almost casual remark here: “So does it appear to my consciousness,” embodies a new thought for us in connection with Jane’s adventures with massiveness; it’s the kind of clue about the Seth phenomenon that we’re always interested in getting. I also think the statement represents one way in which Jane, while speaking for Seth, interprets his reality for us in terms we can understand.

[...] Jane’s trance had been deep, her delivery often fast and impassioned. [...]

(Jane was quite relaxed. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 660, May 2, 1973 underweight weight eat transference Seventeen

(Jane and I discussed the above data at breakfast the morning after the session. [...] Then after lunch Jane spontaneously wrote the material beginning in the next paragraph; she regards this data as supplementing Seth’s own information on weight. [...]

[...] Jane’s pace had abruptly slowed drastically. [...]

(This took half a page or so, and the session ended at 12:03 a.m. Jane was very surprised at the time involved in delivering the title for Chapter Seventeen. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 13, 1984 Joe Margaret daredevils defiers health

(On March 6, 1984 I wrote this in the daily notes I make each day at the hospital: “This afternoon I described to Jane my dream last night about Joe Bumbalo. [...] I’m not sure if this meant Joe’s death or not, I told Jane.”

(Jane gave it to me yesterday afternoon: “Daredevils, Death-Defiers, and Health.”)

TPS1 Session 527 (Deleted Portion) May 11, 1970 cleavage cage forthcoming rackets badminton

(11:28.) I want to get our friend (Jane) into motion, with this running, even if you have to chase him through the house. [...]

(There followed, here, two predictions related to Jane’s forthcoming book, The Seth Material. [...]

[...] Jane’s eyes were closed; she sat quite still.) I sent some energy to your member.

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

[...] When I set out to do the job that afternoon, Jane suggested using catnip on the towel. [...] Jane was doing the dishes. I knelt on the floor holding the cat, while Jane mentally tried to soothe her struggles — and I succeeded in getting the flea collar in place around her neck. [...] Jane said she’d sent Mitzi a stream of suggestions while I coaxed her into letting me put the collar on her. [...]

[...] I suggested Seth comment on Jane’s reactions tonight. I also told Jane that her reactions were probably triggered at least in part because of her own vulnerable position, due to her personal challenges.

(10:07 P.M. I told Jane that if Seth hadn’t gone into it on his own, I’d have asked him to comment on her mail reactions. Jane said she’d also wanted material on the mail; she seldom asks for anything specific from Seth before a session. [...]

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

(A note: the way things “work” … On Thursday morning—the day after this session was held — Jane and I saw the three young men referred to in the newspaper article on a well-known variety show. [...] I also mentioned to Jane the similarity in the adoptive last names of two of the brothers: Kellman and Gelland.)

I lay down for a nap in the bedroom after Jane got up from her own. [...] I tried to describe it to Jane as we ate supper and watched the news on TV.

I think that the idea of mixups in the hospital came from a book Jane and I have been reading the past week, written by a doctor who warns against medicine, delivery rooms, the whole bit, in the establishment practice of medicine. [...] I almost invariably bring in the paper before I lay down for a nap before supper, so Jane can read it while I sleep.

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

(Jane did want to try the session, even though she was so content. [...] I also forgot to mention anything about Jane’s eyes, which should have been done. I also didn’t ask Seth about Jane’s delayed reaction to the suggestions, so am making a note of that for next Saturday’s session, at Jane’s request. [...]

(This afternoon, as Seth suggested I do in the last session, I gave Jane beneficial suggestions for 15 minutes or so at naptime, until my voice became tired. [...] Jane enjoyed the experience; she lay on her right side with her face covered, and I sat beside the bed. After I’d finished Jane said that although the experience was enjoyable she didn’t feel “anything great.” [...]

[...] Jane was so relaxed that she could hardly walk. [...] I got her a sweater. The expression Jane used to describe her state was that she felt “more physically content” than she had for a long time.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

(First, during that 10-week break Seth-Jane held a series of 18 sessions — excellent ones — that once again did not constitute dictation for Mass Events. Second, if one keeps in mind Seth’s ideas about simultaneous time, that basically all happens at once [even considering Seth’s own acknowledgment that time “…is therefore still a reality of some kind to me”], then it hardly matters how long a break transpires between particular sessions; there is no real separation; dictation on any subject or project can be resumed whenever all involved — Jane, Seth, and myself — choose, and it will be as though the break never existed. For in trance, Jane will once again be in accord with Seth in that nearly “timeless” environment in which he has a large portion of his being.1

“I have the simple, profound faith that anything I desire in this life can come to me from Framework 2. There are no impediments in Framework 2. Framework 2 can creatively produce everything I desire to have in Framework 1 — my excellent health, painting, and writing, my excellent relationship with Jane, Jane’s own spontaneous and glowing physical health and creativity, the greater and greater sales of all her books. [...]

[...] Since this is the third such break between book sessions, it seems that Jane and I would be used to the idea by now. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 907, April 14, 1980 genetic determinism artist volition actor

While Jane has been enjoying many periods of ease and relaxation, she’s also had bouts of blueness over her general stiffness and walking difficulties [her “symptoms”]. [...] Her own work has been going well for the most part, however—she expects to finish Chapter 12 of God of Jane tomorrow. Because of her concentration on that hook she hasn’t done much on her book of poetry, If We Live Again, since late February; and as I mentioned in the Preface for Dreams, she laid aside her third Seven novel, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time, in May 1979 when she began God of Jane. [...]

Today Jane reread her recent sessions for Dreams; she wanted to resume work on the book tonight, and picked up on it from Seth throughout the day. [...] [She also relayed to me Seth’s comments about an article on bird migration that I read to her while we were having lunch, but I lost those too.] Jane called me early for the session—at 8:20, while I was still busy with Mass Events. [...]

(A close friend, one who used to attend Jane’s ESP class, had called our unlisted number to ask one of us some psychic questions. Jane had been jolted out of trance, of course. [...]

TES9 Session 424 July 29, 1968 sepia varnish thoughtwords vacation synthetic

(The oil head in question sits in my studio, still unfinished and has been seen by Jane often. [...] Jane also has used both watercolor and oil, as I have; and my watercolors do contain sepia.

(This afternoon Jane wrote a letter to a spiritual healer, Harry Edwards, in England, but has yet to mail it. [...]

(At 8:55 as we sat for the session Jane got another flash, concerning time, that it is “intensely personal, that we create it,” from Seth. [...]

TES9 Session 453 December 4, 1968 void stars system planets inhabitants

(Seth, it seemed, occupied a space about five feet high—a “blob” of space into which I could step, just at the limit of Jane’s reach, without disturbing him or without Jane sensing me as a separate entity within Seth’s province. [...]

[...] Jane came out of trance quickly, but said the trance had been a good one. [...]

[...] It took Jane a while to come out of trance this time. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 585, May 12, 1971 drama internal religion outward religious

(Before the session Jane and I went over the questions remaining on the list we had prepared for Chapter Twenty. [...] We’ve realized for some time that Jane is sensitive to those subjects, particularly religion; she had strict training in that field as a youngster. [...]

[...] The session was held in my studio again, and because of its rather small size Jane decided not to smoke. [...]

[...] The above paragraph is, incidentally, an excellent little description of the results flowing from Jane’s own psychic initiation in September, 1963. [...]

TES8 Session 374 October 23, 1967 table alfalfa Bradley John Hazelton

(Jane began speaking for Seth in trance, in a fairly strong voice, rather rapidly, and with her eyes opening often.)

[...] (Jane pointed to the large heavy green table up by the living room windows.) He does not need my help with the small one, and the time and circumstances were not good on the other occasion when he requested my aid.

[...] (Pause.) There still seems to be some chemical reaction to metal (Jane paused, eyes closed, then shook her head in puzzlement), an acid connection here. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

In the Preface for Dreams I mentioned Jane’s idea for a second book of poetry. [...] For now Jane wants the volume to contain some of the poetry she’s dedicated to me over the years since we met in February 1954. [...] But Jane doesn’t yet have one she likes.

Earlier today Jane and I had talked about Seth’s resuming work on Dreams. [...] Jane had also expressed a strong desire for some personal information in the session.)

[...] After giving some material for Jane, Seth ended the session at 10:32 P.M. “I had no idea he was going to do it that way,” Jane said. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 892, January 2, 1980 composition tree creatures units potency

(9:52 P.M. Jane said she’d been pretty far out during the session—then added later while we talked that she was picking up from Seth information on the beginning of our own world, species and civilizations that he intended to give in the next session. [...] Only Jane’s and my own conventions of time and habit, even concerning a phenomenon as unusual as the sessions, stopped him from doing so. Inevitably, the session Jane delivers for Seth next Monday evening will be somewhat different from the one she could produce tonight. [...]

(On December 27, the night of our anniversary, Jane held an unplanned session for young married friends of ours. [...] I taped the session on the recorder I’d given Jane for Christmas; our friends are to send us a transcript of the tape.

Over the weekend we’d signed the contracts with our publisher, Prentice-Hall, for Mass Events and God of Jane, and I mailed them this morning. [...] In their unique ways, I told Jane, my notes for Mass Events are the most challenging writing I’ve done. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 15, 1980 overlook backgrounds sander disclaimer love

(As we sat waiting I read to Jane pages 4 and 5 of the private session for October 22, 1973—excellent material concerning the contrasts displayed by Jane’s parents. Seth had discussed her father’s laxness, and her mother’s drive toward purpose, power, and control, and how Jane had felt that she must make a choice between the two modes of behavior. [...] The session and others dating from that time offers very good insights into Jane’s choice of actions over the years. [...]

(Jane felt very relaxed before the session, as she had most of the day: “The first day I’ve had it made in a month,” she said. [...]

(The mail was very heavy last week, and Jane still has a batch of Christmas cards to reply to yet, as well as a dozen “regular” letters, even after answering better than 35 letters.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1982 Michaellen Fred Underwood Conyers foods

(“Come out at a quarter to eight,” Jane told me at 7:15, “and we’ll have a session.” [...]

[...] Jane said the question had scared her, because she’d been wondering the same thing. [...]

(To my surprise, Jane launched into the session before I could finish the above notes; I had to return to them after the session. [...]

TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jim agreed that it might be a good idea for him to begin reading back sessions while Jane and I were holding our Wednesday night sessions, thus killing two birds with one idea. [...] Jane resumed in her same deliberate manner at 10:45.)

(Jane was up from her nap by 8:30 PM. [...] Jane began dictating in a voice a bit heavier than usual, and maintained it throughout the session. [...]

[...] It might also be noted that later that evening, when Jane tried psychological time, she too tuned in on Mother and Father. She did not see either one of them; and like me, while the experience had some duration, Jane could not retain the gist of their conversation.)

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