Results 1041 to 1060 of 1825 for stemmed:jane

TPS2 Deleted Session August 2, 1972 compliments concentration perform worrying dancing

(“Come on,” Jane said at 9:05, as she waited for Seth to come through. We’d sat for the session at 8:50, when Jane said she was ready. [...]

(Finally at 9:15 Jane “felt Seth around.” [...]

(At the supper table Jane expressed a fear that, although both of us are well aware of it, she seldom mentions: that she won’t be able to recover, that the symptoms have gone too far, have been around too long for full recovery, etc. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 820, February 13, 1978 Framework technique art monotony vaster

(At lunch today I suggested to Jane that she put together a short book on the Frameworks 1 and 2 material Seth has given us since he introduced that concept in a private session last September 17, 1977. [...] I thought Jane might consider such a book project along with her other work. [...]

(This morning I mailed to Prentice-Hall the eighth and last chapter of Jane’s book, Emir’s Education in the Proper Use of Magical Powers.

(Jane showed more interest in my idea than I’d thought she would, and spent the afternoon going over those private sessions. [...]

TPS3 Session 684 (Deleted Portion) February 20, 1974 paperback Seven worry optimum alone

[...] Before the session I had asked that Seth discuss Jane’s difficulty with mobility in her arms, especially of late.

(As a matter of fact, Jane received the first copy of the Seth Speaks paperback in the mail today.)

(“How is Seven going to do?” I was trying to get some good news to cheer Jane up. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

[...] With hardly a pause, Seth-Jane switched over to some material for me; the session ended at 11:16 P.M. Jane’s trances had been excellent throughout the evening.)

(I finished typing last Wednesday night’s session after supper this evening; in fact, Jane just had time to read it before we sat for this one at 8:50.

[...] Jane’s voice had very gradually increased to a near-normal volume.)

TPS3 Deleted Session June 27, 1977 expression love verbally stomach unrealistic

[...] Jane’s pace throughout had been good, and limited only by my own writing speed. [...] I didn’t see how the insights could be better, I told Jane, and will try hard to implement them. [...] I think that Seth’s expression for me of my feelings toward Jane were most accurate and penetrating—the kind of information one could spend months acquiring with the help of others, say. [...]

(My discussion upset Jane, of course, as she made ready for tonight’s session, and I was left feeling angry and taken advantage of. I also felt that Jane was largely unconcerned by the foreign rights questions, and to me this was rather inconceivable, if such a word can be so qualified.

(I had three questions for Seth, following my promise at the end of the last deleted session to come up with some—and Jane had two. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 586, July 24, 1971 Christ Paul historical Saul zealot

[...] There were many factors behind the long layoff: Jane’s sheer need for rest; problems and questions of our own that we had wanted to deal with, but had put off for a long time; some work with others; a vacation; and the acquisition of several more rooms across the hall from our original apartment. Jane held ESP classes for some of this time, though, and gave a few sessions within that format.

(Jane preferred that Seth simply start in where he had left off on the chapter — a feat I was sure he was quite capable of. [...]

[...] Jane’s trance had been good. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 742 April 16, 1975 Atlantis civilizations selfhood legend ruins

[...] “I’ve been doing this book for so long by now,” Jane commented, “that I don’t know if it’s a great big sprawling thing without any order, or what. [...] Out of habit, Jane — and consequently Seth — still talked about “Unknown” Reality as being one entity, even though just five days ago we’d learned from her editor that it would be published in two volumes.

(I read to Jane the few paragraphs of material Seth had given on Atlantis. [...] “He’s got more on it, too,” Jane said now, but she didn’t go back into trance.

(The tenor of Seth’s material tonight led me to think that he was close to finishing “Unknown” Reality, but since Jane evidently didn’t feel that way I said nothing about it. [...]

TES9 Session 466 March 10, 1969 Tom Virginia Milligans banking merger

(The session was witnessed by Virginia and Tom Milligan, both of whom are members of Jane’s ESP class. [...]

[...] Jane had felt the need for a rest. [...]

[...] Jane left trance rather easily. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session January 18, 1971 trivial hopelessness fears anger evokes

[...] Jane has had ESP class sessions in the interim however, but our private activity had deteriorated to practically zero. [...]

(Jane had become very frightened a couple of days ago to realize she was becoming quite apathetic. [...]

[...] Seth insisted that the answers re Jane’s symptoms, and my own contributing attitudes, had already been given in past sessions, but were not being followed.

TPS6 Deleted Session January 7, 1981 festivals Salvador orientation magical celebration

[...] “Well, I’m waiting,” I said to Jane, joking, at 9:17. [...] “Force it,” I said at 9:20, still joking, and Jane protested in good humor. [...]

(Jane was bleary—really “out of it”—when she said that she’d try for a session at 8:55. [...]

[...] Jane was still very relaxed, even during the session her eyes had closed often as she spoke for Seth, or she had stared at me beneath very heavy lids.)

TES9 Session 492 July 7, 1969 Pietra heightened thrashing period barrier

[...] During break I described for Jane a very vivid dream I had on Sunday evening, July 6, 1969. It was almost a nightmare—in fact Jane woke me out of it to prevent this seeming reaction on my part, I was fairly sure the dream concerned my father’s approaching death, but certain elements in it were similar enough to Seth’s suggestions about contacting Dr. Pietra, above, to make me tell Jane about it—on the off chance the dream had been more than it seemed.

(9:40—Jane was out of trance easily, but said that Seth was here strongly tonight, even though her voice and delivery were rather average. But Jane said that when Seth is really here she feels a “certain energy” about her that is intensified over ordinary sessions. [...]

(“Could Jane see him?”)

TPS6 Jane’s Dream/Notes April 12, 1981 adulteress disclaimer ok liar wicked

April 12 have a “dream” that a man is talking to me about Mass Events primarily, saying that he’s seen a copy and there is nothing about the disclaimer to anger me, that it’s ok, and then mentioning God of Jane. [...]


TPS5 Session 899 (Deleted Portion) February 6, 1980 dragons erroneous pronouncements breakthroughs dampen

(9:58) A note: Ruburt is making some important connections, as he is involved with his book now (The God of Jane). [...]

[...] “I can’t remember the session now, but I think I covered everything I got from him yesterday and today,” Jane said. [...]

(I hadn’t felt especially good at various times today, and hadn’t been very communicative about it with Jane. [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

[...] Seth, above, seems to say that the pyramid of lights Jane saw was a dream image, that she did not see when she awoke. Yet Jane woke me at the time and told me she had just seen an apparition, while awake. [...]

(Tonight’s session was late because of the discussion Jane and I had beforehand.)

[...] Jane’s pace had indeed been slower than recently. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

(Jane called me early for the session, just to make sure she had one before she became too relaxed. [...]

[...] And for the first time in a long while, Jane did take a break during a session. [...]

[...] “In the winter I like to start sessions earlier,” Jane said, “so I can finish sooner and watch TV for half an hour—it’s relaxing and cozy, especially when we’re alone…. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 5, 1978 Framework stimulated pendulum walking impediments

(This morning, following the suggestions Seth gave in the session Saturday night, Jane and I embarked upon a new program of suggestion through using the pendulum, writing down feelings, and so forth. [...] Jane has already written her first page of feelings; among other items, it concerned her feelings about the delays on Emir, and her sleeping for a couple of hours this afternoon.

[...] They have to do with the way Jane reacts to the world through her mystical nature —something we seldom consider, if ever; and any possible inhibiting factors in her behavior that might have been set up after the psychic business started. [...] I wondered if Jane’s sitting on such desires, unexpressed, could have resulted in some of her fears of scorn and criticism, etc.

[...] Above all, it appears to be vital that we have faith and confidence that the body knows what it’s doing, and that Jane’s healing processes continue. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session April 9, 1980 spider artist web esthetic acclaim

[...] Actually I’m trying a number of different painting approaches, and think I got sidetracked into too much experimentation, so as I told Jane I’m sure painting is involved in my upsets. However, at various times the pendulum has given me all kinds of other reasons for my physical ills: taxes, money, Jane’s symptoms, success and failure—the works, one might say. [...]

(This is the first session we’ve had since March 6. I think Jane held it only because I haven’t been feeling well for several weeks. [...]

(For the past week we’ve been trying a “new” treatment for Jane’s symptoms —one we read about recently, and which involves the application of cold packs to her knees and hands for starters. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session March 2, 1976 Andrija resiliency teeth indispositions lapses

(Incidentally, Andrija’s call came late Sunday morning as Jane and I were eating breakfast and reading the paper. Jane picked the phone up after the first ring. [...] I told Jane about my “hunch” immediately after the call; hence, long before her very successful voicing of Seth, Sumari, etc. [...]

[...] Andrija recorded Jane, Seth, and Sumari—all of which saw Jane coming through at her best. [...]

(I also asked that Seth comment on Jane’s teeth, and on the “bug,” or whatever, that I’d been really bothered by for the last two weeks. Jane hadn’t been at her best either, although she felt much better than I had. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

(When I mentioned a session to Jane finally she said she didn’t really feel like it; she was getting relaxed, “really out of it,” and I could tell she’d rather not do it. [...] Then as I sat making notes, Jane called in to me that she felt better, that she’d try a session after all. [...]

(At 10 PM I asked Jane if she felt like having a session. [...]

[...] I’d taken to giving myself suggestions each morning upon arising, before calling Jane, and these had helped. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

(An aside: Jane said that toward the end of her delivery she’d been bothered by traffic noise. [...] We do intend to move out of our two apartments early next year, as soon as I finish the illustrations for Jane’s Dialogues — that is, we’re going to start looking for a house we can buy.

[...] The year was 1953, and I’d just met Jane. My mother was 61 years old, I was 34, and Jane was 24. [...]

[...] They’re of islands,” Jane said at 9:40. [...]

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