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TPS6 Deleted Session July 27, 1981 pleasure responsibility irresponsibility frivolous adolescent

[...] As I asked Paul O’Neill last month: “How do you be objective about something when you’re inside of it?”)

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 901, February 18, 1980 optometrist lenses snake glasses waken

[...] When she lay down for a nap yesterday afternoon she picked up from Seth hints of subjects he’s going to discuss in Dreams: “man migrations,” and “inside and outside cues” as pertaining to man’s consciousness. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 563, December 9, 1970 outposts caves Pyrenees Lumanian drawings

The caves, again, served as doorways opening outward, and often what seemed to be the back of a cave was instead constructed of a material opaque from the outside but transparent from the inside. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973 earthquakes unstable chemicals storms excesses

[...] You are inside the body of the earth in those terms. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

The universe is the natural extension of divine creativity and intent, lovingly formed from the inside out (underlined)—so there was consciousness before there was matter, and not the other way around.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 617, September 25, 1972 core beliefs invisible reinforce illness

[...] They flew low, I thought, their formation unbalanced — one tail of their inverted V was much longer than the other; inside the V, as though being protected, flew a small group that was not in formation.

TES6 Session 268 June 15, 1966 vertical page cat monogram object

[...] However it is also very similar to an experience in which the individual feels himself inside of a concept.

[...] When you experience clearly(smile), when you explore the inside of a concept, you act it out. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 19, 1983 Phyllis Pete Fred infirmary Steve

[...] So does life work from the inside outward, and Ruburt’s situation is such that further improvements in motion and sensation will continue to show themselves with smoothness and rapidity. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 6 Tuesday, April 20, 1982 candidate joints hospital surgical replacement

[...] “Do you want to spend the rest of your life inside, in a wheelchair? [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 4, 1972 wheelchair knees devil re giant

[...] They were inside my knees, with hoses, washing out my knees with crystal clear, pure water. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 827, March 13, 1978 heredity council Emir character counsel

[...] However, this proof doesn’t contain the copy that Tam will prepare for the inside flaps and the back of the jacket.1)

SDPC Part One: Chapter 2 poems peach moons aesthetic poetry

I shall never be adult
But I am growing wise
Like some crazy holy child
With ghosts inside its head.

TPS1 Session 478 (Deleted) April 28, 1969 pluck weeds pen desire sell

[...] He should not spend any day entirely inside, as you know. [...]

TPS2 Session 599 (Deleted Portion) December 8, 1971 montella alphabet language cordella dyniah

If new ambrya—think of embryo now—(in parentheses now:) data were to be inserted into a painting, a completed painting, from the inside, then all the relationships within the painting would change. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 units fluctuates poised blink selectivity

Now: These units of consciousness (CU’s) move faster than the speed of light, then — but that statement itself is meaningless in a way, since the units exist outside as well as inside the framework in which light itself has meaning.

UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

(On Friday, February 21, Jane and I not only saw the hill house from the inside for the first time — but decided to buy it. [...]

TES9 Session 422 July 10, 1968 protein poem spontaneous overtime reserves

[...] She was aware of feeling strong energy, she said, as she does when she seems to be inside the voice. [...]

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] But material awareness and bodily response to it would be impossible were it not for these internal webworks … I am saying that all exterior events, including your own bodies with their insides, all objects, all physical materializations, are the outside structures of inside ones that are composed of interior sound and invisible light, interwoven in electromagnetic patterns.

[...] As I show at the end of this appendix, Seth allows for a much greater range of simultaneous origins; in our reality these imply growth and development out of that “basic” group of species for the most part, with multidimensional purposes operating inside an enhanced time scheme that includes probabilities, reincarnation, counterparts,22 precognition, and other concepts, meanings, and beliefs. [...] Probabilities aside, when Seth talks about cells [or their components] recombining as parts of plant or animal forms, as he does in the 705th session, Jane and I don’t take that to mean the evolution, or alteration, of one species into another — but that a unity of consciousness pervades all elements in our environment, whether “alive” or “dead.” With the concept of probabilities in mind, however, much of the “thrust for development and change” that Seth also mentions as existing inside all organisms, could just as well take place in those other realities. [...]

[...] Wisdom shows you the insides of facts, so to speak, and the realities from which facts emerge.

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 511, January 21, 1970 delusion ghost book readers grown

If you believe firmly that your consciousness is locked up somewhere inside your skull and is powerless to escape it, if you feel that your consciousness ends at the boundary of your body, then you sell yourself short, and you will think that I am a delusion. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] One was a lack of federal certification of the breathing equipment engineers will have to wear inside the building. [...]

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