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TES4 Session 171 July 21, 1965 Instream taped harsh extralong July

[...] I worked until almost 9 PM transcribing notes from Monday’s taped session, then upon reconsidering told Jane it was okay with me if she wanted a session. Jane then decided to hold a session, and said she thought it would be brief.

(Jane had been much surprised at hearing her voice, as Seth, as it was taped Monday, July 19, for Dr. Instream. [...] I thought that Dr. Instream’s reception would be perfectly fine, and that in this tape Seth, and Jane, had made their points just as they wanted to.

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane also said she retained a general idea of what Seth had said. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 29, 1984 optimistic impatience favorable catheter Carla

[...] Judy emptied Jane’s Foley, or catheter bag, Dorothy took her blood pressure and pulse, and Carla her temperature — 98.2. I did some more mail until Jane said she was ready for a session. [...] Jane’s Seth voice was a bit stronger than usual.)

(Jane told me she’d had to have a new catheter inserted at 3:30 a.m. That part went okay, though she was quite uncomfortable by the time I got to 330 — generally uncomfortable, that is. [...] Jane mourns not being able to see those creatures.

(I went shopping at the Acme after I left Jane last night, got home about 8:30, and finished supper an hour later. [...]

UR1 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts Section Volume holes Unknown counterparts

[...] Those who are interested in the more detailed mechanics of Seth-Jane’s production of “Unknown” Reality, especially where qualities of time are involved, should review my Introductory Notes. But personally, I think the most important part of those notes is Jane’s contribution to them, wherein she discusses her subjective relationship with Seth.

One of Jane’s earlier travels through an altered state of consciousness, in September, 1972, resulted in the first session on her unique “slow” and “fast” sounds, then led into information on faster-than-light particles, black holes, white holes, and “dead” holes. The entire episode is presented in an appendix in Section 4. In another appendix I explore the relationship between Jane and Seth, using many quotes from previously unpublished sessions.

Section 6 also contains the story of how Jane and I searched for the “hill house” we bought and moved into before the last section of “Unknown” Reality was finished. That material makes an excellent ending for Volume 2. For Jane and me, our house-hunting adventures were an intensely interesting journey through a complicated skein of probabilities. [...]

TPS6 Session 939 (Deleted Portion) January 25, 1982 Dorothy Cathy massage onward boces

[...] Cathy teaches massage at BOCES, and was introduced to Jane through Dorothy. They gave Jane her first massage last Sunday afternoon. A program has been worked out whereby Cathy is to see Jane on Sunday and Thursday evenings for regular massages for a while, to see if they help her. [...] Dorothy will not be down from Harford Mills very often, especially in the wintertime, but she is to see Jane every few weeks to give her a haircut, etc.

[...] Dorothy never did come down to see Jane for the reasons Seth mentioned—Cathy saw Jane a few times and that was that —Jane ended up in the hospital in a few weeks.)

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] Both Jane and I congratulated her on producing a fine pair of books. Even though we could hardly be called impartial, we knew that in her long account of much that had taken place in Jane’s ESP classes, Sue had produced superior work both for herself and for us, through her viewpoint offering new dimensions and insights concerning what all three of us—four, counting Seth!—had been, and still are, trying to do. [...] Seeing it cheered Jane—yet my wife continued to hassle [as she put it] her efforts on Magical Approach, asking herself again and again whether she really wanted to do that book. [...]

At the beginning of these notes I wrote that three months passed after Jane finished Chapter 10 of Dreams before she held her next session—a private one—on November 9. In that short session Seth sought to add his reassurances to Jane’s own, and to mine as well.10 On the 12th Columbia was launched as scheduled, but only after another delay caused by the failure of an electronic decoding unit. [...] In the meantime, on the evening of the 12th, following his suggestion that she resume the sessions on a twice-weekly basis, Jane spoke for Seth in another private session. [...]

9. Jane held her ESP classes for seven and a half years (from September 1967 through February 1975). [...] Strange it may be, but Jane and I have never conducted a search for class artifacts, as our friends had just been doing, and as other former students had done before. [...] In addition, Jane’s impetus is to continue driving forward; that’s her way, even though each project grows—as it must—out of the past. [...]

TES3 Session 129 February 7, 1965 Lee Judy Wright forefinger debts

[...] Jane’s voice also tired, so to relieve her I began to speak. Now Jane, Judy and Lee were prone upon the floor by the divan. [...] I had been speaking for perhaps ten minutes, however, when Jane abruptly began to speak for Seth from her prone position. [...]

[...] He said we had chosen a poor method of experimentation, if we did not want to contact him, since Jane has been conditioned to respond through him when we sought contact with discarnate entities. My idea had been that Jane might speak for another personality, such as in the Sarah Wellington or the Malba Bronson instances. [...]

[...] While speaking Jane was now up on her knees, gesturing freely. [...] Jane resumed at 11:40 in the same rather strong voice, but at a somewhat slower rate.)

TES1 Session 18 January 22, 1964 tree bark Burrell Miami Mr

[...] Jane was tiring by now, and also smoking too much. [...] We spent some months at Marathon, in the Keys, with Jane’s father. [...] Jane wanted to stay there and I liked the idea, but since I had only thirty dollars I was afraid to chance a strange city with so little, and we headed north to my parents’ home in Pennsylvania. Jane resumed dictating at 11:20.)

[...] Mr. Burrell would have come to the trailer to tell—and I will say Jane now—that she did not have to pay the 17.50 short on her register. Jane’s father would have asked Mr. Burrell to go to the bar for drinks. The fight would have been started by Jane’s father. [...] Jane would have gone with her father, since I think this particular bar was only a short distance away.

(The Mr. Burrell referred to here was Jane’s employer, the manager of a supermarket in Marathon where Jane worked for a few weeks as a cashier. [...]

TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama

(This afternoon Jane finished typing her analyses of my dreams of March 29 and 31. [...] The first one involved Bill Gallagher, the second one Jane’s and my confrontation with a pack of large wild dogs. [...] This dream made a considerable impact on Jane—so much so that it’s led us to some interesting new dream material that is dealt with in today’s session. [...]

[...] It could hardly be a coincidence, I remarked to Jane this noon that both mass events had taken place this year, and represented the two poles, or extremes, of mankind’s present belief systems: religion and science. Then this afternoon Sue Watkins called Jane from Dundee—and proceeded to tell Jane about the “obvious connections” between Guyana and Harrisburg....)

(This material touched upon part of the discussion Jane and I had earlier today—that dreams should be studied in sequence, for additional meanings. A sequence of dreams, Jane said, would give a much better perspective on the dreamer’s challenges, fear, etc., in life, and yield much better insights. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

(Today Jane and I visited Key West, some 50 miles from here. [...] After the excellent session on Wednesday, February 16, we hoped for good improvements in Jane. [...]

(We talked briefly after a late supper.While washing up, Jane told me after she was finished, she “got” that she was worse in Key West because she should have stayed here and worked today. [...] After the nap, I suggested we might stay here the next week, to work, have a couple of sessions, etc., and Jane agreed.

(When Jane came out of the bathroom after washing, she said several times that she was getting this information, that it had a strong charge behind it, and that she “didn’t know what to do.” [...] I asked Jane, rather impatiently at last if she could discharge the feelings in a session, as we had planned.

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

(Jane hadn’t shown me any of these poems as she wrote them over a period of some four and a half years. [...] I can’t help but mourn as I write this piece; I tell myself that had I seen the poems as Jane produced them I might have learned a little more about her each time; I might have been able to help her more than I had over the years. [...]

(I hadn’t realized four years ago that Jane was speculating about leaving physical reality. [...] As Jane wrote then about drawing strength from me by touching my arm, in April 1980 she touched my heart when I found this poem:)

(In this poem, which she wrote just a year ago, Jane deals not only with her transformation of her work into its inevitable literary, physical form, but restates her belief that her individualized consciousness will live after her physical death. [...] I see now that given the lifetime challenges she’s chosen, such thoughts will continue to play a prominent role in the reality Jane is creating for herself:)

TPS6 Deleted Session June 8, 1981 Cec Curt cheesecake Ellspeth Saturday

(A week or so ago Jane had invited the Lords, Cec and Jim, to the house for last Saturday evening. Saturday morning, then, as I was in Robinson’s lumber for parts for Jane’s chair, I met Curt Kent, who used to work with Cec and myself at Artistic; I haven’t seen Curt for perhaps two years, Cec since last Christmas. Jane also invited the Weissenbuehlers Saturday evening. When Jane called, Ellspeth told her she’d been working at fixing up or restoring an old chair—as I was working with an old chair for Jane. [...]

(Jane was quite relaxed as she told me she wanted a session at about 8 PM. [...] Frank Longwell had visited at noon, and I’d showed him the new chair I’d made for Jane, based on his design. [...]

[...] “Just for kicks,” I told Jane, “I almost asked Seth to say something about Israel and Iraq, but I didn’t....” [...] “The Iranians must be jumping for joy,” I said to Jane when I first saw the headlines in the newspaper. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 616, September 20, 1972 Willy examine psychoanalysis channel beliefs

[...] I also believe that Jane uses its energy when we hear it in the house during sessions. [...] Jane described her own similar, intense concerns in high school and college. [...]

(“Over here now,” Jane said, designating her upper left, “is Seth on what you were just saying about peer groups — how young people feel it’s so important to fit in with their own kind, and why. [...] Jane laughed. [...]

[...] The possibility had been indicated often: witness Seth’s ability to discuss a variety of subjects with the members of a group, even if they were strangers to Jane. [...] Jane promptly agreed to resume book work.

TES4 Session 186 September 8, 1965 stamps depicted test tavern diverted

[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Seth said no more about the results of the test, and in view of Jane’s state I thought it best not to query him about it tonight.

[...] I could speculate that Jane’s constant nagging at herself to begin another project was stubborn, in that she refused to relax. [...] 3 6 is Jane’s age, but we discount this also.

(Ever since mailing in the finished manuscript of her ESP book Jane has been very restless. [...]

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

(Jane and I had an interesting little adventure this evening. Jane walked to our neighborhood store while I set to work typing. [...] On a scrap piece of paper I wrote down: “Jane is at the Piper’s. 6:45 PM.” [...]

(Jane returned at 7:05 PM, and confirmed my thought. [...] She recalled mentioning my name often in conversation with Mary Piper, particularly to the effect that I might be concerned because she, Jane, did not return promptly. [...]

(Yesterday, Tuesday, Jane suffered no apparent psychic fatigue from her prolonged trance state of last Monday. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 22, 1984 drought brand vitamin rasping hydro

[...] I read Jane the last book dictation she’d given 15 days ago, actually, on February 7. Hard to believe. At 4:09 Jane was given her next dosage of vitamin C — Jeff had changed the hours for some reason.

[...] Jane had already taken her glasses off, saying she could see better without them. [...] Jane’s Seth voice was quieter than usual, and had a hoarse or rasping quality to a mild degree.)

(4:32 p.m. Jane wanted a cigarette, even though smokes make her cough. [...] Jane had “no idea that he was going into that weather stuff.” [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 7, 1984 body negative priceless Dana knower

(In between all of this activity, when we were alone for quiet moments, I mentioned a question to Jane that I’d thought of last night; I hoped Seth might go into it, I said. The question had been triggered by a sentence of mine in the notes for yesterday’s session, to the effect that I sometimes wondered why Jane’s body, particularly her body consciousness, didn’t simply take over to “even a more profound degree, and see to it that her physical body healed itself even more rapidly so that we could get out” of the hospital. Jane had had an emotional reaction, I’d noticed, when she read that line aloud yesterday, and it set me thinking.

[...] Dana came in to empty Jane’s catheter bag, or Foley, as everyone calls it. Shawn took her temperature at 3:20 — 98.5; and at 3:45 Lynn gave Jane eyedrops.

(4:36 p.m. “It’s me,” Jane said. [...] Jane agreed. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 25, 1984 Bible paternal Maude elders orally

[...] Jane was on her back. [...]

(I also told Jane about the entertaining time I’d had this morning checking Biblical genealogies, preparatory to the note I want to write for Chapter 5 of Dreams. [...]

(Jane ate a good lunch. [...]

DEaVF1 Preface by Seth: Private Session, September 13, 1979 Iran animals Mitzi religious Mass

As of last May, when she laid it aside to begin work on her own The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto, Jane had some 17 chapters in fairly good shape for her third Seven novel, Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time. By now she’s written 15 chapters, rough first draft, for God of Jane, and done notes for a number of others, out of a total of perhaps 25; she knows she’ll return to Seven when she’s through with the much more personal God of Jane. [...] Jane would especially like to do another book of poetry, since she published Dialogues of the Soul and Mortal Self in Time way back in 1975. [...]

Emir is Jane’s children’s book—or the one for “readers of all ages,” as she puts it. At the same time, Tam Mossman, Jane’s editor at Prentice-Hall, is trying to find out whether the Dutch edition of Seth Speaks has been published. [...] The author wrote in English, and her appreciation of the work Jane and I are trying to do is amazingly similar to certain letters we receive from readers here at home. [...] We know the mail from European readers will very gradually increase, just as it did after Jane published The Seth Material in the United States in 1970.)

(Seth actually began his Preface for this book, Dreams, “Evolution,” and Value Fulfillment, with the next, 881st session, which Jane delivered for him 12 days later [on September 25]. I chose to present this private session first because in it Seth offers certain information about Jane and me that I think applies to all of our work with him, through the session and books, and to our own separate creative lives as well. Especially do I like to interpret his material tonight as meaning that Jane is “a psychic or a mystic,” for to me, at least, this means that in this physical life she’s chosen to penetrate as deeply as she can the depths of reality, or consciousness.

TES4 Session 196 October 6, 1965 sig Bill office upstairs layout

(Jane, as Seth, smiled as she referred to Dr. Instream. Jane does know the suspected cat food, which is a combination of liver and fish. The worry referred to above concerns Jane’s interest in her ESP book; it took her publisher some time to let her know he was reading it, and as seen in the 195th session Jane finally telephoned the publisher to get the final okay on the book. [...]

[...] Since this was not done however, I mentioned it to Jane before this evening’s session. Jane said she had also thought of it. To avoid interruptions we used the back room, although Jane prefers the larger front room. [...]

(For the envelope test this evening I chose a piece of an old furniture label that Jane and I had peeled from the back of a bureau a couple of weeks ago. [...] Since it was lying unobtrusively among my things on a shelf I thought Jane had not been aware of it. [...]

TES4 Session 195 October 4, 1965 Lorraine Asheville dreamer Marleno breakage

(Jane smiled as she spoke. [...] Jane and I soon noticed that Seth did not refer to Lorraine very often, even when she was a witness, and have speculated about the reasons for this. By contrast we have obtained a good deal more information about the Gallaghers, and Jane has been aware of better “contacts” somehow in relation to them. [...]

(This afternoon Jane called her publisher, Frederick Fell, and was pleased to learn that he liked her ESP book very much. [...] Jane was also curious to hear Mr. Fell’s voice, to see what impressions she might pick up.

(The last sessions in which Seth dealt with Jane’s ESP book were the 178th and the 180th. [...] All of his statements concerning Jane’s writing sales have proved out so far. [...]

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