Results 181 to 200 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

(To recap: after supper tonight Jane told me she felt “warm.” [...] Now Jane was warm and more relaxed than usual. [...] Jane told me later that after I left she began to get very strong feelings that the phone was going to ring, with some exceptionally good news for us. [...] These feelings became so strong that Jane wrote out a description of them.

(Jane’s head moved rhythmically from side to side very slightly as she sat slumped in her rocker, eyes closed. [...] Jane paused at 10:15. [...]

(A note: Jane received a letter from Richard Bach the next day. [...] This is covered in Jane’s predictions and material received before the session tonight.)

TES9 Session 507 November 10, 1969 test detail antagonistic torn inclinations

[...] Both pertained to Jane’s book on the Seth material, which she is just finishing. [...] Jane is dealing with both of these points in Chapter Eight of her book.

[...] [Hiding it in the studio while my eyes were closed, etc.] Yet when Seth, through Jane, gave the test results, much accurate data was given concerning the full page that lay in the back room, as well as the actual small envelope object in Jane’s hand during the session. [...]

(By this I meant to ask Seth if he planned to dictate a chapter, or at least a few pages, for Jane’s book on the material. Jane and I have talked about this before. [...]

TES8 Session 420 July 1, 1968 Bernard letter Dr temperature statement

Robert and Jane operated in a vacuum, since he did not tell them anything regarding the tests, negative or favorable. [...] Dr. Instream will give a statement I believe, as to Robert and Jane’s character, the quality of the Seth material itself, and the fact that no fraud of any kind is involved.

[...] Jane retained a little memory, as before, of the material’s content. [...] Jane is personally quite sensitive to heat.

(Seth’s last words, above, really mean that in his opinion Jane had been in trance long enough at this time. He would have continued answering questions had I asked them, but Jane would have found it tiring. [...]

TES5 Session 226 January 24, 1966 John Cleveland McKeown Searle Hilton

(I was somewhat dubious about Jane’s hypnosis attempts since we haven’t had time to do much work in this direction lately. But Jane said she felt like it, and the Gallaghers insisted that she try. [...] Both Bill and Peggy said they thought they could have done better had Jane taken more time with her induction, yet Jane’s approach had been quite leisurely; thus time appeared to have been compressed for them.

(Jane achieved partial success with Bill on two attempts. [...] Bill was unable to open his eyes and developed good amnesia in his left hand, these being the tests Jane used to show him something about the trance state. However he was not able to speak during either session, and came out of the state both times when Jane asked him to answer questions. [...]

(Nor was Peggy able to speak during her first session and left the state when Jane began to ask her questions. On the second attempt Jane succeeded quite well by using a more authoritative approach. [...] Peggy attained a deep enough state to show no reaction when Jane placed our cat, Willy, on her stomach as she lay on the divan. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1983 Steve tray butter foot left

[...] Dawn did all Jane’s vitals; pulse 88—a bit slow, she said, since Jane’s is usually fast, up around 100, which is “normal” for her—temperature 98.1—up a little—and blood pressure, about 120 over 68, which is also very good. [...]

[...] I read the session to Jane before turning her over. [...] As I massaged her with Oil of Olay I told Jane that I’d stopped giving her body specific suggestions—say, that a hand could open up—because according to Seth’s material the body had its own order and schedule for showing improvements, and I’d become wary of giving suggestions that might conflict with that schedule. [...]

[...] Jane had her catheter changed this morning after hydro, following a big BM after midnight last night. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 5, 1983 pillow noises left unconscious ginger

(Now I told her that re Seth’s session for me yesterday, I’d tried using his suggestions when I went to bed, and that they worked well, in that I stopped worrying about Jane. [...] But I’d presented myself with a clear little demonstration that Seth had been right, and that I should tell myself that Jane was being healed, and that I didn’t have to worry. [...] I would say to myself when I found myself worrying about her: “Jane is being healed. [...]

(When I got to 330 Jane was lying on her left side with a pillow under her left leg, as well as the sponge between her knees. This system had been suggested by Toni, and seemed to work well, since it helped minimize the pressure on Jane’s left shoulder. [...]

(After a good lunch Jane tried to read yesterday’s session. [...] I worked on mail while it was running, but couldn’t help Jane with a session, exercises, and so forth until it was over. [...]

TES7 Session 296 October 24, 1966 Marjorie Ward Bill blue Buck

[...] Jane said this stems from the last time she personally saw Marjorie; this was perhaps five weeks ago when Jane was job hunting; this activity of Jane crops up later in the data also. Jane stopped at The Art Shop to buy me a pint can of gesso. Marjorie told Jane to help herself because she was not too familiar with the location of all the stock.

(The envelope object was a bill I had received this afternoon for art supplies, and which Jane had never seen. Jane does know the proprietor of the Art Shop, Marjorie Buck, who made out the bill. [...]

[...] Jane knows her fairly well. [...] Jane has used the hole/grave nomenclature several times in the past to refer to deaths; it is a regular association of hers.

TES5 Session 232 February 9, 1966 photo Ezra twisted table envelope

[...] Jane had not been aware that he would consider poetry. Mr. Fell also asked to see the manuscript on the Seth material,and told Jane some of the plans he had for publicizing her ESP book, due to be published this May. [...] Mr. Fell also told Jane she may appear on some radio and/or TV shows; this has been Jane’s idea also. Summing up, the publisher told Jane that once the ESP book is on the market and her name begins to be known through publicity, it will help the sales of future books considerably—namely the Seth material.

(For the record: In the 227th and 228th sessions Seth discussed the book of poetry Jane produced so quickly by using suggestions for abundant energy, and told us the book would be published. Jane had also finished the first third of her book on the Seth material itself, and felt it ready to send out.

(Mr. Fell asked Jane to make a tape of her poems to send along with the manuscript, since he enjoyed her telephone reading. [...] Jane will be waiting to hear.

TES5 Session 219 January 3, 1966 Lorraine Bunn test box Mansfield

(Lorraine handed me her envelope while Jane was out of the room; thus Jane did not see it before the test. [...] I did not mention to either Jane or Lorraine whether I had planned a test for tonight. [...] Jane didn’t comment on it and I let the matter rest.

(At break Jane mentioned something that had been on her mind. [...] Jane now wondered whether I would try to be tricky, and perhaps keep Lorraine’s envelope for a later test, while giving her the usual envelope that I had prepared. Jane took it for granted that I had a test envelope ready also. [...]

(As stated before Jane was somewhat nervous this evening, resuming sessions and tests after the vacation. [...] Jane caught herself at once, she now said, in order to prevent possible distortions growing out of this thought. [...] She completely cut off her own associations; this ability to discriminate, Seth has told us, is very important, and will grow steadily on Jane’s part.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 19, 1983 lunch shoulders straighten hydro foot

[...] Jane told me that in hydro this morning she’d felt new movement in her right leg—the broken one—that it both tried to move more, and to straighten out more. [...]

[...] Jane had a cigarette while waiting to see what she’d do next. [...]

[...] Jane’s body most definitely seems to be concentrating on its upper half, as it did yesterday, with only light motions in a leg or foot, say. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto

[...] In 330 later, I left Jane to visit Medical Records again, but got nowhere because I missed seeing Janet Troutt, who’s getting Jane’s records for both ourselves and Blue Cross. I called from 330 at 4:01, during Jane’s break in the session, and again failed to make any meaningful contact. [...]

[...] Susie came in to take Jane’s temperature—96.8—and pulse. Two minutes later, after I’d pushed the door shut, Jane began speaking for Seth.)

[...] I got a few things done, missed out on some others, and Jane did a few exercises and had a little session. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving Gail turkey Judy pranks

(I’d ordered a turkey dinner to go with Jane’s. They weren’t bad, although my pie was left off the order. [...] Jane had a little trouble with the turkey, which wasn’t the tenderest in the world, and ate a lot of dressing and gravy instead. [...]

(I massaged Jane with Oil of Olay after I turned her, took my nap, checked the TV programs for the evening, said the prayer with her, and left at about 7:05. [...] “I do have a lot to be thankful for,” Jane said, and I agreed. [...]

(Jane said she knew I wasn’t doing that, and she agreed with what I’d just ranted on about. [...] Jane agreed. [...]

TES5 Session 222 January 12, 1966 car Loren Railroader garage Lois

(Jane said that Seth’s reference to Lois put her back on the right track as far as subsequent data went. There was a fine distinction to be made here, since both Lois and my brother were involved taking pictures of Jane for the same purpose: Jane’s ESP book. Thus Seth and Jane worked very well together here. Also note another example of cooperation, wherein Jane contributed accurately with her connection to a disturbing event, and Seth said this was Jane’s idea.

[...] When Jane and I were on our way to the home of the Gallaghers, who live on top of a steep and long hill outside Elmira, the car lost power, then stalled out on the hill. It was after dark, the road was slippery with snow; I had to back down the hill while Jane lighted the way with a flashlight, until I found a driveway. [...]

(Jane and I walked to a nearby station for gasoline but the car still wouldn’t start; consequently the garage had to tow the car in for repairs. [...] Nor had Jane noticed it on.

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

(Seth calls Jane “Ruburt” during trances, and also “he,” referring then to the sum of Jane’s reincarnations. The halt, above, refers to Jane’s laying aside the book for Doubleday for the moment, and her decision to begin work on a book on the Seth material itself.)

(When the additional energy began to manifest itself after break, Jane said it seemed another channel opened up, a great energy. [...] Yet Jane’s trance was very obviously an excellent one. Now however, all Jane remembered was that the voice said she was reaching beyond the usual Seth personality.

[...] Jane’s eyes stayed closed while she shook her head from side to side. [...] This receiving of more data as she comes out of trance is a sign, a recent one, that Jane’s trance was deep.

TES8 Session 395 February 26, 1968 muffled transposition Peggy breakthrough chin

[...] In the second effect, Jane said she felt a distinct trembling in her chin as it was lowered against her chest, but Peg and I hadn’t observed this. Jane likened it to perhaps the trembling of an old man’s chin, and this is in character with the old man’s voice we heard. Jane knew the voice was muffled and strained; it was a completely new experience for her.

(Today Jane got the idea for her next book, following the dream book, just completed. [...] It should be noted here that the dream book was rejected last week by the first publisher to see it, Doubleday; but oddly enough Jane feels the idea was at least partly sparked, for the new book, by this rejection.)

(During first break I had mentioned being curious about what Jane’s eyes really see, or are aware of, when they are open during a trance. From scatterings of data Seth had given in the past I thought Jane’s eyes, even though wide open, did not see others present as they were, as physical entities, but perhaps as electromagnetic personalities.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 920, October 6, 1980 magical Iran schizophrenia approach debased

Bill Baker left soon after learning that Jane no longer holds her ESP classes. The episode reminded us once again that many of our visitors are seeking help of one kind or another, and that we hadn’t had the remotest idea that this would be the case when Jane began her psychic development late in 1963. Sometimes we’re not sure whether the people are simply rebelling against the help offered by establishment disciplines [especially when that “help” is partially or wholly ineffective], or are more aware than most that some individuals, like Jane, have other “psychic” dimensions of personality that can be asked for information. Yet, I told Jane, look at the excellent letters we’ve recently received from psychiatrists, mathematicians, and “ordinary” folk engaged in a variety of endeavors.

2. When Jane and I married on December 27, 1954, we promised each other that neither one of us would interfere with the other’s creative approach to life, no matter what resulted from the actions we individually chose. [...] Nine years were to pass before Jane began coming through with the Seth material. [...] Yet as the years passed I still had to learn the obvious—that Jane’s creative powers are inextricably a part of her whole approach to life, including her symptoms. [...] Jane even agrees with me that she’s a very stubborn lady—albeit an extremely creative one—who’s determined to go her own way.

Jane doesn’t often refer to such world events in her notes and journals, but we often talk about them. [...] I mailed the finished manuscripts for Mass Events and God of Jane to our publisher on July 2 and 18 respectively. During those times, however, I was extremely sorry to note that Jane’s physical symptoms—her difficulties “walking” and performing other routine tasks—were obviously becoming much worse.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

(At this writing, October 3, Tam has expressed his desire to contract Jane now for Adventures In Consciousness. Jane has the manuscript half done, perhaps. [...] Jane had no plans to show him the manuscript. [...] After supper Jane said to me, in effect: “I don’t know how we do it. [...]

(Last Saturday Jane and I visited Cec and Jim Lord, at their trailer home in Westover Hills, Pine Valley. We saw their newborn daughter, Jacqueline Ann, about whose birth Jane had given Cec some accurate predictions. It was there that Jane and I danced; the first time, Jane said, since Marathon, Florida, last February.

(During the 618th session, which Dick and Eleanor witnessed, and during which I manifested the Nebene characteristics by quizzing Jane about reincarnational data for Dick and Eleanor, Jane also “saw” Nebene by my chair—as she had on the previous occasion some months ago when Sue Watkins was present. This time, Jane said, Nebene had changed; his face was less pinched and narrow and demanding, more open, etc.)

TES6 Session 266 June 9, 1966 eagle moose bending object tag

[...] As soon as she opened the double envelope and saw the front of the object, Jane announced that the picture thereon was of a moose. [...] Jane insisted the drawing represented a moose; she interpreted the spread of the eagle’s wings as stylized antlers. [...] It was easy for us to agree that Jane saw a moose instead of an eagle because she wanted to. [...]

[...] Jane, John and I then journeyed to the home of the Gallaghers, where the session was to be held. When unexpected company arrived at the Gallaghers shortly before 9 PM however, Jane and I put the session off until tonight.

[...] Jane was out as usual. [...] Jane now said the storm hadn’t bothered her, so this fact may account for it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 15, 1984 Margaret chicken squeezed throat Heimlich

(Jane picked up on this, for she said that I would disapprove. [...] I thought that tomorrow we could do something about that, then realized that Jim Baker, our optometrist, was due after 2:00 p.m. to deliver the two new pair of glasses he’d examined Jane for some time ago. That was prime time for us to try free association, yet Jane had to have the glasses.

(Just as I turned Jane on her side after the session, our neighbor Joe Bumbalo — who is very ill with cancer — called to invite me to share Chinese food and rhubarb pie with him and his wife, Margaret. I didn’t get to their house until after 7:30 because I’d been trying to help Jane get more comfortable. [...] And in bed that night, I wondered what would have happened to Jane had I not survived …)

[...] Jane’s Seth voice was stronger than usual. [...] I described the effect, and added a drawing of it, in Jane’s Adventures in Consciousness, which was published in 1975. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session May 14, 1982 nurse Upjohn Eleanor Roe visits

(One thing that led to our decision to cut down the visits was that I felt that often Jane seemed worse after the nurses left than she was before they arrived, although her being stirred up for a couple of hours may have contributed to my feeling. [...] One of them, Eleanor, visited Jane the last two Mondays and Tuesdays. [...] [She told Jane she’s had five operations herself.] Jane got so that when Eleanor was here she was constantly saying “no, no, no” to herself as the nurse talked, in order to protect herself from that steady barrage.

[...] By last night, however, Jane had picked up some encouraging messages from Seth, which she relayed partially to me. I said I wished she’d made notes, which upset Jane because she thought I should have been glad she got the material to begin with, whether or not it was written down. [...] I thought that tonight Jane wanted to try for a short session in order to get that material recorded.

[...] Jane didn’t know, though I didn’t think she was. [...] Actually, I regard the attitudes and beliefs of her sinful self as the key to Jane’s recovery, since better attitudes there will leave her free to automatically restore mobility, both physically and psychologically. Hopefully, this new synthesis is taking place now, and will accelerate as Jane responds. [...]

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